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Theme 2: Creating a New Nation

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1 Theme 2: Creating a New Nation
Unit 1: Road to Freedom Theme 2: Creating a New Nation

2 The country celebrated being independent by throwing a celebration.
independent- a country that is not ruled or governed by another country The country celebrated being independent by throwing a celebration.

3 patriotism- to show love and loyal support for their country
Soldiers show patriotism for their country by serving in the military.

4 declaration- an official statement
The Declaration of Independence was written on July 4, 1776.

5 Your signed papers are documents that prove you took tests.
document– anything printed or written that contains information or that can be used as proof of something Your signed papers are documents that prove you took tests.

6 version– a different form of something
Internet Explorer comes out with different versions every few years.

7 confidence- to firmly believe in something or someone
It takes great confidence to climb a mountain.

8 convention- a meeting called for a specific purpose
The convention was held at the stadium to support the governor.

9 proclaim- to announce officially
The judge proclaimed that he was running for governor.

10 The nation of people supported each other when needed.
nation- a group of people living in the same country under the same government The nation of people supported each other when needed.

11 allegiance– to have faith and loyalty
We say The Pledge of Allegiance every morning at the beginning of our school day.

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