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Campus Courts Presented by Peggy Guckin,

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Presentation on theme: "Campus Courts Presented by Peggy Guckin,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Campus Courts Presented by Peggy Guckin,
National Campus Court Chairman

2 The “YOUNG WOMEN” of today
are our “LEADERS” of tomorrow.

3 The Young Ladies are Looking for
Spirituality Service Involvement

4 Why Join a Campus Court To “Serve the Lord with gladness” for those in need To belong to a sisterhood To share the same faith and values To belong to an organization you can join for life To apply for a $2000 scholarship offered yearly by National

5 How can we get the word out?
Social Media Facebook Instagram Websites Information on CDA – “Who”, “What”, “Where” Listing of states that have websites (It’s very important to keep your site up-to-date!) State Newsletters Send to Campus Ministry of Colleges in your area Tweet

6 What a College Campus Court Might Require:
To start a new organization on campus, such as a CDA campus court, you may be asked to submit: Appropriate papers for accountability as to who, what, where An application CDA Mission Statement Bylaws Tools of the Trade Campus Court Brochure

7 Objective for CDA Campus Court
Spirituality Service Sharing

8 GETTING THE WORD OUT Fall Involvement Fair on Campus
Table set up with information on Campus Court Display CDA Banner Poster board with pictures of campus court activities Sign-up sheet for contact information Advertise place, date and time of informational meeting


10 Northeast Region Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire
New Jersey New York Maryland Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont Washington, DC Territorial

11 Southeast Region Alabama Arkansas Florida Kentucky Territorial
Louisiana North Carolina Tennessee Virginia West Virginia

12 Midwest Region Illinois Indiana Territorial Iowa Kansas Territorial
Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Ohio South Dakota Wisconsin  

13 Southwest Region Arizona Oklahoma New Mexico Texas 

14 West Region Alaska Territorial California Colorado Idaho Montana
Nevada Oregon Washington

15 Territorial Courts in U.S.A. Territories and Other Countries
Guam Puerto Rico Virgin Island Kenya Mexico Peru


17 State Regent Appoints State Chairman

18 Why Have Campus Courts? Leaving home for the first time
Comfort, friendship, and support while concentrating on studies Increase of faith Guidance of Holy Spirit

19 Why Have Campus Courts? Dedication to the Blessed Mother
Focus on Unity and Charity

20 How Do We Get Started? List universities and colleges in your state
Check out campuses that have K of C Contact Campus Ministry or Pastoral Life Director  Notify National Office for Campus Court Packet: Letter to the University Brochures Circle of Love Program Pamphlet Service and Charity Projects Trifold Chaplain Guidelines

21 How Do We Get Started? Campus Ministry approval Letter from Chaplain
Meeting with Advisor Interested students Survey fellow students Distribute informational brochures

22 Open House Have a display of information on CDA and Campus Courts
Organizational Meeting time and place Sign-up sheet for contact

23 Campus Ministry Chaplain
Installation and reception  Date Time Place

24 Organizational Meetings
At First meeting Overview of Catholic Daughters Looking for leaders At Second meeting 15 signed applications 3 possible court names Possible officers Yearly dues Bank account At Third meeting Finalization

25 What Kind of Activities Does a Campus Court Have?
Companionship with other faith-filled girls Attending Mass together Retreats March for Life Setting up adoration times Helping clean chapel

26 What Kind of Activities Does a Campus Court Have?
Hosting various speakers Collecting clothing for local charities Babysitting for the faculty Sponsoring collection of items for Haiti Managing hospitality tent during Special Olympics

27 National Office Responsibilities
Notify National Representative and State Regent of the new court’s name and number Verify time, date, and location of court institution Issue dues bill semiannually Mail national communications to court regent and adult court advisor Send copies of SHARE to adult court advisor

28 Who Can Join a Campus Court?
Women Students Full-time Part-time College Campus Members Women Faculty Wives of Faculty Members Women Staff Members

29 State Court Responsibilities
Take care of charter application Send court institution invitations (DD or State Rep) to: National Regent National Chairman State Officers Local Courts Assign DD or State Rep to prepare all details including the reception, or ask a nearby senior court to be a mother court May issue a dues bill twice a year Assign a DD/State Rep to: Oversee and supervise needs of new court Be available to assist and answer questions or concerns

30 Where are Campus Courts found?
On any college or university campus BUT they need YOU!

31 Question How many states will have a campus court prior to July 2019?

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