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Curriculum Night 4th Grade Chinese Team

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1 Curriculum Night 4th Grade Chinese Team 2017-2018
Yu Miao Lixin Yu-Cronin

2 Prerequisites for the 4th grade
Prerequisites for the 4th grade? On the First Day, the 4th Graders Are Expected To Recognize the Chinese words from the 3rd Grade Chinese Word Bank Mastered Pinyin and 4 tones for all the words from the 3rd Grade Chinese Word Bank Read basic sight words fluently Read Zhong Wen Vol. 3 fluently.. Produce about 300 Chinese words

3 Prerequisites for the 4th Grade
Prerequisites for the 4th Grade? In the First Day, the 4th Graders Are Expected To Be proficient in all the Pinyin forms and its rules. Be able to decode Chinese into the Pinyin form. Be able to decode the Pinyin. Be able to use the four tones and a neutral tone appropriately.

4 What Will They Learn? The 4th Grade Will
Align with objectives of Common Core State Standards/Pacing guide regarding Language Arts Produce 20 new words weekly Produce words with correct stroke orders Can dissect the Chinese characters into radicals Can make phrases with the new words Can make sentences with the new words Can do free writing/reading journal/book report/lab report/descriptive story/making arguments/essay Expand their vocabularies with Glossary/Chinese dictionary Recognize 1070 words and produce 300 words in the school year

5 How Will They Learn The 4th Grade Will
Learn Chinese in an authentic setting and role playing. Learn Chinese through picture walk. Learn Chinese through culture immersion. Learn Chinese through teaching content areas in Chinese. Learn Chinese through listening, speaking, reading and writing.

6 How Will They Learn The 4th Grade Will
Learn Chinese through daily reading. Learn Chinese through speech contest. Learn Chinese through reaching Chinese online game.

7 How to Instruct? The 4th Grade Team Will
Focus media of instruction, for example using music, visual image, etc. Presents both academic and social languages Model high order questions/answers stems.

8 How To Assess The 4th Grade Team Will
Assess the 4th graders using the benchmarks. Assess the 4th graders with their language proficiency outcomes: Content, functions, fluency, and accuracy Assess the 4th graders with their interpersonal skills, presentation skills, and interpretation skills.

9 What To Expect? The 4th Grade Will
Be able to answer high order questions in Chinese. Be able to perform informational writing Be able to write an argumentative writing.

10 What To Expect? The 4th Grade Will
Be able to give formal speech (the Speech Festival Evaluation Rubric will be provided). Get Familiar with other types of writing.

11 4th Grade Pacing for Chinese Quarter 1
Zhongwen Book IV Lesson 1: 第一课 给爷爷的信 Lesson 2: 第二课 颐和园 Lesson 3: 第三课 凡尔赛宫 Langlang Zhongwen Unit 1/Unit 2 介绍他人/自然风光 Chinese character writing strokes Grammar: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, measuring word Using dictionary Retell stories Free writing

12 4th Grade Pacing for Chinese Quarter 2
Zhongwen Book IV Lesson 4: 第四课 晒太阳 Lesson 5: 第五课 小马过河 esson 6: 第六课 猴子捞月亮 Langlang Zhongwen Unit 3/Unit 4 户外活动/日常生活 Grammar: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, measuring word Reading techniques Writing contest

13 4th Grade Pacing for Chinese Quarter 3
Zhongwen Book IV Lesson 7: 第七课 古诗两首 Lesson 8: 第八课 司马光 Lesson 9 :第九课 数星星的孩子 Langlang Zhongwen Unit 5/Unit 6 谈论饮食/传统节日 Grammar: basic concept of nouns, verbs, adjectives Writing Speech Short play

14 4th Grade Pacing For Chinese Quarter 4
Zhongwen Book IV Lesson 10:第十课 问答 Lesson 11:第十一课 大自然的语言 Lesson 12:第十二课 月亮上有什么 Review lesson and Langlang Zhongwen Unit 1-6 Grammar: sentence structures Speech Speech Contest

