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Deduction: Reasoning from general principles to specific conclusions.

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Presentation on theme: "Deduction: Reasoning from general principles to specific conclusions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deduction: Reasoning from general principles to specific conclusions.
Observations Learning about the natural world and the principles that explain these facts through the 5 senses. Reasoning Induction: Using several separate observations to arrive at general principles. Ex. Most universities and colleges in Utah ban alcohol from campus. Therefore most universities and colleges in the U.S. ban alcohol from campus. Deduction: Reasoning from general principles to specific conclusions. Ex. Detective, Scientists "Inductive reasoning deals with probability, and generally goes from the particular to a universal. Deductive reasoning deals with certainty, and goes from the universal to a particular."

2 Qualitative Quantitative Written in words Description of something
Examples: “The room is clean” “The chair is blue” Quantitative Written with numbers Amount of something “There are 8 lab benches” “ I am 6ft tall”

3 Qualitative, I feel… Quantitative, I feel… word or description Number
On a scale of ☹ 1→10 ☺

4 Scientific Law Scientific Theory Well-tested hypothesis
Regarded as true Can be shown using MATH Quantitative Examples: Law of Gravity Laws of motion Kepler’s Laws Scientific Theory Well-tested hypothesis Regarded as true Can be proven false if there is enough evidence Qualitative Examples: Big Bang Theory Theory of Evolution Theory of Plate Tectonics


6 Remember to count the movement of the decimal point and that becomes the exponent…. Left = + …. Right = - Example 1 12, x 10⁴ Example 2 10,456, x 10⁷ Example 3 x 10-⁴



9 Density

10 Density


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