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Strength Training for Linemen

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1 Strength Training for Linemen
Patrick McHenry MA, CSCS*D Ponderosa High School

2 What is the ULTIMATE job of a Linemen?
ALLOWS OTHERS TO DO THEIR JOB! FOUNDATION OF THE TEAM Protection 1st line of defense Many more aspects to their job.

3 What is the PERCEPTION of a linemen?
Bigger sometimes overweight /obese patch kids in little league Not as athletic cannot catch ball not as fast as the others do not have good footwork COULD NOT BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH

4 Critical Areas of Development
Lower Body Train the Nervous System Foot Quickness Acceleration Doyle

5 Areas of Focus Footwork Strength: Hand Speed: 1st & 2nd step
Lower body to maintain pad level accelerate/ decelerate Upper body to punch Rotational Grip strength Hand Speed: Infighting Punching at different areas / angles Footwork 1st & 2nd step Move lateral, backward, arch quick

6 Flexibility : Balance: Hip / knee / ankle
Allows for triple joint extension Balance: Shoulders back/ not leaning too for forward Head up, weight evenly distributed Right / left

7 How Do we Develop this? Lifting Agility Plyometrics Strongman Training

8 Critical Areas of Correction
Flexibility Torso Strength Posterior Shoulder Posterior Chain Doyle

9 Do not allow your athletes to develop poor technique.
Smaller gains in that exercise Less transfer to other performance activities (i.e. Specificity) Increased likelihood that the athlete will never develop good technique Increase injury potential Stone, M.H. NSCA Sports Performance Enhancement Consortium

10 If an athlete cannot execute a squat properly, the solution is not to find an alternative movement but to correct the problem. Doyle

11 Lifting Strength in / off season & early preseason
Power in late preseason & in season / playoffs Multi joint Ground based Vary Stances Stable / staggered Rotational Grip Strength

12 Strength Sets: 3-6 Reps: 4-8 80-100% 1 rm
Bench, squat, incline, military, clean

13 POWER Defined: “The rate at which work is performed” Komi 2003
“Power is the capacity to do a given amount of work as rapidly as possible” O’Shea 1995

14 Why develop POWER “Power development is paramount to optimal neuromuscular function” Kraemer 2000 “A powerful athlete has explosive strength, exceptional acceleration, and speed.” O’Shea 1995

15 Power Power = work time (Do not move slow) Sets: 3-5 Reps: 3-5
50-80% 1 rm Cleans, pulls from floor, bottom squats, front squats, close grip bench, DB bench, scoops, jammer complex, push press, overhead squats, drop cleans, body weight

16 Variation of Exercises
“The more exercises performed the greater variety and stimulus to the system.” Torcolacci 1993 “One way to alternate the program is to do a different exercise to develop the same muscle” Yessis 1981

17 Bottom Squat

18 Drop Cleans

19 Jammer Complex Both arms Single arm Alt single arm L/R
Alt single arm double L/R, L/R (R/L,R/L) Split squat Alt Arm (three types of stances, stable / staggered / one leg)

20 Stable Stance

21 Staggered Stance


23 Ultimate GYM

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