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Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai

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1 Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai

2 bridge between tradition and modenity
Romania bridge between tradition and modenity Southeastern Europe European Union member since 2007 Capital city: Bucharest Growing sectors: ITC, Tourism

3 România 1918-2018 We celebrate together
In the aftermath of World War I, a series of assemblies of Romanian representatives proclaimed the adhesions of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transylvania to the Romanian state. The 1st of December of 1918 marks the proclamation of the last of these resolutions, made by representatives of Romanian inhabitants of Transylvania in Alba Iulia.

4 Cluj-Napoca About our city
Cluj-Napoca- approx inhabitants, to whom are added around college students; The multiethnic and multicultural diversity can be traced almost anywhere in Cluj-Napoca. There are lots of museums, parks, and sport facilities and also an internationally acclaimed botanical garden; Dynamism and friendliness; Opportunities to build a career, to start your own business, to enrich your knowledge or just to have a good time.

5 Longest academic tradition in Romania
1581 -Jesuit College 1776 –German university founded by Empress Maria Theresa 1872 –Hungarian University 1919 –Romanian University of Cluj 1940–Romanian University moved to Sibiu and Timişoara 1940-Hungarian University moved from Szeged to Cluj 1945–„Babeş”Romanian University in Cluj 1945-„Bolyai”HungarianUniversity in Cluj 1959 –„Babeş-Bolyai” University

6 About 3 lines of study: Romanian (~250), Hungarian (~100), German (~20) Jewish studies („Dr. Moshe Carmilly” Institute of Jewish Studies) BA and MA programmes taught in English (~40), French (~10), and other foreign languages 4 faculties of theology (Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic, Reformed), representing 7 historical Transylvanian denominations



9 International Relations
The Centre for International Cooperation was founded in 1990 ; In February 2014, CCI was reorganized into 3 offices: The Office for Interuniversity Agreements- in charge with initiating the cooperation with foreign institutions and the administration of cooperation; The Erasmus+ Office- in charge with cooperation under Erasmus+, Erasmus Mundus and EEA Grant Programs ; The Office for Mobilities and International Students is in charge with the exchange programmes for students, teaching and administrative staff, coordinating the recruitment of international students throughout the University.

10 Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Department of Mathematics Department of Computer Science Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in Hungarian

11 Faculty of Chemistry and
) Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Department of Analytical Chemistry Department of Inorganic Chemistry Department of Organic Chemistry (Romanian line of study) Department of Physical Chemistry Department of Applied Chemistry and Environmental Protection Department of Biochemistry and Biochemical Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in Hungarian

12 Faculty of Biology and Geology
Department of Taxonomy and Ecology Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Department of Geology Department of Biology and Ecology in Hungarian

13 Faculty of Geography Department of Regional Geography and Territorial Planning Department of Human Geography and Tourism Department of Physical and Technical Geography Department of Geography in Hungarian Department of Geography in Sighetu Marmaţiei, Zalău, Gheorgheni, Bistriţa

14 Faculty of Law Department of Public Law Department of Private Law

15 Faculty of Physics Department of Biomedical, Theoretical Physics and Molecular Spectroscopy Department of Solid State Physics and Advanced Technology Department of Physics in Hungarian

16 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Department of Accounting and Audit Department of Political Economics Department of Finance Department of Economic Information Systems Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication Department of Management Department of Marketing Department of Statistics, Forecast and Mathematics Department of Business Administration – Sfântu Gheorghe Department of Economics and Business Administration in Hungarian Department of Economics and Business Administration in German

17 Faculty of Business Department of Business Department of Hospitality

18 Faculty of History and Philosophy
Department of Ancient History and Archaeology Department of Medieval History, Pre-Modern History and History of Art Department of Modern History, Archiving and Ethnology Department of International Studies and Contemporary History Department of Pre-Modern and Romanian Philosophy Department of Philosophy Department of History in Hungarian Department of Philosophy in Hungarian

19 Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Department of Psychology Department of Clinical Psychology Psychotherapy Department of Applied Psychology Department of Applied Psychology (Hungarian line of study) Department of Special Psychopedagogy Department of Educational Sciences Department of Exact Sciences Department of Socio-Humanistic Sciences Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences in Odorheiu Secuiesc, Satu Mare, Târgu Secuiesc, Târgu Mureş

