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Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg

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1 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg
Valuation of Stocks Asset Value as Present Value of the Cash Flows it will produce: 11/11/2018 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg

2 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg
Stocks Features Represents (residual) ownership. Ownership implies control. Stockholders elect directors. Directors elect management. Management’s goal: Maximize stock price. Stocks certificate represent proportional ownership. Stocks certificate entitle its holders to proportional distributions (mainly dividend), if there are any. 11/11/2018 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg

3 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg
Valuing Common Stocks Expected Return - The percentage yield that an investor forecasts from a specific investment over a set period of time. Sometimes called the holding period return (HPR). The formula can be broken into two parts. Dividend Yield + Capital Appreciation 11/11/2018 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg 30

4 The Discounted Dividend Model
A discounted dividend model is any model that computes the value of a share of a stock as the present value of the expected future cash dividends Using (1) above: Let: P0 be the present stock price, Dt - Cash dividend per share at time t r – discount rate 11/11/2018 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg

5 The Discounted Dividend Model
Alternative view of the Model. Assume a risk less environment Every investor takes a position in a stock for one period only. P1 -the price the next investor will pay for the stock in period 1, after dividend in that period is paid Repeated substitution will result in (2) 11/11/2018 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg

6 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg
The Dividend Model Case 1: Constant Dividend When all dividends are the same D0 = D1 = D2 = …. The dividend stream is treated as a perpetuity 11/11/2018 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg

7 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg
Dividend Growth Model Case 2: Constant Growth Dividend When dividend grow at constant growth rate g from D1 and on and g<r (normal growth) D2 = D1(1+g) D3 = D2(1+g) = D1(1+g)2 The dividend stream is treated as a constant growth perpetuity 11/11/2018 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg

8 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg
Dividend Growth Model Case 3: Limited abnormal growth continued by Constant Growth Dividend Let dividend grow at g1> r rate for t periods, and from t+1 grow forever at a constant growth rate g2< r . Compute (6.1) Dt+1= Dt (1+ g2) = D0(1+ g1)t (1+ g2) 11/11/2018 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg

9 Where is Growth Coming from ?
Review: Net Income = Retained earning + Dividend Retained earning are additions to equity, therefore, next period the increase in NI = ROE * Retained earning Therefore, growth (7) g= ROE*(Retention Ratio) 11/11/2018 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg

10 Price and Investment Opportunities
The price of a stock that pays out 100% of its earning : If the firm decides to retain earning and invest in new project, its value will increase by exactly the projects’ NPV. 11/11/2018 Fin 301-Stocks Valuation | Dr. Menahem Rosenberg

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