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A preserved clue to life on Earth long ago

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Presentation on theme: "A preserved clue to life on Earth long ago"— Presentation transcript:

1 A preserved clue to life on Earth long ago
fossil A preserved clue to life on Earth long ago

2 Trace fossil A fossil that shows changes that long-dead animals made in their surroundings                                        

3 A fossil imprint made by the outside of a dead plant or animal
mold A fossil imprint made by the outside of a dead plant or animal                                        

4 cast A fossil formed when sediments or minerals fill a mold; it takes on the same outside shape as the living thing that shaped the mold

5 ROCKS and MINERALS Vocabulary begin here…..

6 mineral A natural, solid material with particles arranged in a repeating pattern

7 streak The color of the powder left behind when you rub a mineral against a white tile called a streak plate

8 A mineral's ability to resist being scratched
hardness A mineral's ability to resist being scratched

9 A material made up of one or more minerals
rock A material made up of one or more minerals

10 A rock that forms when completely melted rock hardens .
Igneous rock A rock that forms when completely melted rock hardens .

11 Sedimentary rock A rock formed by layers of sediments squeezed and stuck together over a long time

12 A rock changed by heat or pressure, but not completely melted.
Metamorphic rock A rock changed by heat or pressure, but not completely melted.

13 The process by which wind and moving water carry away bits of rock
erosion The process by which wind and moving water carry away bits of rock

14 The process by which rocks are broken down into smaller pieces
weathering The process by which rocks are broken down into smaller pieces

15 The slow, never-ending process of rock changes
Rock cycle The slow, never-ending process of rock changes

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