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Published byChloe Hudson Modified over 6 years ago
Driving member satisfaction across the life cycle
IEEE Region 1 Leadership Workshop: March 2012 Driving member satisfaction across the life cycle Adrienne Hahn Manager, IEEE Membership Marketing & Communications Cathy Downer Manager, MGA Membership Development
Some things to consider before we begin
Slide 2 Some things to consider before we begin - In your opinion, what is the main benefit of joining IEEE? - Do you realize how many benefits IEEE members have? - Can you navigate the IEEE site to find all the member benefits? - Does your section conduct specific programs for practicing engineers? - What benefits of being an IEEE member appeal to students? - Do you think member satisfaction depends on the career stage of a person?
Clarification of terms
Slide 3 Clarification of terms Life Cycle: The relatively distinct phases of the lives of IEEE Members which allow us to better package the benefits, products, services, and opportunities of membership to meet each member’s needs. Currently building around the following phases: Undergraduate Students Practitioner Graduate Students Business/Leadership Young Professionals Retired Academic/Researcher Unemployed
Clarification of terms
Slide 4 Clarification of terms Benefits: The items, products, and services that come with the price of IEEE membership for no additional charge Products and Services: IEEE or external products and services that are discounted for IEEE members but have an additional fee on top of IEEE membership dues Opportunities: Opportunities for members to get involved in the organization
Slide 5 What we’ll cover today Providing an overview of the relevant life cycle phases of the IEEE member Overview of the relevance of benefits, products, services, and opportunities throughout the life cycle Provide facts about member wants & satisfaction Overview of tools we have and are building to make it easier for members and local volunteers to convey value throughout the life cycle Collaboration and Q&A
Focus on the Member, the Result will be Membership Growth
When we focus on “Membership” the member and their needs get lost in the crowd. If we focus on the “Member” they can become Inspired, Enabled, Empowered, and Engaged “I feel welcome” “My needs are met” “I make a difference” “I am the IEEE” “I am a part of something great” Truly satisfied members renew; truly satisfied members refer others to IEEE
Focusing on the MEMBER is a team sport
Focusing on the MEMBER is a team sport! - we must unite as One IEEE to serve each member Navigating Benefits Student Branch Volunteering Affinity Group Conferences Section Publications Region Society Chapters And many more….
What is the Value of IEEE Membership?
The current value message is working: 90,000+ New Members in 2011, and growing every year …but we lose over 85,000 members each year Our challenge is DELIVERING on the value message we are presenting: Improved Navigation of the 90+ products and services (E.G. Web, Informed local volunteers, etc.) Improved Delivery/Satisfaction of the Services most important to the members Improved Relevance of the products/services to key geographies, life cycle stages, and industries
IEEE’s corporate reach is limited
Slide 9 IEEE’s corporate reach is limited The local connection you have with member can make all of the difference Region 7: 20 Sections 121 Chapters 57 Stu Branches Region 1-6: 167 Sections 763 Chapters 499 Stu Branches Region 8: 56 Sections 495 Chapters 345 Stu Branches Region 10: 57 Sections 490 Chapters 749 Stu Branches Region 9: 33 Sections 181 Chapters 341 Stu Branches = IEEE office locations Source: 2010 Annual Statistics Source: 2010 Annual Statistics of IEEE
Steps of satisfaction through the life cycle
Slide 10 Steps of satisfaction through the life cycle Understanding who our members are, and what is important to them Improving the awareness and relevance of the products, services, and opportunities of membership Improve the quality of the member experience in the areas most important to them
What is important to them?
Slide 11 Who are our members? What is important to them?
TOTAL MEMBERSHIP – 407,541 (Dec 2010)
Slide 12 Who are our members: where do they live? R7 – 16,955 HG: 13,398 STU: 1,607 GSM: 1,950 R1 to 6 – 209,765 HG: 179,640 STU: 16,153 GSM: 13,972 R10 – 90,593 HG: 50,755 STU: 28,050 GSM: 11,788 R9 – 16,931 HG: 8,518 STU: 6,713 GSM: 1,700 R8 – 73,297 HG: 52,435 STU: 9,826 GSM: 11,036 TOTAL MEMBERSHIP – 407,541 (Dec 2010) HG = Higher Grade ; STU = Undergrads ; GSM = Graduate Students
Who are our members: what did they study?
