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Sedimentary Rocks Group 2 of 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Sedimentary Rocks Group 2 of 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sedimentary Rocks Group 2 of 3

2 Sedimentary rocks are rocks that are made from rock and mineral fragments (sediments).
These sediments can be transported by:

3 Water

4 Wind

5 Ice (glaciers)

6 How do these sediments turn into a rock?
Two processes: Compaction Cementation

7 The mineral calcite is the cement that holds this rock together.

8 Gabbro

9 Sedimentary rocks show certain characteristics:

10 layering

11 Why can’t you find fossils in Igneous Rocks?

12 Ripple marks

13 Mudcracks

14 Classes of Sedimentary Rocks:
Clastic – made from broken bits of other rock and minerals. Examples:

15 conglomerate

16 sandstone

17 Pyrite (Fool’s gold) FeS2, oxidation (rust) stains in sandstone

18 shale


20 2. Chemical – made from minerals once dissolved in water. Examples:

21 Salt (Great Salt Lake, Utah)

22 Gypsum

23 3. Organic – made from substances that were once part of something alive. Examples:

24 Limestone


26 Coquina

27 Coal

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