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Use Cases & User Mocks Customer Call – 3.30.16.

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Presentation on theme: "Use Cases & User Mocks Customer Call – 3.30.16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use Cases & User Mocks Customer Call –

2 Users and Objects

3 Scheduler Creates, adds, and modifies schedules within the system.​
Actions Schedule Create schedule Remove schedule Modify schedule View schedules Schedule ID * Created By * Name Status Jobs Alerts Description View Schedules Created by In progress By date On map Search - Might need Create Date and Last Modified Date - Need to think about all details of making a schedule

4 Job Creator Creates, adds, and modifies jobs within the system.
Actions Objects Create job Remove job Modify job View jobs Job ID * Created by * Name Status Location Resources Properties Priority Duration Resources includes workers View jobs Created by In progress By date By location By resource (workers) Search (view job map) Possibly need a constraint (ie: Cant be done after dark, needs 4 people) Possibly need a job flavor (mint chocolate chip, etc.)

5 Resource Manager Creates, adds, and modifies resources within the system.
Actions Resource Create resource Remove resource Modify resource View resources Resource ID * Created by * Type Type ID * Name Description Status Create resource may have bulk add View resources By type By location Search May need quantity element

6 Worker Views schedules / jobs and updates job statuses
Worker Views schedules / jobs and updates job statuses. Can also send traffic / weather data to the system. Actions Status View schedule (where assigned) View jobs (where assigned) View resources (where assigned) Update statuses Status Suggested Scheduled In progress Delayed Canceled Completed Description Location Some concept of acknowledgement of alert Worker should never delete anything Worker should have to alert manager if job cannot be completed

7 User Manager Adds, removes, and edits users, including user permissions. Users of this type probably have access to all other user roles as well. Actions User Object Add user Remove user Edit user View users Reset user password User ID ( ) Permissions Password Name Organization Profile View users By permissions By organization Alphabetical Etc… Search System role should expire with some regularity

8 Device Manager Adds, removes, and modifies devices that are allowed to talk with the cloud.
Actions Registered Device Add device Remove device Edit device View devices Update device(s) Device ID * Serial number Device keys Version Status Update frequency Type Update device Update all Send specific messages??? View Devices By location By type Search Want a way to

9 Auditor Evaluates the current and past states of the system and looks for errors and mistakes within the system. Actions Objects View objects Details History (none) Search by: Creator Date / time Location Name REPORT generation Need to know what data the decision was based on No editing, but do need filtering capabilites

10 Analyst Evaluates​ current predictive algorithms and looks for possible optimizations in the system.
Actions Objects View system / object statistics Number / frequency of statuses Object usage statistics Prediction accuracy statistics Causes of delays (none) View System object statistics Number / frequencies of statuses Delays / cancels / successes Object usage statistics How often is it scheduled Utilization Prediction accuracy statistics Weather overrides Device accuracy Causes of delays Lack of resources? Algorithm update Rerun algorithms Create algorithm Object: algorithm  want to audit who updated the algo and how

11 Other Users

12 Devices Generate and send data to the cloud
Devices Generate and send data to the cloud. They can also be sent information about rate changes. To Cloud From Cloud Messages Weather update Software updates No viewable interface Registration process. Safer to have a human being initiate the registration a device.

13 System Admins Monitors overall system performance and diagnostics
System Admins Monitors overall system performance and diagnostics. In charge of system deployment and updates. Actions Objects Monitor system performance Re-deploy system Debug system (none) Uses Azure System health -> sometimes things slow down, die. Really should rely on azures logs for now

14 Layout

15 Overall Layout Home Schedules Jobs Resources Home = just alerts
Maybe change tab order depending on the user

16 Viewing objects Resources Filters: Status (more) Create New Name ID
(search) Not done Name ID Actions Status Resource 1 R01 Resource 2 R02 Edit Delete Resource 3 R03 P Resource 4 R04 D Possibly check boxes to choose which line items to do actions to, and have a master edit and delete button Or display all of them Possibly display quantities as well (more) maybe should be (advanced)

17 Viewing objects Table options Resources Filters: Status (more) Sort by
X Resources Table options Create New Filters: Status (more) (search) Not done Sort by Name ID Actions Status Resource 1 R01 Resource 2 R02 Edit Delete Resource 3 R03 P Resource 4 R04 D Time Ascending Filters Category Filter Custom Status Not done All Delayed, Canceled Created by Me All Time This week All Today

18 Viewing objects Table options Resources Custom Filter
X Resources Table options Create New Filters: Status (more) (search) Not done Custom Filter Sort by X Name ID Actions Status Resource 1 R01 Resource 2 R02 Edit Delete Resource 3 R03 P Resource 4 R04 D Time Time Ascending Filters Today Tomorrow Yesterday This week Custom Range (from) (to) Maybe make filtering easier Possibly save MRU filter Category Filter Custom Status Not done All Delayed, Canceled Created by Me All Time This week All Today 3/31/16 4/30/16 Save Cancel

19 Editing / adding objects
Object Name Remove Save Changes Object ID: X104 Name: Object name Status: Delayed Description: An object! Last updated by: Jenna (U04)

20 Editing / adding objects (w/ relational properties)
Object Name Remove Save Changes Object ID: X104 Name: Object name Status: Delayed Description: Jobs: Add Job Name ID Status User 1 U01 User 2 U02 X X An object! Last updated by: Jenna (U04)

21 Editing / adding objects (w/ map)
Object Name Remove Save Changes Object ID: X104 Name: Object name Status: Delayed Description: An object! Last updated by: Jenna (U04)

22 Editing / adding objects (w/ update)
Devices Create New Filters: Status (more) (search) All Name ID Actions Status Device 1 D01 Device 2 D02 Edit Update Delete

23 Editing / adding objects (w/ update)
Object Name Remove Save Changes Update Object ID: X104 Name: Object name Status: Delayed Description: Update vs Save Changes (maybe change wording) An object! Last updated by: Jenna (U04)

24 Editing / adding objects (w/ update)
Devices Create New Filters: Status (more) (search) All Update Device X Name ID Actions Status Device 1 D01 Device 2 D02 Edit Update Delete Device ID: D02 Current version: v1.0.3 Update to: V1.0.5 Update Cancel

25 Editing / adding objects (w/ password reset)
Users Create New Filters: Status (more) (search) All Name ID Actions Status User 1 U01 User 2 U02 Edit Reset Password Delete

26 Editing / adding objects (w/ password reset)
Object Name Remove Save Changes Reset Password Object ID: X104 Name: Object name Status: Delayed Description: An object! Last updated by: Jenna (U04)

27 Editing / adding objects (w/ password reset)
Users Create New Filters: Status (more) (search) All Reset Password X Name ID Actions Status User 1 U01 User 2 U02 Edit Reset Password Delete User: User 1 (U01) Need some way to set a flag for why it was reset Are you sure you want to reset this user’s password? Reset Cancel

28 Object details (w/ history)
Object Name Version: Remove Save Changes Latest Object ID: X104 Name: Object name Status: Delayed Description: An object! Last updated by: Jenna (U04)

29 Removing objects Resources Remove Resource Filters: Status (more)
Create New Filters: Status (more) (search) Not done Remove Resource X Name ID Actions Status Resource 1 R01 Resource 2 R02 Edit Delete Resource 3 R03 P Resource 4 R04 D Resource ID: R02 Are you sure you want to remove this resource? Remove Cancel

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