Slide 13 Who are our members: what did they study? Q: Indicate all of the fields in which you hold a degree. (Choose all that apply) Color red : Statistically significant at 95% CI between 2004 and 2008 Source: Segmentation Surveys
Type of Companies Who are our members: where do they work? Total 2001
Slide 14 Who are our members: where do they work? Type of Companies Total 2001 2004 2008 % Private Industry 60 54 52* Educational Institution 14 17 18* Public/Government 11 10 Self-Employed/Consulting 7 8 Retired 3 4 Non-Profit Institution (Non-Educational) 2 Unemployed 1 Other Don’t Know/Refused Q: Which one of the following categories best describes your current employment status?(Choose one only) * Statistically significant at 95% CI between 2001 and 2008 Source: Segmentation Surveys
Work Responsibility Who are our members: what do they do? Total 2001
Slide 15 Who are our members: what do they do? Work Responsibility Total 2001 2004 2008 % Engineering or Scientific Management 21 19 14 Engineering 15 Education/Teaching 12 Software: 13 Science/ Management/ Engineering Engineering Design 10 Consulting 7 8 Management other than Engineering 6 5 Retired 3 Research/R&D 2 4 Marketing/Sales 1 Don’t Know/Refused Q: What is your primary work responsibility? (Choose one only) Color red : Statistically significant at 95% CI between 2004 and 2008 Source: Segmentation Surveys
What is important to our members?
Slide 16 What is important to our members?
Reasons to Join Originally
Slide 17 Reasons to Join Originally 2001 2004 2008 To remain technically current 69% 61% 64% To obtain IEEE publications 53% 55% To enhance my career opportunities 33% 40% 41% To join IEEE societies 32% 43% 39% To enhance my stature within the profession N/A 34% 37% To network with others in the profession 31% For continuing education 22% 21% 27% To participate in local IEEE activities 18% 17% 24% A professor suggested it 16% 29% To obtain a reduced registration fee at IEEE conferences 20% To have access to discounts on professional and personal services 13% To give back to my profession To access insurance 9% To give back to the world community 6% To obtain an IEEE alias with virus protection To participate in standards development Color red : Statistical significant difference at 95% CI between 2004 and 2008 Source: Segmentation Surveys
Satisfaction by Importance
When analyzing the importance by satisfaction quadrant charts, it is useful to keep the following description in mind: (Top 3 box) High Satisfaction Put less effort into developing and communicating about these products and services. They are less important to this segment. Focus on communications about these products/services initially. These products/services are important to this segment and we deliver them well. Low Importance High Importance Develop improvement plans for these product/service offerings for this target. They are not as important and our delivery is relatively weak. Put effort and resources into developing these products and services. They are important and our delivery is relatively weak. Low Satisfaction
Satisfaction by Importance - Higher Grade Members
“Best in Class” Satisfaction Top 3 Box % More critical strengths Less critical strengths % Satisfaction (mean=41) Top improvement opportunity Lower priority improvements % Importance (mean= 39) 2008
Satisfaction by Importance - Students
Top 3 Box % “Best in Class” Satisfaction % Satisfaction (mean=47) % Importance (mean=55)
Promoting Member Value through the Lifecycle
Purpose/Justification IEEE currently provides in excess of 97 (and growing) products, services and engagement opportunities as part of the membership offering These are offered by different OUs and are available at different locations of the IEEE Website Some are available at no charge and some are available at a reduced price Some are not available in all geographic areas for a number of reasons The Member Portfolio is the promotion of benefits through the lifecycle. We currently have over 90 member benefits as part of the membership offering. They are offered by different OUs at different locations on different web sites and pages. Some are available at no charge or a reduced price and some are not available in all geographic regions. 21 11/11/2018
Situational Assessment at IEEE
