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delivery to Enterprise

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1 delivery to Enterprise
Why EmpFinesse™? EmpFinesse™ provides an agile, lean, service-oriented, innovative digital experience to the workforce while meeting and exceeding the demands of a 21st CE enterprise EmpFinesse™ offers Experience-Centric work partnership, end-to-end knowledge transformation and learning enablement (prevent knowledge leakage) facilitated by machine guidance, intelligence and automation to achieve this vision Value Proposition EmpFinesse™ brings people and devices together with: Enhanced Anytime Anywhere Digital Experience to the workforce by simplifying and automating BAU tasks Synergy across People, Content, Data and Devices leveraging best practices and diverse experience in the workforce area Cultivation of Enterprise Knowledge and Productivity rationalization through Machine Guidance and Automation Robust Governance to control Digital Dementia Infinite Experience delivery to Enterprise EmpFinesse™ enables Transformation of the Enterprise Workforce by offering a bouquet of capabilities that deliver a well-governed and rich Experience to the workforce. Core Elements Nudge Workforce-Machine Partnership to facilitate task automation and Digital Simulation of enterprise process/ asset to enable planning, designing and troubleshooting of core business work streams Galatea Smart Differentiated learning coupled with Enterprise Wisdom Modernization and Information services to ensure skill development, adoption, leverage Tacit Wisdom, trigger Innovation and enable information management and orchestration Sympatico Multi-variant Networking to improve productivity and proactive incident management with data feed from sensors across Enterprise devices Incorporation of Machine Intelligence in enterprise business systems and processes to improve precision and accuracy of all actions Key Features Flexible, multi-channel, location / device agnostic interface that connects diverse stakeholders spanning across the workforce and consumer spectrum Workforce Digitalization leveraging advanced discovery, collaboration, content management, device orientation with cognitive capabilities Empowerment of end users reducing IT engagement and enhancing overall productivity of ecosystem

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