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The English Renaissance Period ( )

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1 The English Renaissance Period (1485-1660)
A Historical Background

2 Snapshot of the Period Two major movements influenced the thought and literature of this period Renaissance meaning ‘rebirth” characterized by innovation in science, art, and exploration Reformation Attempted reform of the Catholic church initiated by Martin Luther Stressed the Bible, rather than the Pope, as the source of authority and importance of faith, rather than good works, for salvation

3 Major European Religions about 1600
A major time of change in religion and science

4 Going Back to Move Forward
Renaissance = Rebirth Ideas blossomed in Italy ( )and spread northward giving rise to the English Renaissance ( ) The Renaissance sought to revive the learning of ancient Greece and Rome Encouraged voyages of discovery and emphasized human aspiration People became curious about the world and themselves

5 New Technologies Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press and transformed the way information was spread (1455) William Caxton set up the first printing press in England

6 Important Inventions

7 Humanism Asked questions like: What is a human being?
What is a good life? How do I lead a good life? They sought to harmonize the teachings of the church with the classics The two sources of wisdom to teach people to lead good lives were the Bible and the classic texts

8 Two Friends—Two Humanists
Best known Renaissance Humanist: Erasmus Dutch Monk who traveled around Europe teaching and writing Befriended Thomas More Lawyer More wrote Utopia Was Henry VIII’s Lord Chancellor

9 The Reformation Rejected the authority of the pope and the financial burdens of the Catholic Church Martin Luther said Christianity should be based on personal understanding of the Bible

10 Political Upheaval that Led to the English Renaissance
What do you think were the different motivations that some of the competing figures and factions had for seeking power? Which do you think may have been justified, and which weren't? What were some ways that conflict could have been prevented?

11 Key Historical Figures
Henry VII Henry VIII Catherine of Aragon Anne Boleyn Mary Elizabeth I

12 The Spanish Armada A turning point in history
1588: The English Royal Navy defeated the Spanish Armada This ensured England’s independence from the Catholic countries of Europe

13 A Flood of Literature Elizabeth became a symbol of peace and stability
This new climate encouraged and inspired writers

14 Decline of the Renaissance
Elizabeth died childless and her second cousin, James IV, took her place Political and secular values had begun to change the culture and accepted doctrines of religion

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