Over 90+ Products, Services, Discounts, and Engagement Opportunities Career Related Services and Recognition IEEE Student Job Site Member Grade Elevation Program Awards Career Alert Career Asset Manager Career Navigator IEEE-USA Career Enhancement Courses Certified Software Developer Consultants Database Consultants Services Entrepreneurs Village Salary Service IEEE Mentoring Connection IEEE-USA Career Checkup IEEE WCET Certification Employment Navigator IEEE Job Site Careers Webinars Career Strategies Online Community Publication Related Products and Services IEEE Spectrum Magazine The Institute Newsletter Discounts on IEEE-USA eBooks IEEE Xplore Abstracts Discounts on IEEE Publication Products IEEE Potentials Magazine What's IEEE Today's Engineer Networking and Engagement Opportunities Join IEEE Societies or Affinity Groups Discounts at IEEE Conferences Participation in Local Meetings Online Communities myIEEE Participation with LinkedIn Group Participate in Local Technical Forums IEEE memberNet Discounts on IEEE Standards Membership Volunteering Continuing Education and Development Educational Partners Program Expert Now Volunteer Training Scholarships Other Association with IEEE Brand Humanitarian Programs IEEE Alias Public Policy Awareness Contact Center Support Membership Card Merchandise AskIEEE Voting External Discount Offers Insurance Services 20 Products Financial Services 17 Products and Offers General 5 Discount Offers
Current Experience in reality…
Humanitarian Programs IEEE Student Job Site IEEE Member Digital Access Voting Travel Services Association with IEEE Brand IEEE Xplore Today’s Engineer Merchandise Microsoft Software for Students Career Webinars IEEE-USA EBooks IEEE WCET Certification Membership Card Expert Now myIEEE Consultants Database IEEE MemberNet Member Discounts Insurance Services IEEE Standards Upgrade Membership IEEE Societies IEEE Contact Center Volunteering Scholarships IEEE Job Site Career Asset Manager IEEE Women in Engineering Salary Service Online Communities Local Meetings Local Technical Forums Awards IEEE Potentials eBook Classics IEEE-USA Career Enhancement Courses This gives you an idea of how a user feels when exploring member benefits with IEEE. It’s cluttered, not easy to follow or identify what might be of interest to me, in the current state of my career. Benefits are diluted. Not a very positive user experience. How do we improve this? Career Alert ShopIEEE GOLD IEEE Mentoring Connection The Institute IEEE-USA Career Checkup Career Navigator Public Policy Awareness IEEE Spectrum LinkedIn Group Employment Navigator Education Partners Program Pre-University Activities IEEE Conferences Proceedings of the IEEE IEEE Alias 11/11/2018
Concept of a life cycle portfolio
‘Value of the IEEE membership’ is different depending on the member’s career phase eg. Networking opportunities (most relevant life stage) IEEE conference meeting & socials (GSM, Educators) Participation in Local section/chapter meetings (Educators, business, unemployed, retired) Participation with LinkedIn Group (Leadership/business, unemployed) IEEE memberNet (students, unemployed) Volunteering (Retired) Student Branch Events (Students) Voting (GSM & members) Through the concept of Member Portfolio we hope to show the Value of IEEE membership depending on the members or prospects career phase. This is a way to provide relevant data and present benefits more clearly. 24 11/11/2018
Life Cycle Grid Graduate Students Young Professional
Graduate Students Young Professional Academic/ Researcher Undergrad Students Business/ Leadership Unemployed Members Practitioner Retired/ Life Members First we identified 8 different career phases. [read phases]. Some should easily be able to insert themselves into any one of the eight categories. 25 11/11/2018 25
IEEE Membership Wants Stay Technically Current Discounts
Career Resources & Recognition Networking “Giving Back” / Humanitarian* Continuing Education
Undergraduate Students
Life Cycle Grid Keeping Technically Current Professional Networking Career Resources and Recognition Continuing Education Discounts Humanitarian Programs and Opportunities to Give Back Undergraduate Students Graduate Students Young Professional Academic/ Researcher Business/ Leadership Retired/ Life Members Practitioner Unemployed Members First we identified 8 different career phases. [read phases]. Some should easily be able to insert themselves into any one of the eight categories. 27 11/11/2018 27
Student Experience IEEE Student Job Site IEEE Xplore
