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Bono the Monkey Went to School.

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Presentation on theme: "Bono the Monkey Went to School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bono the Monkey Went to School

2 Bono the monkey went to school.
But he did not know the rules.

3 He ran in the classroom.

4 No, no Bono! Walk slowly.

5 He hung from the lights!

6 No, no Bono! Stay in your seat.

7 He talked and yelled all the time.

8 Raise your hand if you want to talk.
No, no Bono! Raise your hand if you want to talk.

9 He pushed a girl!

10 No, no Bono! Be nice!

11 He grabbed all the toys!

12 You must share the toys with others.
No, no Bono! You must share the toys with others.

13 Bono was smart. He thought and thought.

14 He walked slowly.

15 He stayed in his seat.

16 He raised his hand.

17 He was nice.

18 He shared toys with others.

19 You are behaving nicely.
Yes, yes Bono! You are behaving nicely.

20 And the teacher gave him a BIG Gold Star!

21 Bono Rules! • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
• Raise a quiet hand to have a turn to speak in whole group activities. • Use a soft voice in small group activities in the classroom. • Stay seated during instruction time on the carpet or at the tables. • Share everything in the classroom and at recess. • Follow directions the first time they are given. • Keep your toys and personal items at home. Do not bring anything to school unless your teacher requests it.

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