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AGATA Simulation Code (ASC)

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Presentation on theme: "AGATA Simulation Code (ASC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 AGATA Simulation Code (ASC)
Overview Marc Labiche AGATA –GRETINA Workshop, ANL 5th -8th Dec 2016

2 Outline ASC Generalities Version / Distribution/ Working group
Update on Ancillary detectors Validation status Recent Developments GPS & GDML capability Simulated Time Stamped Data g-ray b ackground simulation Further developments in progress

3 ASC Generalities Distribution:
ASC is a Native GEANT4 simulation program Almost as old as GEANT4 Initially developed & maintained by E. Farnea (University of Padova) Current ASC version compatible with Geant Distribution: SVN repository: Schools/workshop Nov – AGATA Simulation mini-school (Orsay) Slides: Dec – ICC workshop on Simulation with AGATA & SToGS (GANIL) Slides:

4 ASC Generalities Most recent contributors of the ASC Working Group:
J. Ljungvall (CSNSM) Event Gen. and Time-Stamped Simulated Data C. Domingo-Pardo (IFIC Valencia) AGATA Double Cluster – Event Gen. (GSI) M. Ciemala (Krakow) PARIS & VAMOS G. Jaworski (Warsaw) EXOGAM & NEDA array B. Bruneels (CEA-IRFU) FATIMA D. Bloor (Uni. Of York) LYCCA detector + MOCADI external evt generator M. Reese (TU Darmstadt) External Evt Generator (plunger experiments) A. Goasduff (INFN - LNL) GALILEO M. Labiche (STFC Daresbury) Maintenance/Support & new G4 features (GPS, GDML) , + ancillaries (FATIMA, AIDA …) .

5 A glimpse at the SVN Repository
Agata/ trunk/ Most up-to-date branch branches/ GANIL/ trunk/ GSI/ a_event_generator/ b_event_builder/ trunk/ c_event_reconstruction/ ext_generators/ Svn co or Svn co

6 Agata + Ancillary Detectors
Simulation of standalone ancillary detectors or combination of them can can also be carried out. LYCCA Result is a Similar ASCII format output than AGATA ouput. PARIS + Fast Timing Array Fast Timing Array Command: ./Agata –a Nbanc Idanc

7 Current Ancillary Detectors
Ancillaries Index Scoring ID Offset Koeln Si det. 1 1000 Shell (default) 2 2000 DANTE 3 3000 EUCLIDES 4 4000,5000 Brick (PRISMA “dipole”) 6 6000 N-Wall 7 7000 DIAMANT 8 8000 EXOGAM 9 9000 HELENA 10 10000 RFD 11 11000 Cassandra 16 16000 AIDA 17 17000 Fast Timing Array 18 18000 PARIS 19 19000 LYCCA 22 22000 Result is a Similar ASCII format output than AGATA ouput.

8 Other detectors available:
GRETINA 8 Miniball Defined as different Ge crystal shapes Result is a Similar ASCII format output than AGATA ouput. ORGAM (Eurogam) ./Agata –g 4 GALILEO ./Agata –g 5 Defined as standalone detector but not as AGATA ancillaries

9 Why a Simulation Code ? Investigate Concept & Design of the Array
Choose optimal design/configuration E. Farnea et al. NIM A 621 (2010) 331–343 Develop and test analysis codes (tracking) Cost effective way to start and develop a project Preparation of experiments with different array configurations: Feasibility checks. Given the expect number of crystal available Number of crystals continuously increases but not yet reached 180. Nominal and Compact configuration Presence of ancillaries All has an impact on efficiency, P/T, tracking … Data Analyse & Interpretation of results

10 Ex: Effect of ancillaries on AGATA tracked spectrum ?
Courtesy of Philipp R. John & Alain. Goasduff 190W 138Ba +2p channel in 136Xe+192Os at 900MeV Doppler corrected using 138Ba recoil, 138Ba g rays: and keV, 190W (partner) g rays: 207, 357, 485, 591, 695 keV, + 20 g rays for low energy background

11 Ex: Decay lifetime effect on FaTimA efficiency
v/c=10% Note: Chamber present but not shown

12 Ex: Simulated decay curves
Simulation can help determine the lifetime given the measured beta beam and the effect of acceptance Acceptance effects on the decay curve when source is moving

13 Simulation validation
GSI source run with 21 crystals N. Lalovic et al. NIM A 806 (2016) Full energy peak efficiency at 1172 KeV when gating on 1332 KeV in Euroball Gated on 1332 keV: @ 1172 keV eExp (%) eSim (%) P/Texp (%) P/Tsim (%) Core Common 2.38(2) 2.84 18.3(2) 22.5 Calorimeter 3.30(2) 4.21 32.2(3) 42.5 But for all of that to be true & useful, validation is important So: ~20% discrepancy on the Core Common Efficiency ~33% discrepancy on the Calorimeter Efficiency

