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Who am I – why am I here – where do i fit in at awwa?

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Presentation on theme: "Who am I – why am I here – where do i fit in at awwa?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who am I – why am I here – where do i fit in at awwa?
An introduction to Awwa How many are AWWA members for 3 years or less? How many are students? How many are local/from Texas Section? How many are chair of your Section YP Committee? How many attending 1st summit?

2 What is awwa and How is it run?
43 Sections in 4 Regions 51,000 Full-Time Staff In Denver & Washington DC Lead by: President, Brenda Lennox & CEO, David LaFrance MEMBER Nonprofit association Board Of Directors with at least one director from each section 43 Sections encompass Canada, United States, Mexico including Puerto Rico.

3 Awwa structure & Governance
Over 250 Councils, Divisions and Committees Committees answer to Divisions Divisions answer to Councils YPC reports to the Executive Committee

4 Awwa yp committee goals & resources
Lead the Young Professionals of AWWA: Any member under the age of 36 or those with less than 10 years in the water industry.

5 Young professionals committee of awwa
CONNECT, EDUCATE, ENGAGE, AND REPRESENT YOUNG PROFESSIONALS AND STUDENTS IN THE WATER INDUSTRY 13 YP voting members. 3 year term. Renew for up to 6 years. = Monthly conference calls & 2 in-person meetings a year at YP Summit and ACE. ROLE: Participate in the work of the YP committee through subcommittee initiatives, connecting with Sections, and fulfilling the mission. Subcommittees include Association Outreach, Student Outreach, & Conferences and Events Mission: Teach YPs about AWWA and opportunities for involvement, engage YPs in AWWA events and activities, and represent the interests of YPs throughout the AWWA organization.

6 How sections are run & how they fit in with awwa
Governed by leadership and committees similar to Association Level AWWA

7 Sections & the benefit to you
Governed by a Board AWWA Section Services Staff BENEFITS: Your connection to local water professionals Educational opportunities Get involved in local water issues. Grow your leadership skills Career development opportunities.

8 What the goal of section yp committees ought to be

9 YP benefit to your section get involved
Plan activities Write articles Share information Volunteer your time Share your skills Provide educational opportunities Get involved in local water issues Get involved in leadership opportunities

10 Hey Meredith, it’s (insert name). I want to ______________________.

11 Icebreaker time In your small group, select a notetaker.
You have 10 minutes Find 10 things that you have in common. No, it can’t be body parts or clothing items, or the fact that you’re all in San Antonio right now. Select one speaker to report out to the large group

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