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Published byΚρέων Μαλαξός Modified over 6 years ago
Cesar Luongo, Jefferson Lab, Engineering Division
High Magnetic Fields and Physics: Issues in the Design and Construction of Superconducting Magnets 12/07/2016 Cesar Luongo, Jefferson Lab, Engineering Division
Part i: research AT HIGH MAGNETIC FIELDS (Or how scientific research and magnet engineering drive each other)
Science and magnet technology
Partial list of Nobel prizes related to research involving magnetic fields
Hall Effect Hall resistance is a function of material
Edwin Hall (USA) – While grad student at Johns Hopkins in 1879 (20 years after Maxwell) discovered that “something is not right”. Proved that magnetic field affects a current flowing in a metal (voltage in direction perpendicular to current flow) – Not a Nobel Laureate Hall resistance is a function of material RH High field ~ 11,000 times earth’s field T Magnetic field
Integer Quantum Hall Effect
Klaus Von Klitzing (Germany) Physics 1985 for Integer Quantum Hall Effect (1980) Klaus Von Klitzing Hall resistance is quantized Original work in Silicon MOSFETs Temperature ~1.5K, Magnetic field ~12T (high B/T) NOW used as standard for resistance
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
Robert Laughlin (USA), Horst Stormer (Germany/USA), and Daniel Tsui (China/USA) Physics 1998 for discovery of new quantum fluid with fractional charged excitations (even higher B/T, need to reach milli-Kelvin at very high B) (1983) Laughlin Stormer Tsui Quanta in Hall resistance show fractional charge
Research at Extremely High (B/T)
Temperature 30mK Magnetic Field 45T Combine extremely strong DC magnet (45T), with He3 dilution refrigerator to obtain very low sample temperature (30 mK), to explore thermodynamic space at extremely high (B/T). Investigate properties of quantum condensates (bosons, etc.) UNIQUE
NMR/MRI A major application of high field magnets for research in the physical sciences and medicine
Physical Principle behind NMR
The electric charge on the surface of a proton (H nucleus) as it rotates (spin) behaves like a current loop, generating a magnetic moment μ The rotating mass of the proton has an angular momentum J Both are related, μ = γJ (γ being a constant that depends on the nucleus) In the presence of a magnetic field B, a perfect dipole would align, but a rotating dipole will precess at a frequency: ν = (γ/2π)B, the Larmor frequency, 42.6 MHz/Tesla for the proton (H nucleus) Some (more) nuclei will precess parallel to B (low energy configuration), the rest (less) will precess anti-parallel to B (high-energy configuration). The difference in energy between one and the other configuration is proportional to B μ J
Physical Principle behind NMR/MRI
Excite system with RF at the Larmor frequency to force redistribution of nuclei from low energy state to high energy state Turn off RF excitation and use pick-up coils to detect relaxation back to original state By using field gradients and observations on the different types of relaxation (energy states, phase angle of precession), it is possible to reconstruct an accurate picture of the different types of tissue (contrast) Quality of image depends on magnetic field strength and spatial/temporal homogeneity
Nobel Prizes related to NMR
Felix Block (Swiss/USA) and Edward Mills Purcell (USA) Physics 1952 for the discovery of NMR (Mills’45) and development of the theory behind NMR (Bloch’46) Bloch Mills
Nobel Prizes related to NMR (2)
Richard Ernst (Swiss/USA) Chemistry 1991 for the development of high-resolution FFT NMR spectroscopy (1966, at Varian) Kurt Wuthrich (Swiss) Chemistry 2002 for the development of three-dimensional solution-NMR spectroscopy (full protein structure, 1970s) Ernst Wuthrich
900 MHz N uclear M agnetic R esonance Imaging Why do we need high B?
For spectroscopy, to image molecules of ever higher molecular weight (very complex proteins, on the verge of decoding a full virus) For bio-MRI to get better images faster (in-vivo studies, diffusion of drugs in tissue, etc.) What does NMR stand for? who would let someone do NMR on themselves - their kids? MRI WORLD Record & UNIQUE
Nobel Prizes related to NMR (Cont.)
