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Matti Kokkala, VTT, Finland

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Presentation on theme: "Matti Kokkala, VTT, Finland"— Presentation transcript:

1 Matti Kokkala, VTT, Finland
European Construction Technology Platform ACHIEVEMENTS AND FUTURE Matti Kokkala, VTT, Finland (Member of ECTP High Level Group) Based primarily on an an earlier presentation by Jesús Rodríguez, DRAGADOS, Spain (ECTP SG chairman) Kick-off Mtg of the Icelandic National Construction Technology Platform Reykjavik, 17 August 2007

2 ECTP Industrial driven platform to mobilise the construction sector, fully supported by EC. New strategies on R&D&I to improve competitiveness and satisfy the societal needs.

3 Terms of Reference - Dec. 2004 - Sep.2006 (1st revision)
European Construction Technology Platform ECTP BUILDING FOR A FUTURE EUROPE Terms of Reference (Sept. 12, 2006)

4 ECTP EurekaBuild ~1000 members HLG Mirror Group SG Plenary Assembly
(Bouygues) Mirror Group EurekaBuild SG (Dragados) Secretariat (CSTB) AG (clients & users) WG Research Infrastructures AG (SMEs) WG Standardization National TPs (23+7 countries) Focus Areas : Underground construction, cities & buildings, networks, cultural heritage, materials, quality of life, processes & ICT. ~1000 members Plenary Assembly Nov.19-20, 2007

5 Focus Areas CITIES & BUILDINGS ACCIONA and Sant Gobain
UNDREGROUND CONSTRUCTIONS BOUYGUES and ZÜBLIN NETWORKS Autostrade and DWW CULTURAL HERITAGE Univ.Ljubljana and VINCI Constr. MATERIALS Heidelberg, Universita Politechnica delle Marche QUALITY OF LIFE Soletance Bachy, Hochtief FA PROCESSES & ICT ARUP, VTT



8 ECTP: The way forward Define Vision 2030 Define research priorities
Promote research projects Follow up of research Improve innovation ECTP & NTPs

9 Vision 2030 (Feb. 2005)

10 Strategic Research Agenda
(Nov.2005) Research priorities Meeting client/users requirements Becoming sustainable Transformation the construction sector FAs SRA

11 SRA Implementation Action Plan (1)
Roadmap for the next 6 years on how ECTP wishes that these priorities will fulfilled through: European projects (FP7, …) Multinational projects ( Eureka, Eranet+, …) National projects Research infrastructures JTI …..

12 SRA Implementation Action Plan (2)
Technologies for Healthy, Safe, Accessible and Stimulating Indoor Environments for All B Innovative Use of Underground Space C New Technologies, Concepts and High-tech Materials for Efficient and Clean Buildings D Reduce Environmental and Man-made Impacts of Built Environment and Cities E Sustainable Management of Transports and Utilities Networks F A Living Cultural Heritage for an Attractive Europe G Improve Safety and Security within the Construction Sector H New Integrated Processes for the Construction Sector I High Added Value Construction Materials 2006

13 B6 nD Modelling in Tunnelling C4 New information systems
5. ICT B4 Processes and ICT B6 nD Modelling in Tunnelling C4 New information systems E7 ICT and ITS systems to optimise traffic, serviceability and security of networks integrating traffic and transport monitoring and management, information to users, tolling, incident and crisis management H5 Interoperability H6 Collaboration support Comment: This topic is about R&D on ICT. Application software development is included in other topics, mainly “7. Life cycle management”. B C E H

14 ECTP: The way forward Define Vision 2030 Define research priorities
Promote research projects Follow up of research Improve innovation ECTP & NTPs

15 FP7 project proposals

16 JTI Energy Efficiency Buildings
More efficient building envelope Better equipment and systems Larger integration of renewable energies Change collective and individual behaviour Leaders: Acciona, Bouygues

17 ECTP: The way forward Define Vision 2030 Define research priorities
Promote research projects Follow up of research Improve innovation ECTP & NTPs

18 Lead markets Initiative is to develop an approach on regulatory, standardization, public procurement and other policy instruments to make emerging markets more innovation-friendly and an economic reality

19 Inter-ETPs Working Group

20 ECTP: The way forward Define Vision 2030 Define research priorities
Promote research projects Follow up of research Improve innovation ECTP & NTPs

21 National Construction Technology Platforms
Poland Finland 3. Netherlands 4. Spain Slovenia Sweden 7. Denmark 8. France 9. Greece 10. Germany 11. UK 12. Croatia 13. Norway 14. Belgium 15. Austria 16. Lithuania 17. Czech Rep. 18. Switzerland 19. Cyprus 20. Italy 21. Romania 22. Portugal 23. Ireland 24. Turkey 25. Latvia 26. Slovakia 27. Hungary Luxembourg Ukraine Estonia

22 ECTP & NTPs Workshops & meetings in 2006-07
Research priorities (multinational projects): Jan. 2006 SMEs involvement: May 2006 EurekaBuild & Brokerage event: Sep. 2006 EurekaBuild & NTPs meeting: May 2007 EurekaBuild & NTPs meeting: Nov.21, Amsterdam Some NTPs launch events Switzerland: Sep. 2006 Cyprus: Oct. 2006 Italy: Oct. 2006 Turkey: Nov. 2006; June 2007 Romania: Dec. 2006 Slovakia: March 2007 Iceland: August 2007 EurekaBuild workshops

23 ECTP & NTPs action plan Newsletter (every 3 months)
Database and monitoring system on NTPs Interaction on some subjects: Research priorities and research projects Standardization Research Infrastructures Strategic Energy Technology Plan Lead markets Training and education …. Other NTPs initiatives

24 ECTP conference Amsterdam, Nov.19-20, 2007

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