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From Colonies to Country

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Presentation on theme: "From Colonies to Country"— Presentation transcript:

1 From Colonies to Country

2 The Original 13 Colonies

3 The Original 13 Colonies

4 Reasons People Came to the New World
Religious Freedom Business To Get Land

5 Religious Freedom Pilgrims 1620 Puritans 1630 Connecticut 1636
Rhode Island 1638 Maryland 1634 (Catholic colony) Pennsylvania 1681(Quakers)

6 Land Ownership & Business Opportunities
NH NY NJ Jamestown, Virginia 1607 DEL NC SC

7 3 Regions: New England Middle Colonies Southern Colonies

8 The American Revolution
What pisses people off so much that they are willing to revolt?

9 Bold opportunity seekers
Factors promoting independence and love of “liberty” during colonial period Bold opportunity seekers Colonial experience encouraged self sufficiency & independent thinking Britain controlled colonies loosely for 100 years

10 The French & Indian War 1754 – 1763
Turning Point: The French & Indian War 1754 – 1763

11 Results of French & Indian War
England wins lots of land from French in N. America England’s war spending creates huge financial debts; British leaders feel the Americans should pay their share Colonials learn military tactics while no longer in awe of the “Red Coats”

12 Why do colonists turn against England?

13 John Locke and Enlightenment thinkers assert that all people have “natural rights”

14 Parliament passed Proclamation of 1763 Colonists saw it as restricting their liberty

15 Tax on Stamps to pay for war debt (1765)
No Taxation Without Representation!!!!!


17 Tax on Tea leads to the . . . Boston Tea Party (1773)

18 Continental Congresses (1774 & 1775)

19 Bullets Fly: The Battles of
Lexington & Concord (1775) The “Shot Heard Round the World” Liberty’s Kids

20 The Declaration of Independence

21 The Declaration of Independence
Written by Thomas Jefferson Listed rights and grievances against King George III Approved July 2, 1776; signed July 4, 1776 A new country was about to be born. Thomas Jefferson was the unanimous choice to draft the document that would become the “Birth Certificate of the United States,” the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Franklin and John Adams aided Jefferson with Declaration revisions. The document clearly listed colonists’ rights and their grievances against King George III. Too Late To Apologize (3 min.)

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