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The Student and her/his University: Before, During and After Learning Environment in a Broad Perspective Presentation at the conference ”Making the European.

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Presentation on theme: "The Student and her/his University: Before, During and After Learning Environment in a Broad Perspective Presentation at the conference ”Making the European."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Student and her/his University: Before, During and After Learning Environment in a Broad Perspective Presentation at the conference ”Making the European Higher Education Area a Reality: The Role of Students”, Moscow Nov 3, 2006 Lars Ekholm, PhD

2 Outline Join me in a journey with a student from school, into university, onto the labour market and after! Before -Links between school and universities -The age of beginners - Social justice and widened access - The student´s choice of study program

3 Outline (cont´d) During - The classroom learning environment
- The importance of good teachers - Infrastructure: Premises After - Employment statistics, life-long learning, role of laymen

4 Before University (School)
Schools and universities: Harmonious collaboration or separate worlds? Closer links! The age of beginners: 20, 25 or 35? Age matters! Widened access: ”,,, quality HE equally accessible to all…” A Swedish example

5 The Choice of Study Program
A mystery! In theory: Information available at school, universities give correct, easily accessible information, rational decision-making In practice: Influence from parents, friends, media, labour market prospects, individual preferences

6 The Choice of Study Program (cont´d)
What is the responsibility of the university - and of the student? - Univ: Correct information about its provision, also employment rates - Student: Her/his decision. (Go by interest, but do it well!)

7 Classroom Learning Environment
The ideal university learning environment: Well designed curricula, expectations and demands are clear, well trained and dedicated teachers most of them with a PhD, laboratories and classrooms in good shape, library, computing facilities Financing studies: The ideal student can study full-time How far away are we from the ideals? What choices do we make, what priorities?

8 Classroom Learning Environment: Teachers
The proportion of PhDs? 100 %? 50%? The balance between teaching and research for academic staff? The pedagogical training of academic teachers

9 Classroom Learning Environment: Premises
Don´t forget the hardware of university planning: equipment and buildings Good teachers in poor classrooms - or poor teachers in good classrooms?! Investment decisions are important in university management Different models for providing funds: Centralised - decentralised

10 After Graduation Employment statistics: A must
The ex-students´ contributions to curricular changes and improved learning environment As active professionals ex-students return to Alma Mater as part of life-long learning strategy, in another learning environment The professional ex-student is invited to sit on a program board, with prior experience!

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