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wanted Steven Perry- The Trail Boss

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2 wanted Steven Perry- The Trail Boss
An Orientation and Mobility Specialist working at the Florida Division of Blind Service’s Rehab Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Daytona Beach, Fl. He has been in the profession for 20 years. Watch for him using the GPS in the territory and other apps. Holly Ryan- Young Whipper Snapper An Orientation and Mobility Specialist working at the Florida Division of Blind Service’s Rehab Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Daytona Beach, FL. She has been in the field for 11 years. Street Corners or City Buses are where she can be found.

3 Overview This presentation covers the Contenders, the Winner, the Cons of using GPS, the Future, Needed GPS Improvements and Resources. The Trail Boss

4 disclaimer GPS apps are tools to assist persons who are visually impaired to orient themselves to their environment. The person who is visually impaired must still have good orientation and mobility skills (whether using a cane or guide dog) to know how to use the information that the app(s) is/are giving them. The Trail Boss

5 The hunt is on Judging the winner of the roundup is simply the opinion of The Trail Boss. All of these apps have their merits and their loyal fan base. Input will be allowed at the end of the roundup.

6 LET THE ROUND UP BEGIN! The Contenders are: Ariadne* For use with:
Sendero Seeing Eye* *iOS Nearby Explorer*+ +Android NowNav+ Blindsquare* LET THE ROUND UP BEGIN!

7 Up First in the Corral: Ariadne
One of the Original GPS apps Cost $5.99 in App Store Developer: Giovanni Ciaffoni

8 Up First in the Corral: Ariadne
Will tell you what’s around as well as the streets around you Can track the map with your finger on the screen Latest update is 2014

9 NEXT UP: Sendero Seeing Eye
$9.99 monthly subscription service Developer: Sendero Group App tells you what is around and streets around you

10 NEXT UP: Sendero Seeing Eye
Add your own locations Will do turn by turn routes

11 3rd contender: Nearby explorer
Cost $79.99 App Store & Google Play Developer: American Printing House for the Bind Loads 4 GB map on the phone US and Canada

12 3rd contender: Nearby explorer
Can do turn by turn routes Save a nearby location Show bus stops to over 60 major US metropolitan areas Virtual exploration Explore by touching finger on the map

13 Contender #4: nownav Cost $12.99 Google Play Developer: Les Smithson
Indicates streets and landmarks around you Put in personal locations Turn by turn routes

14 Final contender: blindsquare
Price $39.99 Developer: MIPsoft Turn by turn routes Use external maps Save nearby locations

15 And the Winner is….. BlindSquare

16 Reasons Blindsquare is the winner
Add location such as a street corner, bus stop, etc Has an audio menu so that when using earbuds, interaction with the phone while in pocket/purse is possible Destination on a map, when using Voiceover, the display turns into a tactile map

17 Reasons Blindsquare is the winner
Utilize secondary apps for turn-by- turn directions (ex. Google Maps) from within Blindsquare. Meaning the maps are frequently updated Use Moovit or other public transportation app for route information from within Blindsquare.

18 Reasons Blindsquare is the winner
Can be used when: walking, riding in a car, with public transportation In open area user can switch to tracking mode (used in parks or parking lots, etc.)

19 Reasons Blindsquare is the winner
User simulates location virtually. For Example: One can look for a restaurant in New York City from Orlando, FL and save these locations in the app when planning a trip.

20 Cons about using a GPS APP
Drains smartphone’s battery Voice commands cost money per use from in- app purchase Blindsquare can use up to three voices at the same time (sounds like a dysfunctional family) Uses up to 1 megabyte of data per hour for an average search (eat up your data plan)

21 Future of gps for persons who are visually impaired
Microsoft Pathguide—indoor app which allows a person who is visually impaired to follow a prewalked route Android based iBeacons—we in the profession can advocate of these systems to be placed in all places our students or loved ones frequent. Blindsquare has beacon radar built in

22 Blindsquare Demo

23 Needed gps improvements
Would be nice if apps gave an indication where the sidewalks and crosswalks are located along a traveler’s route.

24 Further resources y_author?terms=Chris+Tabb Resources put together by Chris Tabb on O&M in general and gps apps for Android and iPhone All things Blindsquare

25 Further resources entation-mobility Great resource that has some lessons and demonstrations on using Blindsquare and O&M Resource for Ariadne app

26 Further resources eeingeyegps.html Location for all things Sendero Seeing Eye Gps app #usermanual NowNav manual Information on Nearby Explorer

27 Come on GPS, away we go!

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