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RCW 103 Supernova Remnant Norma 10,000 LY Supernova Remnant

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1 RCW 103 Supernova Remnant Norma 10,000 LY Supernova Remnant
Exploded about 2000 years ago. Central object is an x-ray source with a slow rotation rate. It is also a magnetar.

2 RCW 103 – other images

3 IC 443 Supernova Remnant aka the “Jellyfish Nebula”
Gemini 5000 LY Supernova Remnant Exploded about ,000 years ago. Rapidly spinning neutron star along the southern edge

4 Other images of IC 443

5 Alpha Orionis (Betelgeuse)
642 LY Red Supergiant M1-M2Ia-Iab 7.7 solar masses, supernova candidate

6 More Alpha Ori pics

7 HR 5171 A Artist Impression of Aa+Ab
Centaurus 12,000 LY Binary Star G8Ia+B00Ibp Supernova candidate and one of the largest known stars (largest known hypergiant). Masses ~30 + ~5 solar masses

8 SN W49B H II Region SN W49B Aquila 37,000 LY H II region/SNR
invisible in optical, bright in x-rays, SN about 1000 years ago. Probably contains a young black hole

9 ASASSN-15th ASASSN-15th Indus 4x10^9 LY
Superluminout supernova (hypernova). Brightest yet know. 50 x brighter than the MW and 6x10^11 X brighter than the Sun

10 AG Carina AG Carinae Carina 20,000 LY Wolf-Rayet Star/LBV
~55 solar masses, SN candidate. Surrounded by a shell of about 15 solar masses of ejected material. The star's initial mass was probably about 100 solar masses.

11 S Doradus – Brightest star in NCG 1910 in the LMC
Dorado 170,000 LY Supergiant Star A1 I ~24 solar masses. LBV, supernova candidate

12 SN 1987 A Recent supernova in the LMC Dorado 168,000 LY LMC Supernova
Supernova in the LMC, progenitor initially about 18 solar masses. Neutrinos detected from the event. Neutron star remnant expected but still not detected.

13 More 1987A

14 Geminga Gemini 800 LY Pulsar
originally found as a gamma-ray source, then as x-ray source

15 NGC 6357 Scorpius 8000 LY Star-forming H II region
Diffuse nebula containing many proto-stars surrounded by disks of gas, and hot, massive young stars wrapped in expanding "cocoons." AKA the Lobster Nebula

16 M82 X-2 Ursa Major 12,000,000 LY X-ray source in galaxy Messier 82
brightest pulsar ever recorded

17 More M82 X-2

18 PSR B0355+54 Pulsar Wind Nebula
Camelopardalis 4300 LY

19 DEM L241 optical X-ray Dorado 170,000 LY LMC Supernova Remnant
Massive star survived the explosion of its companion

20 Circinus X-1 Circinus 30,700 LY High-mass X-ray Binary
Pink = radio, blue = X-ray Circinus 30,700 LY High-mass X-ray Binary young x-ray binary embedded in a SNR, <4600 years old

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