Humanitarian Programs IEEE Member Digital Access Association with IEEE Brand Travel Services Merchandise Today’s Engineer Microsoft Software for Students IEEE-USA EBooks myIEEE IEEE MemberNet IEEE Contact Center Insurance Services Upgrade Membership IEEE Societies IEEE Standards Scholarships Member Discounts Volunteering eBook Classics Online Communities IEEE Potentials Local Meetings Now lets look at the Student Experience. Earlier we showed all 97 benefits on one slide. Here we have reduced the number shown by 30 percent by only showing those benefits relevant to a student. I think we can all agree that this step alone has vastly improved the experience of benefit exploration. This is much cleaner to look at, but how can we organize better. ShopIEEE IEEE Women in Engineering The Institute IEEE Conferences Public Policy Awareness IEEE Spectrum Membership Card LinkedIn Group Employment Navigator Proceedings of the IEEE IEEE Alias 11/11/2018
Undergraduate Students
Life Cycle Grid Keeping Technically Current - Spectrum - IEEE Xplore (Discounted Access) Professional Networking - Student Branch Activities - MemberNet* Career Resources and Recognition - Competitions - Scholarships - IEEE Student Job Site Continuing Education - Continuing Education Partner Program - Discounts - IEEE Conferences - IEEE Financial Services (limited availability) - Home & Office Services Humanitarian Programs and Opportunities to Give Back - Local activities - Humanitarian Technology Network Undergraduate Students First we identified 8 different career phases. [read phases]. Some should easily be able to insert themselves into any one of the eight categories. 29 11/11/2018 29
Undergraduate Students
Full Life Cycle Grid Keeping Technically Current - Spectrum - IEEE Xplore (Discounted) - Spectrum - IEEE Societies - IEEE Xplore (Discounted) - IEEE Xplore (Discounted) - IEEE Societies -Spectrum IEEE Societies Some IEEE Society Pubs - Spectrum - IEEE Societies - IEEE Spectrum - IEEE Societies Professional Networking - Student Branch Activities - MemberNet* - IEEE Conference Mixers/Socials - MemberNet* - GOLD Events - Sect./ Chap. Meetings & Events - IEEE Conference Mixers/Socials - Sect./ Chap. Meetings & Events - Sect./ Chap. Meetings & Events - Employment and Career Community - Sect./ Chap. Meetings & Events - Linkedin Group - memberNet* - Volunteering - Section/ Chapter Meetings & Events Career Resources and Recognition - Competitions - Scholarships - IEEE Student Job Site - Career Webinars - IEEE Job Site (limited) - IEEE Job Site - IEEE Conferences Consultants Database Career Alert IEEE Job Site - Career Webinars - IEEE Job Site (limited) - Consultants Database (limited) - Awards - IEEE Job Site (limited) - Career Webinars, Online Community Continuing Education - Continuing Education Partner Program - - Continuing Education Partner Program - Webinars - Mentoring Connection - Educational Partners Program - Local Events/ Symposiums - eLearning Library - Continuing Education Partner Program - eLearning Library - Mentoring Connection (as mentor) Discounts - IEEE Conferences - IEEE Financial Services (limited availability) - IEEE Conferences - Home & Office Services - IEEE Conferences - IEEE Insurance Services (limited availability) - IEEE Insurance Services (limited availability) - IEEE Alias** - IEEE Insurance Services (limited availability) - Home & Office Services Humanitarian Programs and Opportunities to Give Back - Local activities - Humanitarian Technology Network - Local and GOLD activities - Humanitarian Technology Network - Volunteering - Humanitarian Technology Network - Volunteering - Mentoring Connection (as mentor) Undergraduate Students Graduate Students Young Professional Academic/ Researcher Business/ Leadership Retired/ Life Members Unemployed Members Practitioner First we identified 8 different career phases. [read phases]. Some should easily be able to insert themselves into any one of the eight categories. 30 11/11/2018 30
Navigation of Benefits at
by Career Phase & Country (launched 15 August) Users choose phase & Country Undergraduate Students Practitioner Graduate Students Business/Leadership Young Professionals Unemployed Academic/Researcher Retired Results page showcases the available benefits most relevant. With relevant testimonials by life stage
Introduction is tailored to selected Career Phase
Introduction is tailored to selected Career Phase. The third paragraph will highlight the Career Phase and Country selected. These next few pages demonstrate how the page will be customized. An introduction that speaks to the career phase. * Sample data is show for display purposes.
Photos are different for each heading and change between each Career Phase.
Photos for each category that match the career phase. * Sample data is show for display purposes.
Copy under each heading is tailored to the Career Phase
Copy under each heading is tailored to the Career Phase. It speaks to the selected audience. Descriptions for each career phase that are unique. * Sample data is show for display purposes.
