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Presentation on theme: "WEIGHT ROOM SAFETY."— Presentation transcript:


2 RULE #1 Absolutely no horseplay!
Horseplay: rough, boisterous, or rowdy play (Merriam Dictionary) Any sort of horseplay will result in deduction of points and/or removal from the weight room or class.

3 RULE #2 Keep it clean – no food, glass bottles, open containers, etc.
You may have a water container with a screw-on lid if you like. Wiping down the weight room will be a daily routine. Wipe down bars, benches, dumbbells, or anything else that comes in contact with skin.

4 RULE #3 Know how to use and adjust all equipment safely.
If you don’t know how to use or adjust equipment then ask! Insert pins completely in machines with weight stacks. If the pin doesn’t fit then let the instructor know. Report any equipment problems IMMEDIATELY!

Spotter’s responsibilities 1. Know the proper spotting technique 2. Be alert – stress safety for the lifter 3. Have enough spotters 4. Know how many repetitions are going to be attempted. 5. Make sure collars are snug! Watch for sliding weights. Instead of grabbing the bar, gently push the weights back on. 6. Load and unload bars evenly! 7. Use two hands to spot, especially on the bench press. 8. Encourage and use constructive criticism. 9. Keep hands off of uprights during lifts (bench press/squat). 10. REPORT ANY ACCIDENTS TO THE INSTRUCTOR IMMEDIATELY!!

6 Proper Spotting Technique

7 Proper Spotting Technique

8 Proper Spotting Technique

9 What’s wrong with this picture?

10 RULE #5 Make eye contact with those around you before lifting. Make sure they are aware of what you are doing. For example: Power Cleans

11 RULE #6 Protect your lower back
Head up, buttocks down, spread the chest, lock in lower back, even grip. Belt? Personal preference…

12 RULE #7 Never interfere with the lifter.
Physical, visual and/or verbal distraction could cause possible injury Kind of goes along the same lines as rule #1! Be a good lifting partner.

13 RULE #8 Return all the equipment to the designated areas.
Make sure weights get back to the proper racks when finished lifting. Dumb bells – Lightest to heaviest from top to bottom and left to right. Make sure cable attachments are in designated spots. COCONINO PRIDE!!!!!

14 RULE #9 You are always welcome in the weight room as long as you are being supervised by a teacher and/or coach and following the weight room guidelines. NO EXCEPTIONS! Why??

15 RULE #10 Help and encourage each other…Make Your Friend Great!!
What makes a good work-out partner???

16 YOUR ROLE Make the most of your workout! Be a good workout partner.
Follow your workouts Give 100% Be a good workout partner. Follow the rules Respect yourself and others Commitment! Commit yourself to being the best student and/or athlete every day!

OTHER TIPS FOR SUCCESS Be on time, prepared to work, and ready to participate in the proper attire with 100% effort EVERY DAY! Keep your cell phones, iPods and other electronics in your locker. You may leave them in my office if you’d like. Treat others as you wish to be treated…it goes a long way! DON’T FORGET TO BREATHE!! WORK HARD! PLAY HARD! HAVE FUN! GET FIT!

18 MY ROLE To provide you with the best workouts possible.
To help you reach your goals you’ve set for yourself. To support you in class, life, etc. I AM COMMITTED TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU! Please let me know how I can best help you. Questions??

19 Lift Demonstrations

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