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WELCOME to the Chinooks Edge Educational Assistant PD conference!

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to the Chinooks Edge Educational Assistant PD conference!"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to the Chinooks Edge Educational Assistant PD conference!

2 THANK YOU!! Innisfail High School Presenters Student Services Team
And…ALL of you for coming and being active participants today!

3 Purpose of Today? Appreciate how important your role is in accomplishing our ‘new’ Mission and Vision in CESD and the Quality Learning Environment (QLE) Learn about ‘Action on Inclusion’ – and potential impact on the role of an EA Validate the excellent work you are doing with students Network with others – renew friendships and make new friendships Enhance your skills and knowledge Learn new strategies and techniques Have some FUN! 

4 It is important to stay ‘FOCUSED’…and keep our ‘EYES’ on the ‘TARGET’…

5 Mission & Vision Statements
Motto confirmed - Where Students Come First Mission - Chinook’s Edge School Division will engage every student in meaningful learning by challenging, encouraging and believing in them. Vision - Chinook’s Edge School Division will be universally recognized as a collaborative learning community where learning is personalized for all students to achieve success as compassionate and innovative global citizens.

6 Quality Learning Environment (QLE)

7 A Made in Chinook’s Edge Model with feedback from:
Building the QLE A Made in Chinook’s Edge Model with feedback from: AISI Leaders, Special Education Liaisons, ADCOS, Teachers Matter Committee, School Staffs, Public Consultation – April/May

8 Understanding the QLE It is a reflective tool that helps education staff plan for their own growth as individuals (personalize) {in teams, with admin support} It provides us all with a common language It validates the great teaching we already have It provides a shared understanding of the core principles around quality instruction in Chinook’s Edge

9 Understanding the QLE It aligns our current work with new initiatives
It supports the work of our instructional leaders It brings the Mission and Vision to life It supports a long term strategy in Chinook’s Edge where we strive for continuous improvement

10 THE ‘QLE’ and Role of EA’s
Become involved in the implementation and enhancement of ‘Quality Learning Environments’ in your school You may want to specifically focus on: Culture of Inclusion Instructional Strategies Literacy and Numeracy Personalization Collaborative Learning Communities Student Engagement Relationships Gathering Data for Research

This video was shown at the Alberta Education – Provincial – “Action on Inclusion” Meeting on Friday, Jan 13th. Diversity in Alberta Schools: A Journey to Inclusion – YouTube


13 Implications of ‘Action on Inclusion’
Where have we been (CESD Context)? 2010 – new Superintendent staff survey/visits and work of ‘Guiding Coalition’ These efforts resulted in a new Mission and Vision for CESD Implications for Future: New “Mission and Vision” drive us to ensure ALL students achieve success and EVERY student is engaged in high “Quality Learning Environments” Development of “Quality Learning Environment”(QLE) Framework Development of ‘Continuum of Supports for Every Learner’ GOOD NEWS: Excellent ‘Alignment’ between “Action on Inclusion” and “Future Directions” in CESD.

14 The most appropriate label is usually the one people’s parents have given them

15 Implications of ‘Action on Inclusion’

MOVING FROM: MOVING TO: EA assigned to one specific student – promoting dependence EA assigned to numerous students (except in exceptional circumstances where one on one support is needed) – promoting independence Responsibility of program may be taken on by the EA Teacher takes responsibility of program and assists / guides EA Students with special needs identified with a special education code and program is developed with a focus on deficits All students are supported in the classroom with the program focusing on the student’s strengths and abilities – EA promotes independence Education program is typically a ‘pull out’ situation or in a ‘specialized setting’ away from the classroom Supports are provided for ALL students in classrooms - in exceptional circumstances EA or specialist takes student out of classroom to teach direct skills Specialized services (OT, PT, SLP, Psych) provided to students outside of classroom – EA’s working in isolation with students Specialized services (OT, PT, SLP, Psych) support students in the classroom learning environment – EA’s working on a team to support students

17 Anatomy of an effective ‘EA’

Creative Problem Solving Explore the problem Generate ideas Prepare for Action Build a Network of Support Grade level group Other EA’s or Support staff Take CARE of YOURSELF first – and OTHERS will benefit! Know that YOU Make a DIFFERENCE! “Student Support Credo”


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