15 Chinese Cultural Instructions
Chinese holiday celebration Moon Festival Chinese New Year

16 2017-18 Quizzes/Quarterly Assessments Schedule
Quarter 1 (There are four quizzes in this quarter) Quiz Date Quiz 1 Place Value /13/2017 Quiz 2 Add and Subtract Multi-digit Whole Numbers /27 Quiz 3 Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers /13 Quiz 4 Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers /7 October 16-17/2017 Quarter 1 Assessment Quarter 2 (There are four quizzes in this quarter) Quiz Date Quiz 1 Use Strategies & Properties to Divide by 1-Digit Numbers /29/2017 ​Quiz 2 Use Operations with Whole Numbers to Solve Problems /8 Quiz 3 Factors and Multiples /19 Quiz 4 Extend Understanding of Fraction Equivalence & Ordering /17/2018 January /2018 Quarter 2 Assessment

17 2017-18 Quizzes/Quarterly Assessments Schedule
Quarter 3 (There are five quizzes in this quarter) Quiz Date Quiz 1 Topic 9 Understand Addition and Subtraction of Fractions /8 /2018 Quiz 2 Topic 10: Extend Multiplication Concepts to Fractions /21 Quiz 3 Topic 11: Represent and Interpret Data on Line Plots /1 Quiz 4 Topic 12: Understand and Compare Decimals /13 Quiz 5 Topic 13: Measurement: Find Equivalence in Units of Measure /26 March , Quarter 3 Assessment Quarter 4 (There are three quizzes in this quarter) Quiz 1 Topic 14: Understand Addition and Subtraction of Fractions /16/2018 Quiz 2 Topic 15: Geometric Measurement: Understand Concepts of Angles and Angle Measurement 5/1 Quiz 3 Topic 16: Lines, Angles, and Shapes /11/2018 4/ /2018 Mock EOG

18 Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Major Work of the Grade Operations and Algebraic Thinking Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems. Gain familiarity with factors and multiples. Generate and analyze patterns.

19 Number and Operations in Base Ten
Major Work of the Grade Number and Operations in Base Ten Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers. Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi- digit arithmetic.

20 Number and Operations—Fractions
Major Work of the Grade Number and Operations—Fractions Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering. Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations on whole numbers. Understand decimal notation for fractions, and compare decimal fractions.

21 Major Work of the Grade Measurement and Data
Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit. Represent and interpret data (Line plot). Geometric measurement: understand concepts of angle and measure angles.

22 Major Work of the Grade Geometry
Draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles.

23 A New Way of Thinking… Students are being asked to “explain their thinking” in words and/or pictures. We want students to be able to think about how they arrived at an answer not just getting the answer. Students respond in math notebooks and verbally with their classmates.

Quarter 1: Force and Motion (5-6 weeks); Matter—Properties and Change (5-6 weeks) Quarter 2: Energy—Conservation and Transfer (5-6 weeks); Earth in the Universe (2-3 Weeks) Quarter 3: Earth History (3-4 weeks); Ecosystems (5-6 weeks) Quarter 4: Nutrition and Healthy Living

Quarter 1: North Carolina Government and Geography (RFS: Generalizing & Sequencing) Quarter 2: North Carolina Economy and History (RFS: Categorizing and Classifying & Main Idea and Details) Quarter 3: North Carolina Statehood and People (RFS: Cause and Effect & Compare and Contrast) Quarter 4: Culture and Technology in North Carolina (RFS: Summarize & Draw conclusion). Note: RFS: Reading Focus Skill

26 Learning Websites We Will Be Using
Quizlet Compass Learning Dreambox Raz Kids Discovery Education

27 New CMS Grading Policy CMS Grading Policy: A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79
F: Below 59

28 Powerschool Parent Portal
Parents can check attendance reports, grades and other items from any computer, any time using PowerSchool. If you need access information to set up the account, please let us know.

29 Thank you for coming out tonight and
showing your support.

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