Paul Lauterbur (USA) and Peter Mansfield (UK) Medicine 2003 for the development of field gradient NMR for biological/medical applications (MRI) allowing for high-resolution multi-dimensional images of tissue (1970s) Lauterbur Mansfield Ubiquitous medical diagnosis tool. Non-invasive, high-resolution, and only available tool for imaging certain organs (e.g., brain). First, and largest, commercial application of superconducting magnets
Giant MagnetoResistance
Albert Fert (France) and Peter Gruenberg (Germany) Physics 2007, for their discovery of giant magnetoresistance (in 1988), in which small changes in magnetic field induce large changes in resistance Fert Gruenberg Crucial in the development of high-density hard drives (enabling technology for the original iPod)
Part ii: DESIGN AND FABRICATION issues with (superconducting) magnets (including a brief review of magnets in general) (Or why are superconducting magnets so difficult and tricky)
Magnet technology is cross-disciplinary
A magnet involves: Special materials Strong structures Cooling challenges Electric current & insulation An electromagnetic device subject to strong forces, with acute cooling requirements, carrying high currents and able to sustain high voltages, and storing a lot of energy (protection) Physics Chemistry Materials Science Magnetic Fields Medicine Engineering Biology Geology Multiple Uses
What are the records, what are the challenges
100T Second-Pulse Magnet Key Milestones from the National Academy of Sciences “It is in the vein of recognizing common challenges that could be better addressed by coordinated efforts that the committee identifies several targets for magnet technology…” A 30T SC, high resolution NMR A 60T DC Hybrid magnet A 100T long-pulse magnet COHMAG Report 60T Hybrid Magnet 30T Superconducting NMR Magnet Visitor program Objective is to lower activation barrier to make the initial trips to Tallahassee. We make partial reimbursement of student or postdoctoral travel at $500/trip. Seminar series Establish a seminar program to introduce new users to NHMFL and familiarize the community with the EPR program. Speakers will be encouraged to visit UF during the same trip. Current lineup of speakers includes: D. Britt, S. Eaton, P. Dinse, A. Ardavan, B. Hoffman, van Slagaren, K. Dunbar. Conference support Objective is to increase visibility/goodwill of the program. We have established Travel Fellowships for graduate students/postdocs for Rocky Mountain Conference and for Southeastern Magnetic Resonance Conference. Workshops To disseminate our expertise and aid development of likely users we establish series of hands-on workshops targeting student/postdoc audience. Suggested topics: (a) DEER; (b) high field EPR; (c) pulsed EPR. Instructors should be staff and postdocs/students. The later group will get enumerated with “extra” trips or funds. Initially, we will develop one workshop a year but hold multiple workshops in a staggered fashion. Funds are predominantly for student travel and accommodation. Future initiatives Conference booths: a traveling, manned booth a’la commercial vendor introducing (will contain selected publications, description of the program and available instrumentation) All require new materials in conductor forms that are not available today
Resistive Magnets - Challenges
As high a magnetic field in as high a volume, with minimum power consumption (resistive!) Material challenge: High strength/low resistivity (usually incompatible) Engineering challenge: Design a structurally sound magnet with efficient cooling (also incompatible) Operational challenge: Power consumption and cooling capacity
Resistive magnets - Schematic
Resistive magnets – Bitter Coils
Hybrid Magnets - Challenges
Combination of resistive and superconducting magnets to achieve even higher field without increasing power consumption System complexity (two types of magnets, water and helium cooling, protection issues, etc.) Size and cost
