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The SEM Planning Process for Humboldt State University

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Presentation on theme: "The SEM Planning Process for Humboldt State University"— Presentation transcript:

1 The SEM Planning Process for Humboldt State University
December 11, 2017 Tom Green, Ph.D. Lisa Harris, Ph.D.

2 Agenda for today Opening remarks and long-range enrollment targets
The Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) planning process We are Here – data and information on HSU BREAK Small group activity Reflecting on the data and information Broad discussion of enrollment mix and goals

3 Broad Enrollment Targets/Parameters
Humboldt State needs a stable, predictable enrollment Enrollment stability should drive the budgeting process Enrollment number must be data-driven and based on capacity Are we meeting students “where they are”? Importance of retention and recruitment The CSU System has an enrollment target for HSU: 7603 California resident FTES HSU is below the CSU enrollment target Annualized, meaning fall and spring terms together CSU Graduation Initiative 2025 Four-year UG change is moving from 14% to 30% Six-year UG change is moving from 46% to 56%

4 SEM Planning Framework
Tactics Strategies Enrollment Infrastructure Strategic Enrollment Goals Data Collection and Analysis Key Enrollment Indicators Institutional Strategic Plan Sustainable Enrollment Outcomes Bontrager/Green

5 SEM Organizational Framework
Executive Team Institutional strategic plan, approval and champions of strategic enrollment goals and initiatives SEM Steering Committee Long-term enrollment goals, securing the approval of strategies through appropriate institutional channels, communication with Executive Team Recruitment Council Develop 3-4 strategic goals for new student recruitment; review and approve sub-committee action plans; recommend to SEM Steering Committee Retention Council Develop 3-4 strategic goals for retention and graduation; review and approve sub-committee action plans; recommend to SEM Steering Committee 3-4 Sub-Committees Action plans, time lines and metrics for each strategic goal 3-4 Sub-Committees Action plans, time lines and metrics for each strategic goal Data Team Environment scanning, student enrollment behavior research, enrollment models, provide data to councils as needed Green/Bontrager

6 Additional requests, clarifying questions Mid-course adjustments
SEM Process Framework New or revised goals Data gathering and assessment: Internal culture/ environment, student enrollment behaviors and scan of external environment Process steps Performed by Smaller group of staff and faculty adept at economics and data use Use data results to establish focused goals each for recruitment, retention, service, etc., and enrollment projection models Goals recommended by SEM Recruitment and Retention Councils; models developed by Data Team Approve strategic goals and enrollment projection models Executive Team SEM Steering Committee Develop action steps, accountability, and metrics SEM councils and sub-committees Implement action steps Appropriate staff and faculty departments Monitor progress, Report results to campus and executive leadership Chief Enrollment Officer Additional requests, clarifying questions to goals Changes Mid-course adjustments Align institutional strategic plan with broad enrollment targets and desired mix of students Executive Team Green/Bontrager

7 Consultant and University roles
AACRAO Consulting Coach the institution and SEM teams through the process Offer advice and feedback on institution plans, drafts, presentations, etc. Provide guidance on best/leading practices that may apply to HSU’s specific needs and goals Help keep the project on track Humboldt State Take ownership of the process and the plan Ensure representation on SEM Teams Ensure appropriate venues/mechanisms for campus input

8 Team roles Steering Recruitment and Retention teams
Articulate SEM planning with institutional mission, vision, budget and strategic plan(s) Keep the planning process on schedule Foster communication among all teams Recruitment and Retention teams Develop goals – strategies – tactics Recommend at each level/stage to the Steering Committee for review and approval Revise as needed before moving to the next level/stage of the planning process Develop sub-committees if needed to develop strategies and tactics

9 Team roles Data team Develop necessary background data and information to form a clear, concise and accurate picture of Humboldt State’s enrollment history, current environment and future opportunities and challenges in meeting SEM targets Provide ongoing information to planning teams, as needed, to clarify information or environmental conditions for enrollment Develop enrollment models and resulting scenarios that test possible enrollment goals Review suggested measurements and data sources to ensure that they exist and that reporting structures are in place to evaluate the plan’s results over time

10 Data Collection and Preparation, September – October 2017
Create the HSU Data Team Gather external environmental scan information Review internal enrollment behavior data and analyses Set macro enrollment targets Determine SEM team composition

11 Kick-off and Goal Setting: December 2017 – January 2018
Data team presents background information on internal and external environments for enrollment. SEM teams are charged. Set goals: About three focused goals for recruitment/marketing About three focused goals for retention/success/completion

12 Strategies and Tactics: February – March 2018
Develop strategies that support the recruitment and retention goals: Major investments and initiatives required to “move the needle” on enrollment. Following the approval of strategies, developed tactical work plans that support the strategies: Assign accountability for oversight and completion. Set a timeline for milestones and completion. Determine the metrics that will be used to gauge the success of the work plan. Develop reports and reporting structure.

13 Presentation of SEM Plan – April 2018
SEM teams present goals, strategies to the HSU community Brief version of the plan is made available to faculty and staff: Because it is a competitive “playbook” for enrollment, it is uncommon for most institutions to place a detailed plan online or in a place where it may be shared with others. Pivot/transition to implementation and monitoring.

