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Driving Value – the NIMM, the EA, the CUI, CASE & the TR

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Presentation on theme: "Driving Value – the NIMM, the EA, the CUI, CASE & the TR"— Presentation transcript:

1 Driving Value – the NIMM, the EA, the CUI, CASE & the TR
Dr Mark Ferrar, NHS Connecting for Health 26-FEB-2008

2 NHS Infrastructure Maturity Model (the NIMM)
And in the next 40 mins... NHS Infrastructure Maturity Model (the NIMM) Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (the EA) Common User Interface Programme (the CUI)

3 The NHS Infrastructure Maturity Model
(the NIMM) 3

4 We Can Only Influence Change

5 1.34m 5th 850k 70% 1.54bn 6 10k NHS infrastructure numbers game
People working for the NHS in England 5th 5th Larger Employer in the World 850k 70% % of IT Budgets Spent on Infrastructure & Operations IT Users in the NHS Annual NHS Spend on Infrastructure & Operations (Excluding NPfIT!) 1.54bn Average Number of IT Identities a Typical Knowledge Worker has 6 10k NHS People Working on Infrastructure & Operations 5

6 “Patchy” IT infrastructure maturity and performance
We need to raise the bar... “Patchy” IT infrastructure maturity and performance 2005 “Infrastructure Themes” still valid today (in fact there’s evidence best/worst gap is widening) NHS not getting to lowest (or even competitive) TCO A consistent, well-managed desktop is key to supporting Local NPfIT programmes (NLOP) Overall value eroded by premature use of high value technology

7 Infrastructure Challenges...
Expensive - according to analysts, 70% of typical IT spend goes on IT Infrastructure! (run the organisation) – (70% of £2.2bn = £1.54bn) NHS IM&T Managers should not just rely on gut feel when setting investment priorities Inconsistent terminology makes it difficult to benchmark (TCO) Organisational changes in the NHS means that many IT infrastructures are in silos and not optimally managed Some suppliers don’t create infrastructure solutions that NHS Trusts request, actually need or are ready for Many NHS Trusts need help to build coordinated infrastructure improvement plans Some key tasks often get overlooked because their impact on infrastructure is not obvious

8 Infrastructure Challenges
Expensive - according to analysts, 70% of typical IT spend goes on IT Infrastructure! (run the organisation) NHS IM&T Managers should not just rely on gut feel when setting investment priorities Inconsistent terminology makes it difficult to benchmark Organisational changes in the NHS means that many IT infrastructures are in silos and badly managed Some suppliers don’t create infrastructure solutions that NHS Trusts request, actually need or are ready for Many NHS Trusts need help to build coordinated infrastructure improvement plans Some key tasks often get overlooked because their impact on infrastructure is not obvious 8

9 The NIMM can help... NHS Infrastructure Maturity Model provides guidance and helps trusts objectively benchmark for themselves their “as-is” infrastructure capabilities, then: Use it to build a plan for coordinated capability improvement in a systematic way Use it to set investment priorities and create a benefits plan to understand desired outcomes Use it to collaborate with NHS suppliers so they create infrastructure solutions that NHS needs (and is ready for)

10 CASE CUI NIMM Common Themes – Integrated Projects Responsiveness
Re-use Agility Innovation Manage Risk Competency ROI/Business Value Efficiency Consistency Standards 10

11 Delivered online via PSPG (infrastructure best practice site)
Maturity Model Delivery Approach Iterative & collaborative approach will regularly release new and updated features based upon feedback and requests from users Develop the NIMM body of knowledge first then create tools to help users automate assessments and provide a management scorecard Delivered online via PSPG (infrastructure best practice site) Capability Maturity Documents developed for specific infrastructure capabilities Virtual group of NIMM Champions from the NHS and key suppliers will feed into a feature wish list of maturity guidance that needs to be developed ROI modeling tool being developed to help NHS Trusts create their own business case for improving maturity 11

12 We only have a limited number of Enterprise CAL Licenses (eCAL)
NIMM & Microsoft EA We only have a limited number of Enterprise CAL Licenses (eCAL) This will ramp up every year for the next 3 years Enterprise Collaboration Technology needs eCAL Not straightforward, check with you LAR We want to get the most value from these licensees We need to report our licensing position against eCAL There are 2 capabilities that we want to use to gauge readiness Software Asset Management Collaboration Technology We have developed Capability Maturity Documents for these that Describe what we mean by these capabilities Describe each Maturity Level including KPIs for each level Recommend a level to aim for Suggest resources to help achieve this 12