Superconducting “Outsert” portion of hybrid
Coil A Coil B Coil C Cu/Nb3Sn Cu/Nb3Sn Cu/NbTi 15kA current in CICC Very large bore Cooled by HeII (superfluid) Outsert =15T, resistive insert = 30T (45T total) Outsert and insert connected in parallel (i.e., s/c outsert is steady state – inability to ramp field down to zero) Power consumption of insert is high (~30MW)
A high-performance and compact Series-Connected Hybrid (SCH)
Objective: Achieve similar field and performance as “workhorse” resistive magnet, but with higher homogeneity and much lower power consumption (increase “throughput”) Challenge: Low AC loss CICC to achieve series-connection 45-T Hybrid 32-mm bore 30 MW SCH 35 T, High-homo. 40-mm bore 10 MW 33-T All-Resistive 32-mm bore 20 MW
NMR Magnets - Challenges
Achieve highest possible field (study as large a molecule as possible) Extreme field uniformity/permanence requirements. Typically better than 1 ppb over sample volume ( ∆B/B ~ 10-9 )
900 MHz Wide-Bore NMR Magnet
Bronze-route Nb3Sn cond. Nb3Sn Coils Nb3Sn coils (NbTi outer coils) Operation at 1.9K (superfluid) Field 21.2 T Bore 105 mm (largest in the world) Energy 40 MJ
Towards 1.25 GHz NMR (30T): HTS inserts
NbTi Nb3Sn HTS black = reinforcement Existing 21T NMR Conceptual 30 T NMR
Pulsed Magnets - Challenges
Achieve even higher field than DC magnets in pulsed conditions (up to 100T for msec) Magnetic pressure exceed capabilities of materials need to design for fatigue Copper + Xylon coils, capacitive power supply Need to wind very predictable coils that will have a predictable life-span (plus accurate measurement of inductance to foresee end-of- life without having an accident)
What happens when a pulsed magnet fails
Superconducting Magnets - Challenges
A magnetic, electrical, mechanical, and thermal system pushing the envelope of what is possible on multiple fronts Numerous design trade-offs: Stability AC losses Quench protection Cooling requirements Space constraints Field quality
1,000,000 YBCO: Tape, || Tape-plane, SuperPower (Used in NHMFL tested Insert Coil 2007) At 4.2 K Unless YBCO: Tape, |_ Tape Plane, SuperPower YBCO B||c Otherwise Stated (Used in NHMFL tested Insert Coil 2007) Bi-2212: non-Ag Jc, 427 fil. round wire, YBCO B||ab Ag/SC=3 (Hasegawa ASC-2000/MT ) 100,000 Nb-Ti: for whole LHC NbTi strand production (CERN, Boutboul '07) Nb-Ti: Nb-47wt%Ti, 1.8 K, Lee, Naus and 1.9 K LHC Larbalestier UW-ASC'96 Nb-Ti Nb3Sn: Non-Cu Jc Internal Sn OI-ST RRP 10,000 1.3 mm, ASC'02/ICMC'03 Nb3Sn: Bronze route int. stab. -VAC-HP, non-(Cu+Ta) Jc, Thoener et al., Erice '96. Critical Current Density (non-Cu), A/mm² Nb3Sn: 1.8 K Non-Cu Jc Internal Sn OI-ST 2212 RRP 1.3 mm, ASC'02/ICMC'03 1,000 round wire Nb3Al: RQHT+2 At.% Cu, 0.4m/s (Iijima et al 2002) 2223 Nb Al: 3 Bi 2223: Rolled 85 Fil. Tape (AmSC) B||, tape B|_ 2223 RQHT UW'6/96 tape B|| Bi 2223: Rolled 85 Fil. Tape (AmSC) B|_, UW'6/96 100 MgB2: 4.2 K "high oxygen" film 2, Eom et Nb Sn al. (UW) Nature 31 May '02 MgB 3 2 1.8 K MgB2: Tape - Columbus (Grasso) MEM'06 film MgB 2 Nb Sn 3 Nb Sn 3 tape 4.2K (approx) ITER Internal Sn 10 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Applied Field, T This is what superconducting materials are capable of, to engineer them into working magnets is a different story
Stability Cp-Copper at 4.2K ~ 103 J/m3-K
Cp-Superconductor at 4.2K ~ 3x103 J/m3-K Cp-Saturated Helium at 4.2K ~ 700x103 J/m3-K “Stability margin” of metal coil pack ~ 1 mJ/cc (or J/m3, compare with energy density at 6T of ~ 1.5x107 J/m3) Any movement will drive superconductor normal Metal has no heat capacity at 4.2K All enthalpy margin is in the helium
AC losses More Cu, more stability, but also more AC loss
Need to subdivide CICC
