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Communication in a Global Society

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1 Communication in a Global Society
All Colleges will be incorporating one module from the TTU QEP: Communication in a Global Society. University-wide involvement is an important component of the QEP and we play a significant role in exposing students to broad global concepts and discussions. This global challenge module is categorized as Resources and includes topics such as food, water, energy and climate sustainability. Within this PowerPoint, you will find resources including a YouTube video to share with your students as well as discussion questions and prompts to help lead a conversation around issues related to Resources. While you are not required to share all of these resources or engage in all of these conversations/questions, as part of this module, you are required to administer a pre and post survey with your students. This survey will be administered through Qualtrics and assessed by the Office of Planning and Assessment. The link to the survey is provided in this PPT and will be shared electronically. The assessments and resources provided were adapted from the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (ASCU) Global Challenges blended course and the Intercultural Effectiveness Scale (IES). If you have questions regarding the Resources module, please contact Dr. Paul Paré, Director of the Center for Global Communication at Resources

2 Global Challenges: Resources
RC Paul, Ph.D. Director of Sustainability & Professor of Biology, Kennesaw State University With a duration of 9:26, this video is somewhat lengthy and has a lot of information to unpack for/with your students.

3 Discussion These discussion questions are meant to facilitate discussion based on the Global Challenges: Resources video. It isn’t necessary for you to use every question or go in any particular order. These questions could be administered as a large group, in small groups or pairs. Some questions could be responded to in writing. What are the natural resource management risks discussed by Dr. Slinger-Friedman in the video? Do you see implications of these risks in your own community? Do you know of examples from other communities? What are some natural resource management risks associated with human use in the United States? What risks might we see associated with human use in less developed countries? What are the natural resource management risks discussed by Dr. Slinger-Friedman in the video? Do you see implications of these risks in your own community? Do you know of examples from other communities? What are some natural resource management risks associated with human use in the United States? What risks might we see associated with human use in less developed countries?

4 Issues vs. Attitudes Can my personality help me or hold me back in learning new things or considering new ideas? How does our openness to new or different ideas impact our learning? How do you know whether or not you are open to new/different ideas? These discussion questions are meant to facilitate discussion related to cultural mindset and are just suggestions. It isn’t necessary for you to use every question or go in any particular order. These questions could be administered as a large group, in small groups or pairs. Some questions could be responded to in writing. Please feel free to develop your own questions to stimulate discussion.

5 Global Mindset: A Case Study
Sam is waiting for class to start and overhears a small group of students talking about their international teaching assistant. The students complain that they can’t understand the instructor because the instructor “can’t speak English.” One of the students even says that the instructor is “dumb” and questions why she is even allowed to teach. Sam asked the instructor a question last week after class and had a really different experience! Below are some resources for teaching with case studies. Teaching with Case Studies - Speaking of Teaching, Stanford University Newsletter on Teaching Using Case Studies to Teach – Boston University Center for Teaching & Learning

6 Global Mindset: A Case Study
He felt like the instructor was very intelligent and helpful, and he didn’t have any problems understanding her. Sam noticed that she seems easier to understand now that they’ve talked one-on-one, and he learned that she has quite a bit of experience working in her country. He feels badly that other students are talking so negatively about her. Below are some resources for teaching with case studies. Teaching with Case Studies - Speaking of Teaching, Stanford University Newsletter on Teaching Using Case Studies to Teach – Boston University Center for Teaching & Learning

7 Case Study Discussion Questions
What do you think is happening in this class? What challenges might this instructor face teaching in another language? What can these students do to broaden their perception and change their attitudes? What can Sam say to his classmates? Please note that these questions are simply meant as suggestions to start a conversation. You are encouraged to develop your own questions or let the conversation emerge as your students respond to the case study.

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