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Charge to the Implementation Committee on Non-Tenure Track and Instructional Faculty Best Practices

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1 Implementation Committee on Non-Tenure Track and Instructional Faculty Best Practices

2 Charge to the Implementation Committee on Non-Tenure Track and Instructional Faculty Best Practices
While the Provost has primary responsibility for implementing recommendations related to Non-Tenure Track and Instructional Faculty (NTTIF), several recommendations in the NTTIF report require involvement and action by other divisions of the university. The charge to the Implementation Committee is to work with the Provost and other divisions as appropriate to encourage, support, and facilitate discussions and actions that will enhance the professional capacities and academic contributions of Non-Tenure Track Instructional Faculty at CSU Dominguez Hills. Leveraging off of the information provided in the NTTIF Task Force Report, and in consultation with appropriate university personnel, the Implementation Committee will facilitate Task Force recommendations and with the Provost report progress on these recommendations to the president and Academic Senate. Initiatives found in the NTTIF Task Force Report include recruitment, on-boarding and orientation, workplace resources and support (e.g. technology, financial, space), mentoring and professional development, performance evaluation and feedback, and professional status and recognition. The Implementation Committee, within the framework of shared governance, will encourage and monitor the progress of campus constituencies to chart paths for NTTIF support and professional engagement in these areas, along with any additional areas that are identified.

3 Appointed Members of the Implementation Committee:
Co-Chairs: Dr. Kirti Celli and Dr. Keith Boyum AVP of Faculty Affairs and Development: Dr. Jim Hill Non-Tenure-Track Faculty: Dr. Pamela Robinson Dean: To be determined

4 Assignment of Implementation Tasks
Recommendation 1.2 VP Work with H.R. and the CFA toward a Digital Platform for Hiring VP Goodwin and Provost Spagna to work with H.R., I.T., and CFA Recommendation 1.3 Eliminate CSUDH Practice of “Part-Time Full-Time” Lecturers Provost Spagna to investigate Recommendations 2.1 – 2.4 (Academic Depts: Provide a Package of Academic Materials; Educate & Support Dept. Chairs on their Role in Providing Support for NTTF; College or University: Formal Orientation; College or University: Maintain an Online Handbook for NTTF) Provost and Deans AVP of Faculty Affairs and Development

5 Assignment of Implementation Tasks
Recommendation 3.1 Increasing the Number of Full-Time Lecturers among NTTF Provost, Deans, and Chairs Recommendation 3.2 Instructional and Community Resources and Support VP Manriquez and VP Franklin Recommendation 3.3 Community-building support (Co-locate NTTF and TTF in contiguous office spaces within departments) Space committees for short-term/long-term plans Recommendation 4 Recommended Practices for Performance Evaluation and Feedback AVP of FAD guided by Provost Spagna and CFA

6 Assignment of Implementation Tasks
Recommendation 5 Recommended Practices for Mentoring and Career/Professional Development Provost Spagna and Vice Provost Work with FDC Director for Mentoring/Professional Development & NTTF as Experts/Trainers Work with Deans for Mentoring/Professional Development within colleges Research ability for cost sharing with CSU regional 5 for Professional Development Research support from CO Campus membership to National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity Recommendation 6 Recommended Practices for according Professional Status and Recognition Provost, AVP of FAD, FDC Director Academic Senate EPC/FPC Chairs

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