14 Three levels of SEM plan details
Goals The large targets set for enrollment Specific to a segment of the enrollment mix Strategies The major ways in which the institution will focus its energy and resources to achieve long-term results Tactics The details of who, what, when and how the work will be done Assures that each aspect of the plan has accountability

15 Break Time

16 Group work Reflect upon the data and information that was shared with you Identify two or three areas that were remarkable and why What is the right mix of students for Humboldt State? First-time/freshmen Lower-division transfers Upper-division transfers Graduate International Others? Are there any enrollment goals that you can identify at this time?

17 SEM Team Slides Tuesday, December 11, 2017

18 Logistical topics Co-chairs for each team Check-in with Lisa Harris
AACRAO recommends a faculty member and an administrator/staff member serve as co-chairs for each team Check-in with Lisa Harris Start with a conference call with co-chairs every two weeks Can reduce frequency if progress toward milestones is ahead of schedule Communication Internal with each team Notes and task list from each meeting Within HSU Town Hall meetings, website and notices on progress

19 Team roles Steering Recruitment and Retention teams
Articulate SEM planning with institutional mission, vision, budget and strategic plan(s) Keep the planning process on schedule Foster communication among all teams Recruitment and Retention teams Develop goals – strategies – tactics Recommend at each level/stage to the Steering Committee for review and approval Revise as needed before moving to the next level/stage of the planning process Develop sub-committees if needed to develop strategies and tactics

20 Team roles Data team Develop necessary background data and information to form a clear, concise and accurate picture of Humboldt State’s enrollment history, current environment and future opportunities and challenges in meeting SEM targets Provide ongoing information to planning teams, as needed, to clarify information or environmental conditions for enrollment Develop enrollment models and resulting scenarios that test possible enrollment goals Review suggested measurements and data sources to ensure that they exist and that reporting structures are in place to evaluate the plan’s results over time

21 Three levels of SEM plan details
Goals The large targets set for enrollment Specific to a segment of the enrollment mix Strategies The major ways in which the institution will focus its energy and resources to achieve long-term results Tactics The details of who, what, when and how the work will be done Assures that each aspect of the plan has accountability

22 SEM Goals Focused to 2-3 each for recruitment and retention
Identify the enrollment cohort/segment State the current/starting point for the enrollment segment State the desired end state for the enrollment segment Define the time frame in which the gap between current and future states will be closed/met

23 Goal examples Increase the number of new first-time freshmen from 1000 in fall to 1200 in fall 2022. Increase the enrollment of students enrolled in on-campus graduate programs from 1000 in fall 2012 to 1300 in fall 2017. Increase the retention rate of new transfer students from 71% in fall 2017 (for those who entered in fall 2016) to 76% in fall (for those who entered in fall 2021). Increase the six-year graduation rate of first-time freshmen from 46% in 2017 (for the fall 2011 cohort) to 49% in 2022 (for the fall cohort).

24 Strategies The major ways in which the University will organize its time and resources to achieve enrollment goals. These support the enrollment goal by adding more specific detail to the plan. Example: Develop a marketing campaign in the Wabash Valley region targeted to potential graduate students in education, business, public affairs and nursing. Example: Intensify recruiting efforts to underrepresented populations and growing populations. Example: Focus of academic advising shifted from course selection and approval to developmental advising.

25 Tactics The “devil is in the details” of planning. Must include:
The person responsible for the execution of the work. This does not mean that this person works alone but rather that she/he is the one to assure that the work is progressing, as planned. A definition of what will be done. Expected outcomes. A time line of when the work will be done: This likely includes several steps along the way. How progress and outcomes will be reported. To whom progress and outcomes will be reported. Where the data for the measurement resides. Resources required (new or redirected).

26 Frequently asked questions
How often should the teams meet? How should we communicate with each other and with the steering committee? What is the role of sub-committees and how have other universities used them? What will be done with the plan when it is finished? Will we have a role in the plan’s implementation and monitoring, after the plan is written?

27 Data Collection and Preparation, September – October 2017
Create the HSU Data Team Gather external environmental scan information Review internal enrollment behavior data and analyses Set macro enrollment targets Determine SEM team composition

28 Kick-off and Goal Setting: December 2017 – January 2018
Data team presents background information on internal and external environments for enrollment. SEM teams are charged. Set goals: About three focused goals for recruitment/marketing About three focused goals for retention/success/completion

29 Strategies and Tactics: February – March 2018
Develop strategies that support the recruitment and retention goals: Major investments and initiatives required to “move the needle” on enrollment. Following the approval of strategies, developed tactical work plans that support the strategies: Assign accountability for oversight and completion. Set a timeline for milestones and completion. Determine the metrics that will be used to gauge the success of the work plan. Develop reports and reporting structure.

30 Presentation of SEM Plan – April 2018
SEM teams present goals, strategies to the HSU community Brief version of the plan is made available to faculty and staff: Because it is a competitive “playbook” for enrollment, it is uncommon for most institutions to place a detailed plan online or in a place where it may be shared with others. Pivot/transition to implementation and monitoring.

31 Associate Executive Director
Thank you! Tom Green, Ph.D. Associate Executive Director Consulting and SEM Lisa Harris AACRAO Consultant

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