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Translating Portfolio Analysis to a Cost Effectiveness Frontier

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1 Translating Portfolio Analysis to a Cost Effectiveness Frontier
Ken Corum, NW Power and Conservation Council

2 Cost Effectiveness of DR
“Compare cost of DR to cost avoided by DR” Comprehensive evaluation of avoided cost entire power system over time uncertainty For practical guidance, a simple rule approximating comprehensive method 2

3 Council’s Portfolio Model
Uncertainties translated into 750 futures (20 years) Resources include: natural gas conventional & advanced coal wind conservation demand response portfolios tested against futures Uncertainties include electricity and gas prices, weather, precipitation (important since hydrolectric power system’s output depends on total precipitation). 3

4 Council’s Portfolio Model
Each portfolio => 750 NPVs of costs distribution w/ average cost, risk Model simulates the development and operation of a resource portfolio through a standard set of 750 futures. Resources in each portfolio are sited and licensed, but model simulates build or hold decisions for each resource. 4

5 Light blue points are “efficient frontier” since they have no other points that are lower in both cost and risk (lower and to left). 5

6 6 Three efficient frontiers based on 3 levels of DR
At risk = $37B, savings = $346M w/ full DR, $213M w/ 500MW At risk = $36.5B, savings = 324M, $176M At risk = $36.2B, savings = $421M, $143M 6

7 7

8 Work in Progress More variety in DR programs Limits on DR calls
Can we capture potential benefits of DR in ancillary services? 8

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