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1 No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No
Researcher identifies need to access CPFT staff, facilities, premises or patients. Does the researcher have: a substantive NHS post or clinical academic post within the NHS a healthcare placement neither? Author: Anna Chapman Date: 20th October 2009 1. Substantive or clinical academic post with NHS 3. Neither Are existing substantive, or clinical contractual arrangements with CPFT? 2. Healthcare placement in NHS No Yes Is the researcher carrying out research as an employee or student of a HEI? Does research form part of a healthcare placement within CPFT? Yes No Yes No Researcher should be covered for research work within CPFT and should not need additional access arrangements. Researchers can contact for clarification on whether pre-engagement checks are adequate for proposed research. CPFT to carry out any additional checks required. Researcher to contact to discuss contract/access arrangements Does researcher have current honorary research contract or letter of access to any NHS Trust other than CPFT? Yes No Researcher to submit current contract/access letter to CPFT R&D for assessment, and indicate the nature of the proposed research activity and whether this is different from the activity covered by existing arrangements. Please note: CPFT R&D may also ask to see a full Research Passport (including supporting documentation). CPFT to carry out any additional checks required for CPFT contract/letter of access to be issued. Researchers to download CPFT Letter of Access Information Form from Trust website, or request from CPFT R&D. Complete Section 1. Researcher to discuss nature of proposed research with CPFT R&D in order to ascertain what level of pre-engagement checks required. Researcher to send form on to HR at NHS Trust with whom they have an existing contractual or access arrangement. HR Department to fill in and sign Section 2. Researcher to download Research Passport (RP) form from NIHR website and complete. Please note: researcher to complete Sections 1-3 researcher’s line manager or supervisor to complete Section 4 researcher’s HR Dept or Registry at HEI to complete relevant part of Section 6. Completed Letter of Access Information form to be sent to together with information on the nature of the research to be undertaken Researcher to submit RP to CPFT R&D with information on the nature of the proposed research. Please note: RP MUST be original and be supported by appendices. The following documents may be required: CV Researcher’s copy of CRB check (if CPFT R&D indicates this is required) Evidence of Occupational Health clearance (if CPFT R&D indicates this is required) Evidence of relevant qualifications and training Professional registration details (where applicable) CPFT R&D to inform researcher if further pre-engagement checks required (to be undertaken by CPFT). Once all requirements satisfied, CPFT R&D to validate RP form and issue either an Honorary Research Contract or Letter of Access. CPFT R&D will assess the nature of the research and either issue a Letter of Access straight away, OR request further pre-engagement checks to be undertaken on researcher by CPFT before issuing the Letter of Access. Once CPFT Letter of Access issued, researcher has permission to access CPFT ONLY. Please note: NHS R&D permission for each research project must also be in place before the research may commence. Once CPFT Letter of Access issued, or honorary contract signed and returned to CPFT by researcher, researcher has permission to access CPFT ONLY. Please note: NHS R&D permission for each research project must also be in place before the research may commence.

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