13 NIMM Example - SAM Maturity KPIs (Level 4)
KPI Description Metric Availability of electronic records on software purchased or no longer used Asset Management system used Records for >80% of software purchases Policy for software purchase exists and enforceable Policy exists and enforceable for >80% of purchases Accountability for maintaining records Formal central IT accountability exists, performance of this role measured every six months On-going - Technology and process in place to track software installed Coverage Accuracy Greater than 80% of PC estate Greater than 80% Ad-hoc - Technology and process to perform audit of software licensing position

14 Capability Description
NIMM Example - Gap Analysis for SAM Capability Description Target Maturity Current Maturity Needs Gap Availability of electronic records on software purchased or no longer used Records for >80% of software purchases Records for approximately 50% of purchases exist. Absence of an asset management system makes it difficult to track this capability. Need to deploy an asset management system. Need to improve record keeping by 30% Policy for software purchase exists and enforceable Policy exists and enforceable for >80% of purchases A policy exists but is not regularly communicated. Need to create communications channels for IT policies. Need to incorporate IT policies in HR, and training processes. Accountability for maintaining records Formal central IT accountability exists, performance of this role measured every six months Accountability for this is informal and shared between purchasing and the service desk Accountability is informal and responsibility is unclear. Technology in place to track software installed >80% Accuracy Unknown Accuracy Need technology with processes that can measure accuracy in tracking deployed licenses >80% of PC estate covered <50% of PC estate covered Need to increase coverage by 30% Technology to perform ad- hoc audit of software licensing position Need technology with processes that can measure accuracy in auditing deployed licenses

15 Business of Delivering Infrastructure Services
Management “Scope” of the NIMM Business of Delivering Infrastructure Services Business Objective Governance Procurement Value Management Business Alignment Business Alignment People & Skills Process & Automation

16 Network Devices & Services Infrastructure Hardware Platforms
Technology “Scope” of the NIMM Patterns & Practices Network Devices & Services Infrastructure Hardware Platforms Operating Systems End User Devices Common Applications & Services IT Security & Information Governance

17 NIMM Summary Level 1 Basic Level 2 Controlled Level 3 Standardised
Disjointed, manual Infrastructure Knowledge not shared Reactive & ad-hoc Unpredictable service performance User driven “who shouts loudest” Focus is to Avoid Downtime Level 2 Controlled Coordinated, manual Infrastructure. Knowledge silos exist Reactive with some planning in place Services manageable & getting predictable Problem driven Focus is to Get Control Level 3 Standardised Standardized Infrastructure Individual Level collaboration and knowledge sharing Reactive & becoming proactive Stable & architected IT Infrastructure Request driven Focus is to Adopt Standards & Best Practice Level 4 Optimised Consolidated and virtualized Infrastructure Team level knowledge sharing & collaboration Proactive & accountable Continuous service improvement Service driven Focus is on Efficiency Level 5 Innovative IT & business stakeholders work in partnership Enterprise level knowledge sharing & collaboration Strategic asset Drives service innovation Value driven Focus is to become a Catalyst for Innovation

