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cedric ibay 8 kyle mapalo 13 portia valenciano 28 ii-champaca

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1 cedric ibay 8 kyle mapalo 13 portia valenciano 28 ii-champaca
chrysophytes cedric ibay 8 kyle mapalo 13 portia valenciano 28 ii-champaca

2 Chrysophyta “chrysophytes” chryso meaning or indicating
the color ‘gold’ phyta meaning plants “Plant-like protists” Eukaryotes photosynthetic Other characteristics Can be unicellular Can be filamentous Can be colonial phylum Chrysophyta class Bacillariophyta (diatoms) class Chrysophyceae (golden, or golden brown algae) class Xanthophyceae (Yellow-green algae) Chrysochrumulina sp.

3 Structures Chloroplast Cell wall An organelle containing chlorophyll
The chlorophyll gives the bright yellow pigment Cell wall Is composed of Pectin Pectin + Cellulose Sometimes with silicon

4 Habitat Freshwater that is low in calcium
Sometimes found in marine and estuarine environments as well Get pictures

5 Nutrition Chrysophytes are phototrophic. Different way of food storage
can become heterotrophic if unable to produce food can eat diatoms Different way of food storage Instead of storing it as a starch, chrysophytes store the food as OIL. (polysaccharide laminarin)

6 Examples Anthophysa vegetans
- a freshwater species of golden-brown algae - the first chrysophyte ever described Vaucheria litorea - an estuarine species of yellow-green algae Cyclotella ocellata -a cylindrical diatom - diameter: 6-30 micrometers

7 Reproduction Capable of both Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction
and Asexual reproduction

8 Ecology Solitary Usually are producers May form thread-like colonies

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