There is one unique testimonial for each Career Phase
There is one unique testimonial for each Career Phase. Rotating testimonials are planned for future release. A testimonial that speaks to the career phase. * Sample data is show for display purposes.
Poster Samples
Poster Distribution Channels
Now available to print-on-demand at In September, posters can be ordered as part of on-line MD order kit 11/11/2018
Key Takeaways from Today
Slide 38 Key Takeaways from Today Make sure your section leadership is aware of the full breadth of IEEE opportunities Know who your members are and what they want Utilize SAMIeee Ask your members Get the word out about the improved navigation of benefits, products, and services at
Key Takeaways from Today
Slide 39 Key Takeaways from Today “Light the way” for your members Organize events across the range of the life cycle (Types of events & content) Utilize the member life cycle posters at your events
Comments, Questions, Discussion?
Slide 40 Comments, Questions, Discussion?
Slide 41 Supporting Material
Human Motivation: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Understanding how our benefit portfolio serves the basic motivational needs of our members Self Actualization Esteem Needs Social Needs Safety Needs Physiological Needs IEEE Opportunities: Volunteer Leaders; Humanitarian Programs; Mentoring Programs Awards & Recognition Programs; Member Grade Elevations; Contests and Speaking Opportunities; Volunteering Local unit activities (Technical and Social); Society & Special Interest Memberships; memberNet online networking; IEEE LinkedIn & Facebook Integrations; First Year Member Program Job Site and Career Initiatives, Technical Societies and Publications; Continuing Education Initiatives; Special Needs Member Dues Pricing (E.G. Unemployed, Developing Country) IEEE does not serve the physiological needs of our members directly; but does serve humanity through our projects, foundations and programs
Importance 2001 2004 2008 % Slide 43 Technical Resources
Top 3 Box: % Technical Resources Online access to transactions, journals and magazines n/a 63 72 Online access to standards 61 64 Online access to conference proceedings 52 59 Conferences 43 Printed books 56 40 38 Printed copies of transactions, journals, and magazines 39 Printed copies of standards 33 32 Printed copies of conference proceedings 28 24 Ability to participate in standards development 45 27 Local meetings with other professionals 34 Forums, newsgroups, and other online collaboration tools 26 29 Career Development Continuing education opportunities 49 Networking 47 44 46 Online career resources 41 Opportunities for leadership roles 35 30 Printed career resources 20 18 Other Representation on public policy issues related to the profession 48 Discounts on professional products and services (e.g. conferences, books, travel) N/A Promoting the profession to the general public 53 51 Providing alias with virus protection* 36 Insurance and other financial products and services Awards and scholarships 25 Color red : Statistical significant at 95% CI between 2004 and 2008 Source: Segmentation Surveys
Satisfaction rankings are on 10 Point Scale
Slide 44 Satisfaction Primer Satisfaction rankings are on 10 Point Scale “Best in Class” Top 3 Box (8,9,10)= 65%+ “World Class” Top 3 Box= 80%+
Slide 45 Satisfaction 2001 2004 2008 Top 3 Box: % Technical Resources Online access to transactions, journals and magazines n/a 49 58 Online access to standards 37 47 Online access to conference proceedings 40 52 Conferences 41 51 57 Printed books Printed copies of transactions, journals, and magazines 55 60 Printed copies of standards 39 46 Printed copies of conference proceedings 44 Ability to participate in standards development 14 32 34 Local meetings with other professionals 21 Forums, newsgroups, and other online collaboration tools 13 27 31 Career Development And Related Products and Services Continuing education opportunities 16 30 Networking 28 Online career resources 11 25 29 Opportunities for leadership roles 12 33 Printed career resources 20 23 Other Representation on public policy issues related to the profession 38 Discounts on professional products and services (e.g. conferences, books, travel) N/A Promoting the profession to the general public Providing alias with virus protection* 65 Insurance and other financial products and services 43 Awards and scholarships 10 Though membership growth continues, our member experience still has room for improvement The “best in class” bar for Satisfaction is 65%, and we are only achieving it in very few categories. Imagine… … What the member experience will feel like with 65% levels of satisfaction … how many more members will renew … how many more members will refer others to join … how large our member network will be… Color red : Statistical significant at 95% CI between 2004 and 2008 Source: Segmentation Surveys
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