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The Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation

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1 The Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation
The Beginning of American Democracy

2 Second Continental Congress
Colonist meet in Philadelphia in 1775 to discuss the issue of independence.

3 Second Continental Congress
A. The colonists were split on the issue of becoming an independence nation. 1. Man were loyalists-wanted to remain loyal to England, because they were English citizens 2. Patriots favored independence and thought the colonist could win the war. 3. “No taxation without representation”

4 Second Continental Congress
B. Jan 1776-Thomas Paine writes Common Sense 1. this pamphlet called for complete independence from England 2. said it was “Common Sense” to break way from a tyrannical government 3. this swayed public opinion on the issue of independence 4. many delegates also agreed with Paine, this led to the drafting of the Declaration of Independence.

5 Declaration of Independence
A. Written by Thomas Jefferson at the Second Continental Congress in 1776 Jefferson borrowed ideas from John Locke when writing the Declaration

6 JOHN LOCKE Enlightenment thinkers favored individualism over tradition
Locke was a English philosopher during the Enlightenment period of the 17th and 18th century Enlightenment thinkers favored individualism over tradition Governments should rule using “reason” This has a HUGE influence on the formation of the US government and economy

7 Ideas of the Declaration of Independence
John Locke’s Ideas 1. All men are born with natural rights that no government can take away. (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 2. If the government isn’t protecting the people, it is the right of the people to break away. 3. The people must list the reason for the separation

8 Declaration of Independence

Once the colonies declared their independence, they had to be able to govern themselves. They agreed to work together until the war was over. They wanted each state to have power, but they needed something to hold them together ( a national government)

10 Articles of Confederation-What is it?
Written in 1776, at the Second Continental Congress, our first plan for government A CONFEDERATION-a group of individuals who work together for a common purpose. Each state could not fight the war alone, they needed each other.

11 Fears of the Congress 1. They feared a strong national government with a lot of power. So they created a government that had little power. 2. Smaller states feared being dominated by the large states.

12 Powers Given to the Congress
1. Every state got one vote, needed 9 of 13 votes to change anything. 2. there was one branch of government (legislative-Congress) No courts, no president

13 Weaknesses of the Articles
1. Voting rules were too strict, hard to make changes. 2. couldn’t enforce laws, control trade, or tax (no money to pay for the army 3. National government had no power over the states 4. No one protecting the citizen’s rights 5. Unfair competition between the states.

14 Constitutional Convention
In 1787, the 13 state meet again to reconsider their plan for government Met in Philadelphia in secret (didn’t want the public to know) Question?-Do we keep the Articles or do we form a new government? Needed to decide-Who will have power, the national government or the states? How will power be divided? George Washington is chosen to serve as President on the Convention

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