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Agenda for September 26th …Advanced

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda for September 26th …Advanced"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda for September 26th …Advanced
Review Final Brainstorming Activity and Final Proposal Introduce new unit…The French and Indian War Ben Franklin and the Albany Plan of Union…America’s first political cartoon. Goals Understand how the rivalry between the French and British led to a 7 year conflict in North America Homework Complete Guide Book to America …print 1 copy Review and correct FINAL Brainstorming

2 North America in Observations ---3 Super Powers in North America ---Location of French Territory, Spanish Territory, and British Territory ---Control of Major Waterways Predictions

3 The Albany Plan of Union
Benjamin Franklin

4 Agenda for September 26th
The Albany Plan Fails…Rivalry in North America Ignites a World War France and Great Britain Prepare for War Who is to Blame for Starting the War? You will be surprised! Goals Understand how the rivalry between the French and British led to a 7 year conflict in North America Homework Complete 2 Readings and Questions… Jumonville’s Glen and I Must Stand Still to be Shot At

5 The Albany Plan of Union
Benjamin Franklin FAILED

6 The French and Indian War… England’s Fight for Dominance

7 Who fought on which side?
The British The British army The American colonial militia The Iroquois Confederacy The French The French army French Canadians The Huron and Algonquin Indians

8 Surround Canada’s greatest city, Quebec, and defeat it.
The British Strategy Use the British Army and Colonial militia (volunteers) troops to attack the French in Canada Surround Canada’s greatest city, Quebec, and defeat it.

9 The French Strategy Defend Quebec!
Use their Indian allies to form war parties and attack the American colonists along the undefended frontier. The French will encourage massacres of Americans by paying money for each American scalp the Indians take.

10 The American Colonists
Many colonists feel that they are forced into this conflict. Many colonists experience prejudice from the British officers. American desert (run away from) the British army.

11 The Huron: Allied to the French

12 The Iroquois Allied to the British

13 British “Brown Bess” Musket 1756
French 1728 Infantry Musket

14 Standard British Style of Fighting

15 Guerilla Warfare (used by Indian Allies and the French)


17 Breaking bone and Scalping
Tomahawks Breaking bone and Scalping

18 A soldier describes how the act of scalping was executed.
“When a war party has captured one or more prisoners that cannot be taken away, it is the usual custom to kill them by breaking their heads with the blows of a tomahawk. When he [Native Warrior] has struck two or three blows, the savage quickly seizes his knife, makes an incision around the hair from the upper part of the forehead to the back of the neck. Then he puts his foot on the shoulder of the victim, whom he has turned face down, and pulls the hair off with both hands from back to front. This hasty operation is no sooner finished than the savage fastens the scalp to his belt and goes on his way. “Savages always announce their valor with a death cry, when they have taken a scalp. He then makes a hoop of wood, stretches the skin over it like a tambourine, and puts it in the sun to dry a little. The skin is painted red, and the hair on the outside combed. When prepared, the scalp is fastened to the end of a long stick, and carried on his shoulder in triumph to the village. Sometimes as many as 15 scalps are fastened on the same stick.”

19 Agenda for September 27th
Please submit your Guide to America writing. Introduce the “planning of the British and French” leading to the French and Indian War Jumonville’s Glen and I Must Stand Still to be Shot At Complete reading and questions as a group Introduce the realities of war…the Black River Tavern Goals Understand how the rivalry between the French and British led to a 7 year conflict in North America Homework Final proposal for NHD…please complete the form on your OneNote. Review Realities of War

20 Agenda for September 27th
Break into groups for “Realities of War” Tavern Activity and begin preparation. Goals Understand how the rivalry between the French and British led to a 7 year conflict in North America Homework Fulfill any responsibilities for the Realities of War

21 The Realitiesof War Overview The year is 1756, and the rumors of a war with France are spreading like wildfire. As these rumors become more realistic, you decide that you must seek out concrete information that will protect your family. Your goal is to join up with fellow colonists that also heard that war has broken out between the French and British. As you engage in conversation, you all realize that the British military will EXPECT you to serve in this conflict as a soldier or battlefield hand. You must remember that you are EXPECTED to be a loyal subject to the Crown and serve the King. You and your comrades begin to question your loyalty and dedication to this cause. The reasons for this uncertainty is because of the brutal stories that you are hearing about the fighting style of all parties included. Just as you are talking, another fellow colonist storms into the Black River Tavern where you are talking and begins to tell about what they have just seen. This fellow colonist is extremely distraught after his first encounter with French/Indian forces and goes into detail about the style of fighting of both sides, the horrors they have seen, and how it is important to protect fellow Americans on the frontier from the Indian War Parties.

22 Cumberland County, Pennsylvania


24 Preparation on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Presentations on Monday
The Black River Tavern 1756 Preparation on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Presentations on Monday Stay focused on your tasks Create a script that all of you can follow. Use your notes and additional sources when necessary. Please include… An introduction of your characters. Who you are and what you are doing at the Black River Tavern. Be very descriptive of the setting. Establish a TIME and PLACE! An overview of the rumors of the war(who possibly started it) and what the British Crown now expects all Americans to do. How do your characters fit into all of this. The problems you see with these expectations and how you may be questioning your loyalty to the Crown. Details of the fighting styles of all sides (by name) and how you react to them. Details of what you think your next moves should be to protect fellow American colonists from Indian war parties on the frontier. Ideas Props, costumes, energy, practice (you will not be able to read directly from your scripts), demonstrations, accents, etc.

25 THINGS TO THINK ABOUT! Names of characters and Setting
Importance to the War Start of the War and Who is to BLAME George Washington and the failure of Fort Necessity Indians –Huron/Algonquin/Iroquois Half King Whippings / Punishments Tactics such as Scalping and British Style of Fighting War Parties attacking your homes on the frontier Uncontrollable Indians Opinion on the War Next move…

26 THINGS TO THINK ABOUT! Practice Show Emotion and Life SERIOUSNESS!! ORGANIZATION!!! Facts and Accuracy Time Equal Participation Required Content

Schedule for Today Today’s class will be broken up into 15 minute increments… The first 15 minutes will be used by each group to FINALIZE your scripts. The next 15 minutes will be used to time your script to fit the required time element. This should be done several times. The final 15 minutes must be used to practice the performance...not just the script. Use your tables as the “main” table and act out your presentation accordingly. ALL PRESENTATIONS WILL BEGIN Monday

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