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Volunteering at JH Hines Elementary

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1 Volunteering at JH Hines Elementary
Do’s: Don’ts: What to do if: DO: Be consistent and on time DO: Check in the front office with your state ID and sign the volunteer book DO: Wear the pink/yellow volunteer sticker so that it’s visible the entire time you are on campus and turn in upon leaving DO: Report any needs or concerns to the volunteer coordinator DO: Use emotional control while working with students DO: Meet in open spaces DO: Wear appropriate/professional clothing. No revealing clothing, lewd or inappropriate tattoos or clothing. Consult volunteer handbook for more information. DON’T: Share personal faith or faith literature with students DON’T: Bring food or treats for students without approval from the principal DON’T: Bring gifts for students- write encouraging notes instead DON’T: Let students sit in your lap- side hugs, high fives, and fist bumps are best DON’T: Share personal contact information or personal matters with students DON’T: Take pictures of students DON’T: Post information about students on social media DON’T: Bring personal drinks or food in classrooms (other than water) DON’T: Let the teacher leave you in charge of the class Student is sick: take student to teacher or other school staff Student says someone hurt them: take student to teacher or other school staff Student says school staff hurt them: take student to principal or assistant principal You cannot volunteer at your scheduled time: Contact Robin Newman as soon as possible If the teacher is not prepared: tell the principal or assistant principal Revised 10/5/17 by RN

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