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Brookhaven National Laboratory

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1 Brookhaven National Laboratory
STARPMD Brookhaven National Laboratory Charles Udanoh Mentor:Dr. Jim Thomas

2 What is you assignment? Working with Mr. Tapan Naik
Conducting tests with students Searching for Disoriented Chiral Condensates (DCC)

3 Why search for DCC? To generate valuable information on vacuum structure of the strong interaction And the nature of the chiral phase transition

4 Past Experiments (WA98 and ALICE)
Used PMD,SPMD and Plastic ball detectors to - look for collective flow of photons and charged particles (like pions and protons) - to estimate the percentage of the elliptic flow depending upon the centrality

5 What is Photons Multiplicity Detector ( PMD)?
The PMD is a Pre-shower photon Detector suitable for counting photons in high-energy nucleus - nucleus collisions.

6 PMD Cont. It Measures multiplicity and spatial distribution of photons on an event-by-event basis in high energy ion experiments. It study’s Deconfinement transitions, Chiral symmetry restoration and matter under extreme conditions

7 Mechanical design of PMD
The honeycomb chambers are fabricated in the form of unit modules, which can be handled conveniently. The unit module consists of a rhombus of side approx. 260 mm containing a matrix of 24 x 24 cells. This shape has identical boundaries on all four sides. The wall thickness at the boundaries is half of that of the inner walls.


9 Control System The control system consist of three distinct subsystems:


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