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Discovering SSRS 2016 in Azure: Dataset to Deployment

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1 Discovering SSRS 2016 in Azure: Dataset to Deployment
Susan Schneider Discovering SSRS 2016 in Azure: Dataset to Deployment May 5, 2018

2 About Me -Started my technical journey at this local SQL Saturday
-Microsoft Certified Professional -Microsoft Technology Associate: Database Fundamental -Data Analyst with Tax Defense Network in Jacksonville, FL Blog at: “How to Become Technical at Any Age” - -Certified Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt -Weekend Sailor and Wanna-Be ‘Power BI Guru’

3 Session Objectives Learn the Baker’s Dozen Best Practices to Building a Good SSRS Dataset Understand the SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) Report Environment Create a Simple Report and Deploy It to an Azure Report Server General Thoughts

4 DEMO TIME SSMS Building a Good SSRS Dataset
Go To SSMS for demo examples: Go 01 to 05. After 05-Stored Proc Traffic Aggregate Simple (showing code that runs the SSRS Dashboard), go to next slide

5 Baker’s Dozen SSRS Tips
1. Don't Retrieve More Data than Needed 2.Convert complex queries in SSRS into a View 3.Avoid data conversion at the SSRS report level 4.Avoid data filtering at the report level in SSRS 5.Avoid calculated fields at the SSRS level 6.Sort data at the query level 7.Do not use 'Select *' in your final Select statement: Specify the column names 8.Create Shared Dataset for items used in multiple reports Function Use Case where Crash_Year in (2014,2015) and county_code IN (Select value From ',’)) (see next slide for Function code Review then go to SSDT to review environment and also review Tips 9-13

6 Function: SplitCommaSeparatedList
CREATE function [dbo].[udf_SplitCommaSeparatedList] ( @List varchar(max), @SplitOn varchar(5) ) table ReturnValueID int identity(1,1), Value varchar(max) as begin While Insert (value) Select Value = = end Insert (Value) Select Value = Return Function: SplitCommaSeparatedList

7 Data Set Tips Continued
9- Use Shared Data Sources 10- Limit number of parameters 11- Correct Data Type parameter 12- Default parameter /Available 13- Set Report Width Go to next slide

8 SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)
Left Side Report Data Built-In Fields Images Data Sources Data Sets ** To see Report Data Pane make sure you click on the Design Pane Center Design Pane Parameters Row Group Column Group Preview Pane Right Side Solution Explorer Shared Data Sources Shared Data Sets Property Window Review then go to SSDT to review environment and also review Tips 9-13

9 SQL Server Data Tool Environment
DEMO TIME 1-Show the Crazy Car View 2-Created a table from this view in Azure to reduce latency

10 Building a Report and Deploying

11 Recap Tips and Tricks for Creating Good Report Datasets
SQL Server Data Tool (SSDT) Environment Review Build and Deploy Report to Azure Report Server

12 Question and Answer Time

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