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Monday October 10th, 2016 Learning Target;

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Presentation on theme: "Monday October 10th, 2016 Learning Target;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday October 10th, 2016 Learning Target;
I can explain a brief description of the events of the Revolutionary War Agenda; CNN Student news Talk about events leading to Revolution Crash Course on Revolution Work on Vocab Things to Remember; Vocab 2.2 due Wednesday

2 CNN Student News The debates were on last night Who do you think won? How doe it compare to the last debate?

3 Write down the following statements leave a line in between each
Stamp Act Signing of the Declaration Boston Tea Party Call to Unity Boston Massacre Lexington and Concord The British arrive








11 Call to Unity Join the Union During the French and Indian War
Political Cartoon Benjamin Franklin

12 Stamp Act Direct tax on Colonists Taxed newspapers,
almanacs, pamphlets, legal documents, dice, playing cards Repealed in 1766 1767 Townshend Acts passed-taxed glass, lead, pain, paper, and tea

13 British Troops Arrive British authorities request help after being
harrased by colonists.

14 Boston Massacre Angry mob of colonists harass British soldiers
British fire into crowd Kill 5

15 Boston Tea Party British ships arrive Colonists don’t want to
pay taxes Men disguise themselves native Americans Dump 342 containers of tea

16 Battle of Lexington and Concord
British troops come to destroy Americans at Concord Paul Revere alerts Meet in Concord Many die on both sides British retreat

17 Declaration of Independence
Written by Thomas Jefferson Approved on July 4th

18 Crash Course American Revolution

19 2.2 Vocab Read, Definition, Sentence Due Wednesday 10/12
Treaty of Paris 1783 p.122 Republic p.133 Articles of Confederation p.135 Checks and Balances p.143 Ratification p.146 Separation of Powers p.143 Three-Fifths Compromise p.142 Federalists/Anti p.146 Great Compromise p.142 Virginia/New Jersey Plans p.142 Bill of Rights p.149

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