20 Faculty of European Studies
Department of International Relations Department of European Studies Department of European Institutions Management Department of European Policies and Governance in the European Union Department of American Studies Department of Jewish Studies Department of Asian Studies Department of European Studies in German

21 Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences
Department of Political Administration Department of Political Sciences Department of Journalism Department of Communication, Public Relations and Advertising Department of Public Administration in Satu Mare, Sfântu Gheorghe, Bistriţa

22 Faculty of Letters Department of Romanian Language and General Linguistics Department of Romanian Literature and Theory of Literature Department of Romanian Language, Culture and Civilisation Department of Comparative Literature Department of Hungarian Language and General Linguistics Department of Hungarian Literature Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Anthropology Department of German Language and Literature Department of English Language and Literature Department of Romance Languages and Literatures Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures Department of Scandinavian Languages and Literatures Department of Asian Languages and Literatures Department of Classical Languages and Literatures Department of Applied Modern Languages Department of Specialized Foreign Languages

23 Faculty of Physical Eduction and Sport
Department of Kinesiotheraphy and Theoretical Sciences Department of Individual Sports Department of Team Sports Department of Physical Education and Sport in Bistriţa

24 Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
Department of Sociology Department of Social Work Department of Sociology and Social Work in Hungarian

25 Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering
Department of Environmental Science Department of Environmental Analyising and Engineering Department of Environmental Analyising and Engineering in Sfântu Gheorghe

26 Faculty of Theatre of Television
Department of Theatre Performing Arts Department of Cinematography and Media Department of Theatre Performing Arts in Hungarian

27 Faculty of Orthodox Theology
Department of Orthodox Theology

28 Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology
Department of Greek-Catholic Theology in Cluj, Blaj, Oradea

29 Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology
Department of Didactic Theology Department of Roman Catholic Pastoral Theology

30 Faculty of Reformed Theology
Department of Reformed Theology and Musical Pedagogy

31 Research The scientific research activity performed in the BBU research units covers three fundamental components: basic and applied research; development (generating innovative prototype products and services); innovation (implementation in the socio-economic environment of innovative services and products).

32 “Lucian Blaga” Central University Library
Collection of approx volumes and over audio-visual documents

33 Language Centres “Alpha” Language Centre “Lingua” Language Centre
Provide quality language services to students and university staff, as well as to community members searching to improve and to test their knowledge in modern languages

34 Astronomical observatory
The observatory is equipped with: a 15cm-lens refracting telescope an astronomical telescope, a station for artificial satellites' observation, a photo laboratory, Internet-connected computer network and with other kinds of measuring 

35 Museums University Museum Museum of Mineralogy Botanical Museum
Palaeontology – Stratigraphy Museum Vivarium Zoological Museum

36 “Alexandru Borza” Botanical Garden
Scientific, didactic and educational institution, dating back to 1920; 14 hectares – land of various geological configurations, suitable for growing plants from various continents; specific plant categories are being cultivated here.

37 “Iuliu Haţieganu” University Sports Park
The University Sports Park or the so-called “Babeş” is an oasis of vegetation providing a guarantee for health through sports and physical activity, being kept forever young by the young generations that come here for sport purposes and thus continuing the ideals of the illustrious physician and professor Iuliu Haţieganu. Contact details: 7, Pandurilor Street Tel: , ,

38 Cultural Centres and Institutes
22 Cultural Centers and Institutes

39 Cultural Centres and Institutes

40 Conclusions Our University is a dynamic, but also traditional institution, with deep roots in Central Europe and strong international academic ties; BBU-is the crowning achievement of a long series of attempts to establish here a higher education institution; BBU=a university with a strongly asserted multicultural profile and a clearly formulated national and international openness; BBU is continually dedicating itself to a sustainable academic life; UBB brings home the entire world Go International! The University recognizes its obligation to use its capabilities of teaching, learning, research and commitment toward the Community.

41 Ilona Diana Drancă Centre for International Cooperation

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