14 Simulation validation
GSI source run with 21 crystals N. Lalovic et al. NIM A 806 (2016) Full energy peak efficiency at 1172 KeV when gating on 1332 KeV in Euroball Gated on 1332 keV: @ 1172 keV eExp (%) eSim (%) P/Texp (%) P/Tsim (%) Core Common 2.38(2) 2.84 18.3(2) 22.5 Calorimeter 3.30(2) 4.21 32.2(3) 42.5 Actually, 23 crystals were considered in the simulations So: ~20% discrepancy on the Core Common Efficiency ~33% discrepancy on the Calorimeter Efficiency

15 Simulation validation
GSI source run with 21 crystals N. Lalovic et al. NIM A 806 (2016) Full energy peak efficiency at 1172 KeV when gating on 1332 KeV in Euroball Gated on 1332 keV: @ 1172 keV eExp (%) eSim (%) P/Texp (%) P/Tsim (%) Core Common 2.38(2) 2.55 18.3(2) 22.5 Calorimeter 3.30(2) 3.71 32.2(3) 42.5 Now for 21 crystals ! So: ~7% discrepancy on the Core Common Efficiency ~12% discrepancy on the Calorimeter Efficiency

16 Recent ASC developments
GEANT4 General Particle Source (GPS) GPS allows the user to simulate realistic sources (ex: 60Co, 152Eu, …) Now also available in the AGATA code: ./Agata –gps Ex. Macros also available in the GANIL branch svn repostory: agata/branch/GANIL/trunk/macros/gps However: Issues with some intensities ! 152Eu

17 Recent ASC developments
GEANT4 GDML capability tested Implement CAD files of Mechanical Structure Easy to include as “ancillary”: ./Agata –a N id HoneyComb is invoked as “ancillary” with the id number: 26 GANIL vacuum chamber + target frame with the id number: 27 OUPS plunger Import/export detector geometry from/to other frameworks

Recent ASC developments CAD to GDML format with FastRad software (free or commercial versions) Also: FreeCaD at GDML files can be quite big ! All GDML files are available on this git repository: From a step file converted into a gdml file All 60 ATC + honeycomb structure Note: 28MB gdml file

19 Simulated Efficiency & P/T curves
(after tracking with mgt) Setup: - Nominal - 10ATC+1ADC at backward angles Isotropic source (Mg=1) + Vacuum Chamber

20 Simulated Efficiency curves
Isotropic source with and without Chamber 32 crystals - Nominal - Similar effect of absorption/scattering in the Chamber in both operation mode (Calorimeter or after Tracking) - Large attenuation in chamber at low energy ( ~ -20 % at 121 keV) - Expected but now better estimate with realistic chamber

21 Isotropic source with and without Chamber
Simulated P/T curves Isotropic source with and without Chamber 32 crystals - Nominal - P/T ratio clearly also affected by presence of the chamber - Similar effect in both operation modes

22 Recent ASC developments
Simulation with timestamp information Led by Joa Ljungvall (CSNSM) Why ? Need to take into account Source activity or Beam intensity and time structure: To estimate pile-up (and associated efficiency loss) and background in time spectrum To analyse Simulated and real data with same tools. How? As Geant4 resets the clock to 0 at the beginning of each event we have to keep track of the time between events: We do it by setting the time to t0 (Day, Hour, Min,…, nsec) at the beginning of the run, and propagate the time according to beam structure or source activity Choose option “–Gen”: ./Agata –Gen (see AgataAlternativeGenerator class)

23 Time Propagation: For a realistic source:
./build/Agata –Gen –b macros_adf/Co60Source/sourcerun.mac This macro uses the commands /Agata/file/info/enableTime /Agata/generator/emitter/SetGammaRaySource aaEl Activity(kBq) Ex: /Agata/generator/emitter/SetGammaRaySource 60Co 1000 = This opens a user define file called “60Co.g4srcdata” ” and define the source activity to 1000 kBq

24 “60Co.g4srcdata” format explained:
1= probability for the following g-decay cascade Each cascade separated by a blank line

25 g-g matrices for 60Co sources
Courtesy of J. Ljungvall Gated on 1332 keV

26 Time propagation For a beam, use the commands:
/Agata/file/info/enableTime Intensity: pps, (if set ≤ 0 no time propagation) /Agata/generator/emitter/SetParticlePerSeconds pps Beam bunch frequency: HF, (if set ≤ 0 Continuous beam) /Agata/generator/emitter/SetAcceleratorHF HF units Bunch length: Bt, should be >0 /Agata/generator/emitter/SetWidthBeamPuls Bt units See examples in: macros_adf/Simulated experiments/

27 Also available with the –Gen option:
Addition of g-ray backgrounds Discrete g rays: /Agata/generator/emitter/AddDiscreteGamma E N E: energy in MeV N: number per event Exponential energy distribution: /Agata/generator/emitter/setSlopeGammaBackground S /Agata/generator/emitter/setMaxEGammaBackground E /Agata/generator/emitter/setNumberofGammaBackground N

