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Cyber Security Experts

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1 Cyber Security Experts
FUTURE JOBS READERS Level 1-② Cyber Security Experts

2 The Job of a Cyber Security Expert
A safe A lock Why do we need cyber security experts? We have lots of important information. We used to keep it in our houses or wallets. Now we keep it online in cyber space. A wallet and keys Using a bank card online Who steals online information? Connecting to the internet Hackers steal information online. They steal birth dates, phone numbers, and banking numbers. They can find out our credit card numbers, passwords, and more!

3 Hackers people. Who do hackers attack?
A hacker Hackers try to steal private information and data from… people. businesses. A locked laptop governments.

4 How to Be a Cyber Security Expert-Ⅰ
How does a person become a cyber security expert? There are many ways to become a cyber security expert. 1. You do not even need a university degree. But people with a degree have a better chance of getting a job. University students

5 How to Be a Cyber Security Expert-Ⅱ
How can a person become a cyber security expert? There are many ways to become a cyber security expert. 2. You might choose to study computers at university. These days, some universities even offer a cyber security degree. Students in a computer class

6 How to Be a Cyber Security Expert-Ⅲ
How can a person become a cyber security expert? There are many ways to become a cyber security expert. 3. When you find a job with a company, you may first work under an expert who will train and guide you. Then after years of experience, you may be offered a cyber security expert job. On-the-job training

7 Special Certification
basic intermediate expert Levels of expertise Do cyber security experts need special certification? Three levels Yes, there are usually three levels of certification: basic, intermediate, and expert. Cyber security experts need to have the training and pass the exam to be certified at each level. Answer choices Taking an online test How long does certification last? Most certifications only last from 3-5 years. Technology changes quickly. To stay current, cyber security workers will need to pass the most current exam.

8 Cyber Security Experts at Work
What do cyber security experts do? Cyber security experts keep computer information systems safe. This means that people who should have access to your information can see it, and those who should not, cannot see it. Protecting data Accessing a system

9 The Security System Watching over a system A security warning How do cyber security experts make sure a system and its information is safe? Dealing with a cyber attack Cyber security experts monitor the system and its data. They watch for computer activity that isn’t normal. As they monitor the system, cyber security experts test the security of the system. A test shows if the security system works and where it is weak.

10 How do cyber security experts respond when a cyber attack happens?
When a cyber attack happens, cyber security experts try to find out how. They will also try to figure out exactly what was taken and where the attack came from. Then they will fix the company’s security system. They will make the system stronger. Safe data Hacking through the internet Detecting a hacker Responding to a cyber attack

11 Do cyber security experts have any other jobs?
Protecting information online Educating people Do cyber security experts have any other jobs? Yes, another job is education. They teach companies and people how to be safe online. Cyber security experts can teach people what to look for and what to avoid online.

12 Vocabulary certification n. credit card n.
a document that says a person is a professional and has had special training credit card n. a card that identifies a person as entitled to have food, merchandise, services, etc., billed on a charge account

13 Vocabulary criminal n. intermediate adj. a person who breaks the law
being, situated, or acting between two points, stages, things, persons, etc.

14 Vocabulary internet n. microchip n.
the computer network which allows computer users to connect with computers all over the world, and which carries microchip n. a small piece of semiconductor material carrying many integrated circuits

15 Vocabulary protect v. wallet n.
to defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss, annoyance, insult, etc. wallet n. a flat, folding pocketbook, especially one large enough to hold paper money, credit cards, driver's license, etc.

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