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Minerals In Everyday Life.

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Presentation on theme: "Minerals In Everyday Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minerals In Everyday Life

2  32 Almost every product we use in daily life contains depends on minerals that have to be mined.

3 33 Many materials used by people come from rocks and minerals.

4  34 We use carbonate minerals in cement, building stones, and fireworks.

5 35 Carbonates are minerals that contain both carbon and oxygen.

6  36 Silicon is the second most common element on Earth.

7 List some commonly used minerals.

8 Aluminum – packaging, building/construction, electrical, machines
Barium – rubber, sparkplugs, white pigment Beryllium – X-rays, computers, electronics in cars, medical equipment Copper – cables, wires, switches, plumbing, heating

9 Feldspar – paper, pottery, glass, fertilizer
Halite (salt) – preserving food, seasoning food, soap, mineral water Lead – batteries, gas, electronics, glass construction, computers

10 Lithium – batteries, glass, medicine
Silica – computer chips, glass, cosmetics, medicine Titanium – sports equipment, welding, missiles, jet engines, medical Uranium – submarines, nuclear medicine

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