18 1 2 3 4 5 Gartner Model Mapping to NIMM Policy/Value-Based
Basic Rationalized Virtualized Service-Based Standardized Infrastructure resources pooled Services managed holistically Uncoordinated infrastructure Standard resources, configurations Consolidate to fewer Policy/Value-Based Dynamic optimization to meet SLAs Objective Ability to Change Pricing Scheme Business Interface Resource Utilization Organization IT Management Processes Reduce complexity Economies of scale Flexibility, reduce costs Service-level delivery React Weeks Weeks to days Weeks to minutes Minutes Months to weeks Fixed costs Reduced, fixed costs Fixed shared costs Variable usage costs None, ad hoc Business agility Minutes to seconds Variable business costs Class-of-service SLAs Flexible SLAs End-to-end SLAs No SLAs Known Shared pools Service-based pools Unknown Central control Consolidated Pooled ownership Service-oriented None Business SLAs Policy-based sharing Business-oriented Reactive -Proactive Life cycle management Proactive Mature problem mgmt Prediction, dynamic capacity Service End-to-end service management Chaotic – Reactive Ad hoc Value Policy management Desktop, Device and Server Management Business Benefits Mobile workers stay current with direct connectivity between corporate networks and devices Using a system management tool will reduce per-PC management costs IT Benefits Monitoring services help simplify identification issues, quickly determine the cause of the problem, and efficiently restore services to prevent potential IT problems PCs that are faster and less expensive to deploy Reduced help desk and operations costs Administrators can ensure data protection and compliance with corporate security policies, including ability to set password policies and remotely remove data from devices Security and Networking Established policy standards provide a more consistent computing environment Improved desktop security by rapidly and reliably delivering patches to targeted vulnerabilities Centrally managed patches provide a more stable and secure infrastructure Efficient and reliable TCP/IP network configuration helps prevent IP address conflicts and conserves the use of IP addresses through centralized management of address allocation Controlled, robust environment that can withstand attacks through security ”layers” at the perimeter, server, desktop, and application levels Reduced complexity of hardware and software operations lead to smoother change management processes Identity and Access Management Increased user productivity through simplified logon process Lower administration costs due to management of fewer identity stores Progressing toward implementing compliance with regulations Reduced cost of managing user accounts Reduced helpdesk volume Fewer digital identities Identities are centrally managed Data Protection and Recovery Effective data management strategy drives stability in the organization and improves productivity Standards for data management enable policy enforcement and define SLAs, improving the business relationship to IT Strategic approach to data management enables better data recovery procedures, supporting the business with a robust platform Organization is closer to implementing regulatory compliance Mission-critical application data are kept in a safe place outside of the IT location Basic policies have been established to guarantee access to physical media (tapes, optical devices) when necessary

19 IT and Security Process
Microsoft IO Model Mapping to NIMM 1 2 3 4 5 Dynamic Standardized Rationalized Basic Desktop, Server, and Device Management Software distribution, Patch management, Mobility, Imaging, Virtualization Data Protection and Recovery Backup, Restore, Storage management Security and Networking Policy, Anti-malware, Firewall, Access control, Network protection, Quarantine IT and Security Process Best practice guidance on cost-effective solution design, development, operation, and support Identity & Access Management Directory services, User provisioning, Directory-based authentication Desktop, Device and Server Management Business Benefits Mobile workers stay current with direct connectivity between corporate networks and devices Using a system management tool will reduce per-PC management costs IT Benefits Monitoring services help simplify identification issues, quickly determine the cause of the problem, and efficiently restore services to prevent potential IT problems PCs that are faster and less expensive to deploy Reduced help desk and operations costs Administrators can ensure data protection and compliance with corporate security policies, including ability to set password policies and remotely remove data from devices Security and Networking Established policy standards provide a more consistent computing environment Improved desktop security by rapidly and reliably delivering patches to targeted vulnerabilities Centrally managed patches provide a more stable and secure infrastructure Efficient and reliable TCP/IP network configuration helps prevent IP address conflicts and conserves the use of IP addresses through centralized management of address allocation Controlled, robust environment that can withstand attacks through security ”layers” at the perimeter, server, desktop, and application levels Reduced complexity of hardware and software operations lead to smoother change management processes Identity and Access Management Increased user productivity through simplified logon process Lower administration costs due to management of fewer identity stores Progressing toward implementing compliance with regulations Reduced cost of managing user accounts Reduced helpdesk volume Fewer digital identities Identities are centrally managed Data Protection and Recovery Effective data management strategy drives stability in the organization and improves productivity Standards for data management enable policy enforcement and define SLAs, improving the business relationship to IT Strategic approach to data management enables better data recovery procedures, supporting the business with a robust platform Organization is closer to implementing regulatory compliance Mission-critical application data are kept in a safe place outside of the IT location Basic policies have been established to guarantee access to physical media (tapes, optical devices) when necessary

20 Perform a self assessment using the NIMM
How should you use the NIMM? Perform a self assessment using the NIMM Prioritise and invest to improve lowest scoring areas Aim for a balanced score, rather than excellence in isolation Higher value MS EA technologies only available to those with CAPABILITY to exploit them Leverage capabilities of Core EA products that are licensed for all and don’t default to Enterprise products that aren’t – especially if your organisation isn’t ready to exploit them

21 The Microsoft NHS Enterprise Agreement
(the EA) 21

22 EA Framework Remaining 6 years of the 9 year EA Orders placed for years 4, 5 & 6 Software Assurance on all products Deploy up to 800,000 seats over 6 years (850K inc. “flex”) Core CAL & Enterprise CAL Suites Growth in “Knowledge Worker” tools 340,000 SQL Client Access Licences