Quench protection Current density in s/c strand 4.2K, 5T) ~ A/mm2 Current density in regular extension chord (copper) ~ 1.5 A/mm2 If all the metal in the magnet were just the superconducting strand (with its stabilizing copper), the conductor would be a “fuse” In the event of “quench” (loss of superconductivity) the magnet needs to be protected Adding metal (lower Joule heating, more thermal mass) Active means to detect quench and remove energy
Quench protection Protection calls for more copper, but that drops current density, defeating the purpose Trade offs: Add copper (or metal) to absorb Joule heating Detect quench faster (more metal does not help) Propagate quench faster (to include more thermal mass), more metal defeats this purpose. Extract as much of the energy as possible (external dump circuit)
Quench protection Detect (time to detect + actuate limited by maximum temperature in magnet) Actuate switch Propagate quench internal to magnet while extracting as much energy as possible Trade-off: Fast and high energy extraction requires large “R”, meaning high voltage insulation issues
Survey of magnets for design/achieved engineering current density
500 LHC (design) ~ 500 A/mm2 300 1.5T MRI (typical) LHC (achieved) ~ 220 A/mm2 200 3T MRI (typical) 100 T1 T4 T2 NRIM 21T NMR NRIM 19T NMR Current Density in the Coil Pack (A/mm2) NHMFL 45T Hybrid-O JLab TORUS NRIM 40T Hybrid-O LLNL Fenix ITER CS Model 10 Nominal Limit (empirical) 1 10 100 1000 Stored Energy (MJ)
Strand short-sample limit Caveat Emptor
Beware when a magnet design calls for engineering current density above this empirical limit 500 Stability limit 300 200 100 T1 T4 Structural limit T2 NRIM 21T NMR NRIM 19T NMR Current Density in the Coil Pack (A/mm2) NHMFL 45T Hybrid-O NRIM 40T Hybrid-O Quench protection limit LLNL Fenix ITER CS Model Nominal Limit 10 1 10 100 1000 Stored Energy (MJ)
Magnets for Medicine - MRI
Only truly “commercial” application of superconductivity Ubiquitous in today’s medical practice A US$1B+ per year business dominated by three incumbents and multiple small players
MRI is a series-production challenge
High magnet production throughput with high degree of repeatability and minimum cost. All steps of the chain subject to intense pressure to reduce and simplify Supply chain (standardization vs. diversification of suppliers) Labor reduction, part-count reduction, standardization of tests and troubleshoot (no different than auto industry) New technology introduction (newcomers?)
Magnets for Research - Fusion
Plasma heating, control, and confinement to research feasibility of large-scale fusion reactor Largest superconducting magnets ever built Part of an international project, ITER, funded by EU, USA, Russia, China, Korea, Japan, and India being built in France
ITER Magnet + Cryostat System
Central Solenoid (6) (Nb3Sn) Feeders (6) (Nb-Ti) Divertor (54 cassettes) Blanket (440 modules) Cryostat (28 m high x 29 m dia.) Vacuum Vessel (9 sectors) Toroidal Field Coils (18) (Nb3Sn) Poloidal Field Coils (6) (Nb-Ti) Correction Coils (6) (Nb-Ti) Very large one-of-a-kind superconducting magnets. Scale?
Jefferson Memorial (Washington DC) ~95 ft Tall (floor to top of dome)
ITER scale comparison comparison ~91 ft Tall Jefferson Memorial (Washington DC) ~95 ft Tall (floor to top of dome) ITER Cryostat ~91 ft Tall x 95 ft Dia.
(Maximum Takeoff Weight)
TF Coil – Mass Comparison Boeing (Maximum Takeoff Weight) ~377 t Mass of (1) TF Coil: ~360 t 52 ft Tall x 29 ft Wide
Concluding Remarks Scientific research has been driving magnet technology towards stronger, bigger, better… Engineering of magnets has responded by continuously achieving targets through materials and design What came first? The chicken or the egg? Scientific discovery is not possible without the engineering of “instruments”, science determines the direction of engineering development, but ability to “discover” ultimately depends on our engineering abilities We can only make progress through the collaboration of multiple disciplines (“Teams” + Integration !!!)
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