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Colorado Council on Assessment

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1 Colorado Council on Assessment
Stephanie Boyd Colorado Department of Education - Assessment Unit May 17, 2013

2 Expanding Student Learning
11/11/2018 Expanding Student Learning When we intentionally integrate… Coherent and rigorous academic standards Innovative and engaging learning options Supported and effective educators Aligned and meaningful assessments Statewide and district accountability This visual represents what we just discussed. That the power of Colorado’s education improvement efforts lies in the integration and connection of key efforts: relevant and rigorous standards innovative and engaging learning opportunities excellent teachers and school leaders aligned and meaningful assessments These elements are all connected and aimed at helping students succeed in a globally competitive workforce. We can personalize learning and ignite the potential of every student. 2

3 Goals Students Educators Schools/ Districts State Successful students
11/11/2018 Goals Successful students Prepare students to thrive in their education and in a globally competitive workforce. Ensure every student is on track to graduate postsecondary and workforce ready. Increase achievement for all students and close achievement gaps. Ensure students graduate ready for success in postsecondary education and the workforce. Increase national and international competitiveness for all students. Great teachers and leaders Ensure effective educators for every student and effective leaders for every school and district. Increase and support the effectiveness of all educators. Optimize the preparation, retention, and effectiveness of new educators. Eliminate the educator equity gap. Outstanding schools and districts Build the capacity of schools and districts to meet the needs of Colorado students and their families. Increase school and district performance. Turnaround the state’s lowest performing districts and schools. Foster innovation and expand access to a rich array of high quality school choices for students. Best education system in the nation Build the best education system in the nation. Lead the nation in policy, innovation, and positive outcomes for students. Operate with excellence, efficiency, and effectiveness to become the best SEA in the nation. Attract and retain outstanding talent to CDE. Students Educators Schools/ Districts State CDE is prioritizing their work through focused goals at the student level, the educator level, the school and district level, and finally, the state level. Let’s look at CDE as the state education agency. CDE has a strategic plan, all work happening in the organization must be linked to the strategic plan and progress is reported monthly. More than ever, CDE is committed to becoming more of a SUPPORT arm than purely a compliance driven organization. At the school/district level, CDE is supporting districts in the UIP process and working closely with districts and schools to ensure that priority and turnaround schools get the assistance they need to become high-functioning buildings for all the kids they serve. And, at the Educator level, CDE recognizes how complex the teacher and principal roles are and, as they work on implementation of the new educator evaluation requirements, they are focused on supporting educators every step of the way. We know that having great teachers and excellent school leaders are the most important school-based factors in student achievement and CDE is working with educators from across the state to build a Model Evaluation System that is based on professional growth and meaningful feedback for all educators. At the student level, CDE is supporting districts as they implement the new Colorado Academic Standards… building tools and resources for educators which help to simplify implementation and ensure success with students. CDE also works carefully with districts with RTI, interventions and IEP’s. 3

4 Driving Questions Students Educators Schools/ Districts
11/11/2018 Driving Questions What do we want students, educators, schools, and districts to know and be able to do? How will we know if expectations are met? How will we respond when help is needed and to support continued growth? Colorado Academic Standards Assessments RTI PBIS Targeted interventions IEPs Educator Quality Educator evaluations Induction Mentoring Professional development plans Remediation plans Performance Indicators School and district performance frameworks Unified planning Priority Turnaround Students Educators Schools/ Districts 4

5 Summative Assessment Timeline
TCAP Colorado ACT 2013 TCAP Reading, Writing and Math New Social Studies and Science assessments expected to be operational & alternative 2014 New English Language Arts and Mathematics assessments expected to be operational (anticipate PARCC) & Alternate Second year of new Social Studies and Science assessments & Alternate 2015

6 Two Sources for Assessments
Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) English Language Arts & Math PARCC Pearson Platform* Science & Social Studies Colorado Pearson Platform 6 * Pearson is contracted for field test and year 1 implementation

7 Science and Social Studies Assessments
Based on the Colorado Academic Standards Grades: Science: grades 5, 8 and once in high school Social Studies: grades 4, 7 and once in high school Timeline Operational administration planned for 2014

8 Science and Social Studies Assessments
Attain balance: Innovation with technical soundness and feasibility Breadth with depth Take advantage of technology: Development: item type Administration: computer-based Scoring: automated and artificial intelligence

9 Science and Social Studies Assessments
Item types: Selected response Constructed response Simulation/performance-based

10 Embedded Supports As we move to computer-based assessments we are changing what is considered an assessment accommodation. Through embedded supports, more students will be able to access the assessment without accommodations. 10

11 Embedded Supports Pointer Eraser Ruler Highlighter Calculator
Eliminate Choice Periodic Table Note Pad Magnifier Pencil Help 11

12 Additional Embedded Supports
Zoom – enlarges the size of all elements of the test Audio Amplification – increase sound volume Basic Word Processing Functions including Spell Check 12

13 Accommodations Students who need supports not available as an embedded support will be able to access additional supports through a personal needs profile (PNP). Color Contrast Closed Caption Video Text to Speech 13

14 Paper-Pencil Accommodation
For students who are unable to access the assessment with the embedded supports and accommodations, a comparable paper-based version of the assessment will be available. 14

15 15

16 Opportunities for Educator Involvement in Development
Item writing Item review Field testing Anchor paper selection Data review Interested educators should submit their information at

17 English Language Arts and Mathematics
State Legislation Requires Colorado to participate as a Governing Board member in a consortium of states that focuses on the readiness of students for college and careers. Encourages the Board to conduct a fiscal and student achievement benefit analysis of Colorado remaining a Governing Board member starting on or before January 1, 2014.

18 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers

19 PARCC English Language Arts: grades 3-11
Mathematics: grades 3-8, three high school assessments First operational assessment: spring 2015

20 PARCC Assessment Design
Diagnostic Assessment Early indicator of knowledge and skills to inform instruction, supports, and PD Optional Performance-Based Assessment Extended tasks Applications of concepts and skills Required End-of-Year Assessment Innovative, computer-based items Required Mid-Year Assessment Performance-based Emphasis on hard-to-measure standards Optional Speaking and Listening Assessment (Required): Locally scored

21 English Language Arts/Literacy
Performance-based assessment component (3 sessions) Three tasks: a research simulation, a literary analysis, and a narrative task. For each task, students will read one or more texts, answer several short comprehension and vocabulary questions, and write an essay that requires them to draw evidence from the text(s). End of year assessment component (2 sessions) 4-5 texts, a combination of literary and informational A number of short-answer comprehension and vocabulary questions will be associated with each text. More refined test design information, including the specific standards that are addressed in each component (PBA, EOY), as well as the number, types, and value of the items that will appear on each component, are available on PARCC website. 21

22 Mathematics Performance-based assessment component (2 sessions)
Comprised of short- and extended-response questions focused on conceptual knowledge and skills, and the mathematical practices of reasoning and modeling End of year assessment component (2 sessions) comprised primarily of short-answer questions focused on conceptual knowledge, skills, and understandings More refined test design information, including the specific standards that are addressed in each component (PBA, EOY), as well as the number, types, and value of the items that will appear on each component, are available on PARCC website. 22

23 Anticipated PARCC Embedded Supports
Text-to-speech software Font size/graphic enlargement Choice of background/text color (color contrast) Highlight critical features Reducing visual distractions surrounding written text Option responses: adapted keyboards, StickyKeys, MouseKeys, Filter Keys Braille printing or refreshable braille devices

24 New Assessments Webpage

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