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10 Insider Secrets on How to find the BEST Credit Repair Company (800) 607-1809

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1 10 Insider Secrets on How to find the BEST Credit Repair Company (800)

2 Having good credit is more important now than ever
Banks have tightened up lending guidelines making it harder to qualify for loans Employers are now requiring credit checks for jobs Even credit cards are near impossible to get approved for with challenged credit

3 With the importance of good credit, it is vital that you know how to fix your own credit or know how to find a GOOD credit repair company to help you Credit repair is the main proven method of fixing credit

4 But what is credit repair and how does it REALLY work?
Credit repair is the process of disputing and deleting negative items from your credit report How it works varies based on who is handling your credit disputing

5 Regardless of who you use for credit repair, there are 10 Secrets you should know to insure you work with a reputable company and see the best results

6 Secret 1- The Fair Credit Reporting Act protects YOU
The FCRA requires all items on your credit report meet 3 VERY specific criteria All items on your credit must be 100% Accurate All items on your credit must be 100% Verifiable All items on your credit must be 100% Timely When items do not meet this criteria, BY LAW they must be deleted or corrected

7 The FCRA is the heart of most credit repair
Credit disputes are processed based on what this law requires creditors validate When they can’t validate, most items are then deleted and credit scores increase

8 Make sure you understand or the company you are using for your repair understands this law.
The better the law is understood, the better your dispute results will be

9 Secret 2 Most credit repair companies only dispute 3 items at a time
We have done extensive research and found that disputing ALL negative items with each dispute round results in the greatest and fastest credit improvement But most companies including Lexington Law only dispute 3 negative accounts at a time.

10 This means real results take between 1-2 years
Make sure you work with a company who disputes ALL your negative items each month You will then see greater credit improvement results faster

11 Secret 3 Many credit repair companies only dispute every 60 days
Many credit companies wait until you receive back your results from the credit bureaus to start another round of disputes. This usually means you have disputes processed once every days

12 Although some of those companies might appear cheaper, only 3 accounts are being disputed every 2 months making real results take a LONG time Only work with a credit company who disputes every 35 days so you get more disputing for your money

13 Secret 4 Direct Creditor Advanced Disputing is Key
Direct creditor disputing provides the greatest credit improvement over all other dispute types There are over 200 other consumer laws which can be used for direct creditor disputes. These laws include the Fair Billing Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, HIPPA, RESPA , and more.

14 Direct creditor disputing is about using these other laws to find other creditor violations, and then use those violations as leverage to have the negative item deleted from the credit report.

15 VERY few credit repair companies offer this level of service.
This dispute level produces the best results, so only work with a reputable company who also provide you direct creditor disptuing

16 Secret 5- Custom tailored disputes for loan approval help you get approved FAST
Disputes can be directed towards the most harmful accounts first so you can see greater improvement. But many credit repair companies use the same letters and the same system for all clients.

17 Only work with a company who provides you custom disputing
This way you can target your most harmful accounts for deletion resulting in loan approval faster You should work with a company who can deliver you credit improvement results consistent with your financial goals such as Loan Approval

18 Secret 6 Never Dispute online
The credit bureaus make it easy for any consumer to dispute online There is a good reason they make it so convenient The FCRA requires that all disputes receive a “reasonable investigation”

19 But you will NOT receive ANY investigation if you dispute online
Once a dispute is processed online it is immediately fed directly into a credit bureau computer known as OCR.

20 This computer then takes 1 of 2 actions.
Firstly, OCR will send out a “stall tactic” letter to delay the process and confuse the consumer. OCR might also take the other action of processing the dispute. It then automatically and electronically interprets the dispute and sends it to another credit bureau computer known as e-OSCAR.

21 That dispute will NEVER be touched or seen by a human.
The dispute gets input by the consumer on the credit bureau’s website, fed directly into OCR OCR either stalls or sends the dispute to e-OSCAR e-OSCAR then sends it to the creditor with NO human involvement.

22 There can be no “reasonable investigation” when no human is even involved in the dispute process
This is why you should never dispute online and never work with a credit company who disputes online

23 Secret 7 The credit bureau’s OCR computer can be beaten
The credit bureaus will do anything in their power to stop consumer disputes. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is one of the main computer systems the bureaus use to STOP legal credit disputes in their tracks.

24 OCR is designed to funnel a dispute through a computer and directly to the creditor with NO investigation actually taking place.

25 All mail disputes are also fed through OCR EXCEPT for ones that OCR kicks out.
The only way anyone can obtain a true reasonable investigation is to make OCR kick out the dispute Then a human MUST get involved and process the dispute

26 Some of these methods include
Using a particular page thickness that OCR can’t process Writing letters in marker and crayon Sending disputes in French and Spanish Even adding sentences that make absolutely make no sense into the dispute letter.

27 Although some of our letters might appear they were done by a kindergartner
But they are VERY effective as we are able to bypass OCR and get the dispute into a human’s hands. Only work with a credit company who can explain to you their strategy for overcoming OCR

28 Secret 8 You can Conquer e-OSCAR
There are MANY tactics and tools the credit bureaus will use to STOP most disputes the minute they are received. They insist on disputes being processed through a computer They make it their mission to insure no human EVER is even involved in the dispute process.

29 The credit bureaus main method of avoiding an actual investigation is known as e-OSCAR (Online Solution for Complete and Accurate Reporting.) This system was originally developed by the CDIA for the purpose of helping credit investigations. Instead, the bureaus purchased this system to replace human investigations And replace those with a computer that only funnels the dispute directly to the creditor

30 When a dispute is sent to the credit bureau they enter the dispute into e-OSCAR and send it directly to the creditor to investigate. The dispute is broken down into a simple “reason code” and this reason code is then sent to the creditor. ONLY the customer’s identifying information and the reason code, or reason for the dispute is ever sent to the creditor.

31 You can overcome e-OSCAR by utilizing multiple credit bureau addresses in disputing
You can also use many of the same tactics used to overcome OCR to get your disputes into a human’s hands Only work with a credit repair company who openly talks about e-OSCAR and what methods they use to overcome this complicated credit bureau computer

32 Secret 9 New Credit is just as important as deletions
You cannot have a good credit score without having good credit Only work with a credit company who provides you with guaranteed approval sources for new credit You really want to find accounts with high credit limits of $5,000 and higher, and a good credit company can help you find these accounts

33 1/3 of your total credit score is based on Available Credit so adding high available credit is crucial in the credit repair process By adding new credit and high available credit you will see a BIG credit score increase much faster Only work with a credit repair company who has guaranteed approval sources available

34 Secret 10- Check the Credibility
There are more bad credit repair companies than there are good An easy way to spot a good credit firm is through the Better Business Bureau Always check out the company’s reputation with the BBB, Secretary of State, and research their other credentials.

35 All good companies are FACTA certified by the Consumer Data Industry Association and recommended by the Ethical Credit Repair Alliance If they are not recommended by the ECRA and certified by the CDIA, be SKEPTICAL Always research the company’s reputation and NEVER work with a company with a bad reputation and complaints with the BBB

36 You can have Excellent Credit
Whether you dispute on your own or use a reputable company, make sure you get started today on fixing your credit Your credit will NOT repair itself, your creditors and the bureaus will NEVER let that happen

37 To fix credit effectively you should have a good strategy to dispute and delete your negative items while replacing the negative with positive accounts Working with a good credit firm can insure you see substantial improvement in 8 months or less, and see initial credit improvement in only 45 days

38 10 Insider Secrets on How to find the BEST Credit Repair Company (800)

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