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Argumentative Essay In the “Survival Unit”, we read about why and how people are able to survive dangerous and death defying situations, and also whether.

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Presentation on theme: "Argumentative Essay In the “Survival Unit”, we read about why and how people are able to survive dangerous and death defying situations, and also whether."— Presentation transcript:

1 Argumentative Essay In the “Survival Unit”, we read about why and how people are able to survive dangerous and death defying situations, and also whether those that chose to act on “instinct” are selfish versus labeling those who act “civilized” as heroic. Using the 3 texts, write an essay arguing whether survival is selfish, unselfish, or unable to be categorized. Texts: The Most Dangerous Game Is Survival Selfish? The 12 Rules of Survival

2 Introduction Hook – grab the reader’s attention
Context – let them know what you’re talking about Claim – state your opinion (without saying “I”) Ask yourself… Does my introduction fully answer the prompt? Is it focused and relevant? Does it take a stance? Does it flow?

3 Hook Examples HOOK: You are on a plane. You hear the pilot say “put your safety mask on.” People are freaking out. You see the exit right ahead, the bright lights calling your name. But then you see the little girl across from you, curled into a ball and crying. What do you do? Do you jump out and save yourself, stay put and see what happens, or go to the little girl? HOOK: It’s a gloomy day, a plume of black smoke is filling the air, a boat is on fire, and you are on it. Waves crash against the hull, there are other passengers left crying, panicking, and frozen. You have to make a decision: save the rest of them, or save yourself.

4 Context Examples Even though saving yourself would be the logical thing to do, people put themselves in harms way every day, sometimes even for strangers. No matter what dangerous situation appears, people’s reactions to danger are unable to be determined. Therefore, determining whether someone is selfish or civilized based on how they survived is not possible.

5 Claim Examples CLAIM: Doing so, however, doesn’t make them a hero the same way that saving themselves does not make them selfish. Because there are so many factors involved in a crisis situation, survivors cannot be categorized. CLAIM: Since every survival situation is different, people’s reactions are different, and it is human nature to want to survive, the survivors themselves are unable to be categorized.

6 HOOK: You are on a plane. You hear the pilot say “put your safety mask on.” People are freaking out. You see the exit right ahead, the bright lights calling your name. But then you see the little girl across from you, curled into a ball and crying. What do you do? Do you jump out and save yourself, stay put and see what happens, or go to the little girl? CONTEXT: Even though saving yourself would be the logical thing to do, people put themselves in harms way every day, sometimes even for strangers. CLAIM: Doing so, however, doesn’t make them a hero the same way that saving themselves does not make them selfish. Because there are so many factors involved in a crisis situation, survivors cannot be categorized.

7 HOOK: It’s a gloomy day, a plume of black smoke is filling the air, a boat is on fire, and you are on it. Waves crash against the hull, there are other passengers left crying, panicking, and frozen. You have to make a decision: save the rest of them, or save yourself. CONTEXT: No matter what dangerous situation appears, people’s reactions to danger are unable to be determined. Therefore, determining whether someone is selfish or civilized based on how they survived is not possible. CLAIM: Since every survival situation is different, people’s reactions are different, and it is human nature to want to survive, the survivors themselves are unable to be categorized.

8 Argumentative Essay In the “Survival Unit”, we read about why and how people are able to survive dangerous and death defying situations, and also whether those that chose to act on “instinct” are selfish versus labeling those who act “civilized” as heroic. Using the 3 texts, write an essay arguing whether survival is selfish, unselfish, or unable to be categorized. Texts: The Most Dangerous Game Is Survival Selfish? The 12 Rules of Survival Brainstorm your Hook Context Claim

9 Step 1 Develop 3 strong reasons to support your claim that survival is either… Selfish Unselfish Unable to be categorized Why do you believe your claim? Write down your 3 reasons

10 Step 2: Evidence Hunt Search through your text
Cite evidence that supports your claim/reasons Try to find at least 3 quotes/examples from your text Make sure your evidence matches your reasons

11 Body – Reason 1 Point – state the first reason that backs up your claim Evidence – provide evidence from one of the texts Explanation – explain how that evidence helps prove your point Link – connect this idea to your next reason

12 Body – Reason 2 Point – state a second reason that backs up your claim
Evidence – provide evidence from one of the texts Explanation – explain how that evidence helps prove your point Link – connect this idea to your next reason

13 Body - Counterclaim What does the other side have to say?
Why are they still wrong?

14 Conclusion Why should anyone care?

15 4. Counterclaim + refutation 5. Conclusion: So what?
2. Reason 1 + evidence 3. Reason 2 + evidence 4. Counterclaim + refutation 5. Conclusion: So what? 1. Claim: answer the prompt

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