28 Ex: Effect of ancillaries on AGATA tracked spectrum ?
Courtesy of Philipp R. John & Alain. Goasduff 190W 138Ba +2p channel in 136Xe+192Os at 900MeV Doppler corrected using 138Ba recoil, 138Ba g rays: and keV, 190W (partner) g rays: 207, 357, 485, 591, 695 keV, + 20 g rays for low energy background

29 Future developments Apply GEANT4 Multi-threading feature.
Develop ASC existing features to facilitate their transfer to other ( & more recent) frameworks SToGs , NPTool (SPIRAL 2) – AGATA GDML geometry yet implemented. ENSARRoot (FAIRRoot) All of these other frameworks are well connected to ROOT

30 Summary After the Concept and design of the AGATA array, the Geant4 based ASC is used more and more to prepare and and helps in the analysis of the experiment The Geant4 based ASC continue to be well maintained and developed Main novelty: Timestamp added to the simulated data Simulated data  real data after PSA Enriched by the addition of new “Ancillaries” and the new geant4 GDML and GPS features Significant impact on Efficiency & P/T ratio at low energy are observed when CAD GDML converted geometry files are used.

31 Fin

32 Simulation validation
GSI source run with 21 crystals N. Lalovic et al. NIM A 806 (2016) @ 1172 keV eExp (%) eSim (%) P/Texp (%) P/Tsim (%) Core Common 2.38(2) 2.84(9) 18.3(2) 22.5(6) Calorimeter 3.30(2) 4.21(8) 32.2(3) 42.5(10) So: ~20% discrepancy on the Core Common Efficiency ~33% discrepancy on the Calorimeter Efficiency

33 Simulation validation
GSI source run with 21 crystals N. Lalovic et al. NIM A 806 (2016) @ 1172 keV eExp (%) eSim (%) P/Texp (%) P/Tsim (%) Core Common 2.38(2) 2.55(14) 18.3(2) 23 Calorimeter 3.30(2) 3.71(17) 32.2(3) 42 Now with 21 crystals

34 agata/branch/GANIL/trunk/macros/gps
Recent developments GEANT4 General Particle Source GPS allows the user to simulate realistic sources (ex: 60Co, 152Eu, …) Now also available in the AGATA code: ./Agata –gps Ex. Macros also available in the GANIL branch svn repostory: agata/branch/GANIL/trunk/macros/gps GEANT4 GDML capability added Implement Mechanical structure Easy to include as ancillary: ./Agata –a N id HoneyComb is invoked as ancillary with id number: 26 Ganil Vacuum chamber is invoked as ancillary with id number: 27 OUPS (unique id not yet attributed) Import/export detector from/to other framework

35 Simulation validation
GSI source run with 21 crystals N. Lalovic et al. NIM A 806 (2016) Full energy peak efficiency @ 1172 keV eExp (%) eSim (%) Core Common 2.38(2) 2.84(9) Calorimeter 3.30(2) 4.21(8) So: ~20% discrepancy on the Core Common Efficiency ~33% discrepancy on the Calorimeter Efficiency

36 Simulation validation
GSI source run with 21 crystals N. Lalovic et al. NIM A 806 (2016) Full energy peak efficiency @ 1172 keV eExp (%) eSim (%) Core Common 2.38(2) 2.84(9) Calorimeter 3.30(2) 4.21(8) Actually, 23 crystals were considered in the simulations So: ~20% discrepancy on the Core Common Efficiency ~33% discrepancy on the Calorimeter Efficiency

37 Simulation validation
GSI source run with 21 crystals N. Lalovic et al. NIM A 806 (2016) Full energy peak efficiency @ 1172 keV eExp (%) eSim (%) Core Common 2.38(2) 2.55(14) Calorimeter 3.30(2) 3.71(17) Now for 21 crystals ! So: ~7% discrepancy on the Core Common Efficiency ~12% discrepancy on the Calorimeter Efficiency

38 Time propagation with beam time structure
Intensity: pps, (if set ≤ 0 no time propagation) /Agata/generator/emitter/SetParticlePerSeconds pps Beam bunch frequency: HF, (if set ≤ 0 Continuous beam) /Agata/generator/emitter/SetAcceleratorHF HF units Bunch length: Bt, should be >0 /Agata/generator/emitter/SetWidthBeamPuls Bt units

39 Time propagation with beam time structure
Ex: beam structure for 1010pps, beam repetition rate of 100MHz and beam bunches of 1ns(red) and 2ns(green) Courtesy of J. Ljungvall

40 Recent ASC developments
Ex: g-g matrices for different source activities 100 KBq 60Co Eg [keV] 10 MBq 60Co Eg [keV]

41 Event generators included:
Fusion-evaporation /Agata/generator/emitter/BeamOut/SetPfe P (Pi = probability) Coulomb excitation: /Agata/generator/emitter/BeamOut/SetPclx P2 Fusion-Fission excitation: /Agata/generator/emitter/BeamOut/SetPff P3 Multi-nucleon transfer: /Agata/generator/emitter/BeamOut/SetPtr P4

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