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Cancer Biology Jasmina Makarevic

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1 Cancer Biology Jasmina Makarevic
ATTA-UR-RAHMAN SCHOOL OF APPLIED BIOSCIENCES (ASAB) Cancer Biology Jasmina Makarevic Fall Semester 2016

2 Oncogenes/ Proto-Oncogenes
Def.: Oncogenes: a cancer-inducing gene Proto–oncogenes: a normal cellular gene that, upon alteration by DNA-damaging agents or viral genomes, can acquire the ability to function as an oncogene. Tumor-supressor-genes: produce proteins which control the cell-cycle or lead to apoptosis (program of celullar self-destruction) loss of these genes leeds to cancer! Jasmina Makarevic

3 Theory of „HITS“ Knudson hypothesis (multi-hit hypothesis): cancer is the result of accumulated mutations to a cell‘s DNA (Alfred G. Knudson, 1971) e.g.: If renoblastom is inherited it occures in earlier years. When it is non-inherited at least two „hits“ to occure until it become cancer. That is why you get it in older age. (Mutations had to occure in both alleles before becoming cancer) Jasmina Makarevic

4 Two-Hits theoretical curve
Jasmina Makarevic

5 Solid Cancers Colon Cancer: Five hits to achieve an invasive carcinoma
Jasmina Makarevic

6 Chemical Carcinogenesis I
First evidence from Paracelcius in 1567: „wasting deseas of the miners“ And many more after him… To better understand the connection, scientist began to induce tumors in animals with chemical substances. In 1915, Katsusaburo Yamagiwa reported the first succesful induction in a rabbits ear. Jasmina Makarevic

7 Chemical Carcinogenesis II
Jasmina Makarevic

8 Chemical Carcinogenesis III
Summary statistics (2012) Chemical Carcinogenesis III Covalent bond formation between an electrophilic form of the carconogen and the nucleophilic site in the proteine and nucleic acids  leeding to mutations Jasmina Makarevic

9 Important Experimental Proof
Fruit fly genetic: 1927, Hermann Mueller induced mutations in the genom of Drosophila melanogaster by exposing these flies to x-ray. In the 1940s many other chemicals used in the World War I were also found to be mtagenic These findings caused several geneticists to speculate that cancer was a disease of mutant genes. Many other Scientists proofd this in the last 50 years. But how can we proof the relative mutagenic potencies of a chemical species? Jasmina Makarevic

10 The Ames Test Release ist enzymes Chemically activated ,
Summary statistics (2012) The Ames Test Release ist enzymes Chemically activated , mutagenic state Mutant allele, which caused this Phenotype in Salmonella was susceptible to back-mutation to a wild-type allele. Salmonella has no DNA- Recovering system smalle Lipopolysaccharids Jasmina Makarevic

11 Epidemiologic Studies
Def.: Is the science which studies the patterns, causes and effects of healthand disease conditions in defined populations. Jasmina Makarevic

12 Tumor Viruses Leading their host to an uncontrolled proliferation!
One of the first experiments: 1911 Peyton Rous: Jasmina Makarevic

13 Transformed cells forming foci
Jasmina Makarevic

14 Transformed morphology
Jasmina Makarevic

15 Conclusion Jasmina Makarevic

16 Onco-Virus Jasmina Makarevic

17 DNA-Virus Jasmina Makarevic

18 Life cycle of an RNA tumor virus like RSV
Jasmina Makarevic

19 Structure of the Rous sarcoma virus genom
Reverse Transcriptase: Enzyme makes DNA complementary copy of an RNA molecule using the RNA molecule as tamplate Integrase: Integrate e.g.: retroviral DNA genome into hostecell Chromosomal DNA Jasmina Makarevic

20 Making of src-specific DNA
Src-gene = proto-oncogene Jasmina Makarevic

21 Transforming Retroviruses
Jasmina Makarevic

22 RVS without proto- oncogene? Insertional mutagenesis
ALV (avian leukosis virus) MLV (murine leukemia virus) Jasmina Makarevic

23 Outlook 1. Are there bacteria which causes cancer? What is about chronic inflammation? What happens in the process in cancer initiation, promotion and progression? Jasmina Makarevic

24 Thank You for Your Attention!
Jasmina Makarevic

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