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US History 8 Homer-Center HS CYurky

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1 US History 8 Homer-Center HS CYurky
Ages of Europe US History 8 Homer-Center HS CYurky

2 Civilization A group of people with Culture Farming Government
Language Trade History Arts Science

3 Ancient Civilizations
Ancient, or Old World, civilizations that thrived more than four thousand years ago Developed along river valleys

4 Ancient Civilizations
1 Mesopotamia Egypt China Olmec Indus Chavin

5 Throughout history…. civilizations
Develop Rise Reach a “golden era” Decline

6 Classic Civilizations
2 Classic civilizations, which replaced Old World ones, flourished two to three thousand years ago Maya Rome Egypt Greece China

7 Pythagoras Hey, the earth is round
(no Greek after the third century BC ever thought otherwise)

8 REPEAT!!! no Greek after the third century BC ever thought otherwise
Islamic scholars preserved the teachings of the ancient Greeks Columbus owned a copy of Ptolemy’s book “Geographie”

9 Greece

10 Alexander the Great 3 Much of the world became connected

11 Greco-Roman World After Carthage, Rome replaces Greece as dominant authority

12 Rise of Christendom 4 Rome replaces Greece, and new religion spreads

13 Christianity Weakens the power of the emperor

14 Latin West and Greek East – Split of Roman Empire
Diocletian splits the Roman Empire into two administrative districts

15 Fall of Rome 5 Political instability and invasions led to the collapse of the western Roman Empire (476AD) (however, the Byzantine Empire continues for another 1000 years)

16 Islam expands

17 Middle Ages 6 The lack of a unifying government caused unrest.
Europe entered a period known as the Dark Ages. characterized by the lack of trade, learning and invention

18 Feudalism 7 people turned to their lords for protection from invaders

19 8 Manor The manor provided everything people needed

20 Church The church (Catholic Church) provided
Only international authority Hope in dismal times

21 Monasteries 9 centers of learning
church was the center of religious and social life Monks and clerics preserved writing

22 10 Rise of Nations Some leaders were able to amass large fortunes and unify large areas of land

23 Charlemagne United much of Western Europe, for the first time since the Fall of Rome

24 William the Conqueror 11 In 1066, William conquered England

25 Crusades 12

26 Crusaders Crusaders came in contact with the riches of the east

27 Expansion of trade 13 Italy became center of trade routes
Supplied travelling Crusaders Opened markets on their return Trade routes expanded from the silk road to all of Europe

28 Black Death Not all trade was good

29 Trade Italy profited from early trade routes
Location on Mediterranean Sea Controlled the Silk Road

30 Renaissance 14 The increased trade… Spurred scientific discoveries
Led to decline of feudalism Created a growing middle class of artisans and merchants

31 Renaissance Scholars from Byzantine Empire brought classical writings with them European scholars “rediscovered” ancient texts of Rome and Greece Focus on people rather than religion encouraged new art movements and scientific discoveries

32 Leonardo Michelangelo Raphael Donatello

33 Leonardo Michelangelo Raphael Donatello

34 Reconquista The Moors invaded Spain in 700’s
united rulers of Spain let campaign to defeat and expel them

35 Portugal 15 Became jealous of Italian wealth

36 Prince Henry 16

37 Gutenberg In Germany, Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press with moveable type which allowed whole pages to be printed and books to be read by thousands of people (clergy no longer control literature )

38 Martin Luther 17 Further weakens the church’s influence
Ended unifying force

39 Nations competed for trade routes and riches. 18
Age of Discovery



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