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How matter cycles through the S.R.M.S. ecosystem…

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1 How matter cycles through the S.R.M.S. ecosystem…
Water vapor in the air How matter cycles through the S.R.M.S. ecosystem… Precipitation Kalmia Latifola (Mountain Laurel) Nitrogen fixed by lighting Respiration Photosynthesis Sun Energy to organisms Plant eaten by animals Transpiration Runoff Evaporation Nitrogen fixed by bacteria The sun gives energy to the plants so that the plants can produce photosynthesis. The flower above is the Mountain Laurel or known as the Kalmia Latifola. The mountain laurel give half of the energy it produces to the organisms that feed off it. The plant processes the energy from the sun, and the water the plant “ gets rid of” is output during the process of transpiration. Combustion from industry such as cars Evaporation (Carbon dioxide in the air) Decay of once living organisms Combustion Nitrogen taken in by plants Condensation Usable nitrogen in the soil Groundwater Fossil Fuels


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