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National Patient Experience Survey

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Presentation on theme: "National Patient Experience Survey"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Patient Experience Survey
Starting nationwide and in our Hospital on May 1, 2018

2 Agenda Project introduction Project update and status Your role

3 National Patient Experience Survey – project introduction
What is the NPE Survey and who will be asked to participate?

4 The National Patient Experience Survey 2018
The National Patient Experience Survey is a nationwide survey asking people for feedback about their recent stay in hospital. The results of the survey will be used to improve the quality of hospital care. The National Patient Experience Survey is a partnership between the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the Department of Health.

5 NPE Survey Scope

6 Benefits for our hospital
The key to improving the quality of healthcare services is to listen to and learn from patients’ feedback. Survey responses will help us identify areas for improvement and examples of best practice. Patient experience surveys can have a broad range of benefits for patients and staff alike.

7 The NPE Survey questionnaire
The NPE Survey questionnaire consists of a total of 61 questions: 58 structured questions closed tick-box responses 3 free flow questions/written responses e.g. positive experiences, areas for improvement robust questionnaire tailored to the Irish healthcare context.

8 NPE Survey Distribution
2 weeks after discharge – Survey Pack 4 weeks after discharge – Reminder letter 6 weeks after discharge – Final reminder with survey pack

9 Outputs National report. Hospital Group reports.
Individual hospital reports. NPE Survey Dashboard.  form a strong foundation for quality improvement efforts for the first time.

10 National Patient Experience Survey – project update and status
NPE Survey Status

11 Project update and status (1)
Ethical Approval from the RCPI research ethics committee Hospital information sessions Privacy Impact Assessment

12 Project update and status (2)
NPE Survey test phase: NPE Processes and survey tool (online and paper) (April 2018) NPE Survey goes live on 1 May 2018 Publication of results

13 National Patient Experience Survey Q&As
NPE Survey in our hospital

14 How to make NPE Survey a success in our hospital
Staff engagement and support is vital Important that patients understand the survey is underway Ensure that patients have all the necessary information allowing them to participate in the NPE Survey

15 Tools to help you
From 1st May: Go-to-section for hospitals 2018 survey questionnaire staff FAQs staff presentation additional communications material

16 1st direct encounter with Patients
NPE Discharge pack (envelope containing invitation and patient information leaflet) Asking you to ensure each inpatient ward/discharge area has a plan in place to ensure distribution of NPE Survey Discharge Packs Asking all staff involved in discharges, to give patients the NPE Survey Discharge Pack on discharge from their ward/hospital from 1 May – 31 May

17 NPE Survey discharge pack: distribution system
Know what the discharge process for NPE Discharge Packs will be in your ward / hospital

18 Roll-out of survey – From 01 May 2018
Traditional and social media campaigns Promotional material in hospitals, for example: - A4 and A3 posters (laminated) - patient information leaflets and leaflet holders - table-top stands for canteen tables - NPE branded napkins - animated video about the survey - digital signage.

19 Promotional Materials - Timelines
All materials will be distributed to hospitals from mid-April Timelines: 24 April – display posters, leaflets, table-top stands 30 April – begin handing out napkins with meals – start showing animated video and digital signage 31 May – stop handing out napkins with meals 1 June – take down all posters 1 June – put up posters reminding patients to respond (available on and display in relevant areas e.g. Outpatients) 27 July – remove all promotional materials, including reminder posters – stop showing animated video/digital signage

20 How you can help on social media
Set up Facebook & Twitter accounts Facebook: /NPE Survey Twitter: @NPE Survey Follow Engage Share

21 Facebook

22 Twitter

23 Who can I contact? Web: HIQA Manager, National Patient Experience Survey Programme Tracy O’Carroll (01) HSE Lead, National Patient Experience Survey Programme June Boulger

24 Thank you for supporting the NPE Survey.

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