23 EA offers... Windows Vista Business Edition
Upgraded to Windows Vista Enterprise Edition Four Virtual Operating Systems Windows Bit Locker Drive Encryption Multi Lingual User Interface Desktop Optimisation Pack Softgrid Core CAL Windows Server CAL Office Exchange Server Standard CAL Office SharePoint Server Standard CAL Systems Management Server CAL Enterprise CAL also includes Office Communications Server Standard CAL Office Communications Server Enterprise CAL Windows Rights Management CAL Office SharePoint Enterprise CAL Office Exchange Enterprise CAL Operations Manager Client OML Forefront Security Suite (Anti Virus) Office 2007 Professional Plus Edition Access PowerPoint Word Excel Outlook Publisher Communicator Integrated Enterprise Content Management Integrated Electronic Forms Information Rights & Policy Enterprise Edition also includes OneNote Groove SQL CAL

24 And also... Windows Update Services Server(s) within N3
Access to Digital Learning Academies & Digital Literacy Programme Home User Programme and EPP Training Vouchers & E-Learning Tools Desktop Deployment Planning Services

25 New Stuff... SharePoint CAL for all desktops
Groove growth at 50,000 per year Anti-Virus (Forefront) 223,000 in Year 4 allowing existing AV deals to “unwind” Vista Enterprise Only pay for Vista Business SoftGrid Application virtualisation fixes “Java Hell”

26 New LAR deal Enrolment Areas LAR Number of Desktops Allocation NWWM Bytes 160,900 25% South 138,350 21% London 111,200 17% NE & DH Trustmarque 116,150 18% EM & ALBs Computacenter 123,400 19% TOTAL 650,000 100%

27 Most Favoured Customer. Lower cost per desktop than initial 3 years
Value Most Favoured Customer. Lower cost per desktop than initial 3 years Improved collaboration and security. 50% increase in CUI funding Contributes to OGC discounting

28 The Common User Interface Programme
(the CUI) 28

29 CUI Phase 2 3rd October Development Agreement signed for 4 Projects delivery in Phase 2: (“Classic”) Clinical Applications and Patient Safety (CAPS) Information Management and Technology (IM&T) Tools Knowledge Worker Tools (KWT) (“New”) NHSmail Technology Refresh (TR) 29

30 CUI Phase 2 - Management 3 discrete governance controls across the Classic and New projects. Phase 2 of CUI “Classic” Projects governance changes: Prof Michael Thick (CFH CCO) joining the programme at Steering Board level Formal cross Projects Board, including: National Clinical Leads SHA CIOs ISB Service Implementation 30

31 CUI Phase 2 - Controls Distribution of the Products brought in-house to NHS CFH (via existing and PSPG) Development of CUI integrated communications plan across the Tech Office Utility of new and emerging engagement channels Tie in with CFH initiatives NIMM framework and taxonomy Collaboration Architecture & Solution Enablers (CASE) Smarter internal use of EA technologies (e.g. SharePoint) to manage stakeholders 31

32 CAPS - Delivery Design guidance has begun to influence NHS systems development Extensive guidance published to the Clinical and Supplier community 12 Requirement DSCNs approved and issued by the ISB CUI documents undergoing incorporation into the NHS CFH Technical Baseline where possible 6 UK suppliers actively adopting CUI guidance UK and Worldwide interest in using CUI guidance in requirements and contracts 32

33 KWT - Delivery Guidance, research and products covering:
Enablers to support NHS Entities migration through fundamentals of attaining NIMM levels 1-3 Abbreviation Manager NHS Office Client Installer User Task Analysis Office Version Migration Guides Document Collaboration and Compliance Medical Research Services 33

34 IM&T Tools - Delivery Documents, tools and templates have been created and made easily accessible to NHS Trusts via the interactive Planning and Deployment Guide (see slide 21) 36 NHS Entities using guidance as Early Adopters 72 people from 51 NHS Trusts attending 14 dedicated Special Interest Group meetings shaped the guidance 19,080 NHS PCs are already live and benefiting from NHS CUI D&I guidance and when remaining pilots Live, at least 75,000 PCs benefiting from the NHS CUI D&I guidance 9 of the 10 Infrastructure Optimisation assessed trusts moved from Basic to Standardised maturity level following Systems Management Server pilots 34

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