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Social Studies 30 IB Overview of Topics for IB EXAMS

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1 Social Studies 30 IB Overview of Topics for IB EXAMS

2 World War 1 : 1914-1918 (Paper 2) Causes of WW1
Long term causes (spheres of influence, alliances, main players) Short Term causes (Balkans and Assassination of Franz Ferdinand)

3 World war 1 Fighting styles
Trench Warfare Evolving Artillery and Technology Calvary shifts to infantry Use of Poison Gas

4 WW1 : The Western Front Battle of Mons – Aug 23, 1914
Battle of Marne – Sept 1914 Battle of Ypres (x3) – October 1914 Battle of Verdun – Feb 1916 Battle of Somme – July 1916

5 Eastern front/sea, air battles
Go through the reading package given to you at the beginning of the semester. U-Boat Campaign Evolution of Airships

6 Ww1 on the home front Civilians in the workforce TOTAL WAR:
Food Rationing DORA Social Changes Roles and status of Women

7 End of WW1 Events that contributed to the end of the war:
Bolshevik Revolution – Oct 1917 USA enters the war – April 6, 1917 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk -- March 1918 Armistice – November 11, 1918

The Treaty of Versailles The Big 3 (4) and each of their intentions Wilson’s 14 points The military, territorial and economic clauses of TOV Article 231 Reparations

9 German reaction to the treaty
Diktat Not based on 14 points Economic repercussions of the TOV

10 League of Nations Overview
Created with the treaty of Versailles Years in existence Main countries involved (and years of membership) Main motives of the LoN (sanctions, mandate system, military?) Why didn’t the USA join the LoN?

11 Paris Peace Treaties For all of the following treaties examine the who, what, where, when and why St. Germain Rapallo Trianon Lausanne Neuilly Sevres **Not part of Paris Peace Conference**

12 League action 1920-25 1920 – Aaland Islands dispute 1923 – Corfu
1925 – Mosul 1925 – War of the Stray Dog

13 Ruhr Crisis 1923-1924 Chronicle the events of the crisis including:
Inability of Germany to pay reparations French and Belgian occupation Passive resistance

14 Locarno 1925 What was the purpose of the Locarno pact?
What happened to Germany as a result of this pact?

15 Manchuria Abyssinia 1931 Background Info
LoN commissions … success or failure?? What was Mussolini’s purpose in Abyssinia? League Actions… success or failure?

Steps to Stalin’s takeover from Main opponent Stalin’s Policy of a self-sufficient Russia Takeover date

17 Stalin’s totalitarianism (1928-1953)
Controlled Participation Propaganda / Cult of the Leader Indoctrination Youth Control Force and Terror Secret Force Article 58 Direction of Popular Discontent

18 Meanwhile In Germany! Pre-Hitler Germany (Weimar Rep.) 1918-1923
Reaction to the Versailles treaty Reaction to WW1 loss Invasion of the Ruhr and Hyperinflation

19 Hitler and his Rise to Power
1923 – Beer Hall Putsch … Mein Kampf 1925 – Hitler named leader of the Nazi Party. (incorporation of symbols and uniforms) 1928 – 1st time Hitler is involved in election (12 Seats in reichstag) July 1932 – 230 Seats (most in the Reichstag) Proportional Representation

20 Hitlers Rise cont… November 1932 – Reichstag Fire
1933– Hitler is chancellor, passes Enabling Act June 1934 – Night of the Long Knives Aug – Hitler declares himself Fuhrer

21 Hitler’s Techniques of Dictatorship
Controlled Participation Propaganda / Cult of the Leader Indoctrination Youth Control Force and Terror Secret Force Concentration Camps Direction of Popular Discontent

22 Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 Background to conflict
Major Events beginning with Franco’s rebelion in Morocco. Nationalists vs. Republicans Importance of International Support Guernica

23 World War II (paper 2) Changes in tactics between the two world wars
Changes in technology between the two wars Phoney War Important Battles: Dunkirk: May 24-June 4, 1940 Battle of Britain: July 1, 1940 …. Turns to the Blitz Battle of the Atlantic: Be familiar with the different ‘theaters’

24 Other notable campaigns
Operation Barbarossa: July – 1943 Battle of Stalingrad: African Campaign Pacific Campaign

25 World War II on the Home Front
New governments in Europe Home Front in GB: Evacuation Conscription Controlling Information Rationing

26 The End of World War II D-Day VE Day Anti-Cominterm Pact Tokyo Attack
Nagasaki and Hiroshima

27 The Cold War (Paper 2) See the Cold War Timeline!!!!

28 The End !!!!!!!!

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