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Rube Goldberg Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Rube Goldberg Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rube Goldberg Project

2 Rube Goldberg Rube Goldberg drew contraptions that make simple tasks into difficult and complicated ones.

3 What is a Rube Goldberg Device?



6 Examples

7 The Rube Goldberg Project
Goal: You must design & build a Rube Goldberg Device that has 10 steps. You must incorporate at least 3 out of 6 simple machines (wheel & axle, pulley, screw, inclined plane, wedge, and lever.)

8 Rules You must use at least 3 different types of simple machines, but may use as many of each as needed. (you may use 3 levers, 2 pulleys, and 1 inclined plane) Must create a blue print that is neatly drawn and labeled using ABC’s to show order of steps from start to finish. The machine must be no larger than 2.5x 2.5 Minimum 10 steps; no maximum Must be repeatable (reset & run again) Must be brought into class (size limit) Should not spend more than $10, use stuff from around the house

9 NO live animals No profane, indecent or lewd expressions Any loose or flying objects must remain within the set boundaries of the machine. This includes but is not limited to drops of water, slivers of balloon, and other small objects. NO flames, hazardous materials, or explosives can be used within the machine. The machine must be SAFE Must be able to fit through the classroom door

10 This project has three parts:
Project Expectations This project has three parts: Blueprint Build Device Present Device in Class

11 Task #1 Blue Print Create a blueprint (cartoon drawing) of your machine. Include the name of your invention Number each step of your machine using ABC’s. On the back of your drawing, explain each step. Also, list the simple machines that you used. (Simple Machines: lever, inclined plane, wheel and axle, screw, wedge, pulley.) A description of how the invention makes life easier in some way. Fill in simple machine chart DUE: November14th No Late Work Accepted. Worth 2 grades

12 Task #2 Build the Device Construct a Rube Goldberg machine which utilizes 3 simple machines, and consists of ten steps. Your machine must complete a task. There can be no human assistance in the process once the machine begins.

13 Task #2 Build the device The machine must be self-contained. In other words, if you are turning on a light switch, you will not be allowed to use the classroom's light, so you must bring in your own switch.

14 Task #2 The classroom chairs, desks, and tables can’t be essential to your project. In other words, if we took your project to the next room, it would work the same. Also, you cannot be part of the machine. For example, you can’t hold pulleys in the air. They must be attached.

15 Possible Materials Possible Materials: string, candle, mousetrap, paper tube, spools, marbles, Legos, dominoes, tinker-toys, Barbie dolls, hot wheels, weights (sinkers), golf balls, Ping-Pong balls

16 Task #2 Due Date Your Completed Machine must be completed and turned in no later than the beginning of your class on Monday December 19th No late work will be accepted. This is worth 4 lab grades.

17 Task #3 Presenting You will explain & present your machine to the class. You will then show how your machine works. BTW your machine will be videotaped! This is worth two lab grade. Presentation day is Monday December 19th

18 FAQ Can I have a partner? What happens if I am absent?
Yes you may have a partner, but choose wisely. If you want to do this project alone you may. What happens if I am absent? Being absent does not excuse you from the project. Have a friend bring the project to school for you.

19 Project Ideas Assemble a hamburger Fold a napkin Feed a small animal
Screw a lid on a jar Prepare a bowl of cereal Turn on a light Turn a page in a book Smash a grape Raise a flag Blow up a balloon Put toothpaste on a brush Set off a party popper Set off an alarm clock Turn on a flashlight

20 Useful Links

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