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Psychology as Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology as Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology as Science

2 An attempt to explain something.
Theory An attempt to explain something.

3 Scientific theories must:
Make testable predications (Hypotheses) Be falsifiable- Able to be proven false.

4 Theory #1 Intelligent Design- Certain things within the universe and on the planet are too complex to have been created through either natural selection or the laws of physics and can best be explained through some type of higher being acting deliberately.

5 Theory #2 Last Thursdayism- The universe was created last Thursday, but with the physical appearance of being billions of years old.

6 Psychoanalytic Theory.

7 Operational Definitions
Definitions of variables that are both specific and measureable. They Help Researchers: Question the validity of a study. Replicate a study. Grading

8 Operationally Define the Underlined Terms
People who are right-handed are more intelligent than people who are left-handed. Define “handedness” People on their phone are more likely to hit obstacles while driving through an obstacle course than people who are not on their phone.

9 Accepted Research must be…
Both Reliable & Valid Study reporting a correlation between Mercury in Vaccines & Autism- Not replicable/Reliable Piaget’s research criticized for confusing tasks/questions- Not valid I understand the concept, but not this question?!?!? Reliablity: Hitting the same mark Consistently. Reliability does not ensure Validity!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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