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Framework Silicates (cont.)

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1 Framework Silicates (cont.)
Mineral Al subst. Openess of structure Silica minerals none Tight; only trace interstitial atoms Feldspars 1:3 to 2:2 Open enough to allow interstitial K+, Na+ or Ca2+ Feldspathoids ≥1:3 Open enough to allow Scapolites variable Same as above plus OH-, Cl-, CO32- or SO42- Zeolites ≥1:3 Contain continuous channels through the structure, as well as cations plus H2O

2 Feldspathoid group

3 NaAlSiO4, hexagonal, space group: P63
Nepheline NaAlSiO4, hexagonal, space group: P63

4 Nepheline (Na,K)AlSiO4

5 Leucite KAlSi2O

6 Scapolite series Marialite 3(NaAlSi3O8) x NaCl
Meionite 3(CaAl2Si2O8) x CaSO4

7 Zeolites Framework Silicates

8 Analcime NaAlSi2O6(H2O)

9 Sodalite Na8(AlSiO4)6Cl2

10 Chabazite, Ca2[Al2Si4O12](H2O)6

11 Heulandite Ca[Al2Si7O18](H2O)6

12 Heulandite

13 Fibrous Zeolites, e.g. Natrolite

14 Natrolite Na2[Al2Si3O10](H2O)2

15 Properties of zeolites
High degree of hydration Low density and large void volume when dehydrated Stability of the crystal structure when dehydrated Cation exchange properties Uniform and exact defined molecular channels Ability to absorb gases Catalytic properties

16 Main applications of Zeolites:
Molecular Sieve, Catalysis, Ion-exchanges

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